@bobsal u1553115,
This is one of the big myths, that most of us are not racists - the undergirding of society is largely race based... Check out the racial maps of our major cities, incredibly segregated - the Detroit one is REALLY eye opening... De Facto segregation has trumped enforced racial integration (busing and our media PC propaganda campaign)...
Also u should look at breeding stats, or really just marriage - as much as miscegenation has increased its still a small minority of cross racial interactions especially with nonhispanic whites...
Hybrid vigor wastes white genetic material - u should understand this as blacks get a boost and are still blacks and the white genetics is wasted as the IQs and other indicators fall in-between the racial gap among the offspring on average...
u simply need to see the data to understand why racism is valid and that it runs deep in society as a valid logical concern and way of improving one's odds at better life as to where one lives and who one breeds with...
do u REALLY not understand or realize the racial contrasts? r u clueless in this regard due to massive liberal media onslaught and the taboo nature of this topic that has SO squelched honest dialogue?