Tell me if I 'm rong, Bear, but so far as I see
your actual objection is not to the existence of the statute,
but rather as to
how it is applied, i.e. u perceive it to be
an instrument of hatred against blacks. Yes???
agree that
the statute shud have protected Giles.
( Note that the race of his target is not provided. )
If I were on Giles' jury, I 'd have acquitted him,
or minimally hung up the jury.
The same applies to Mrs. Alexander's case.
I agree that thay both shud be released
and I tried to sign the Giles petition.
I called the Governor 's Office and requested
a pardon for each of Giles and Mrs. Alexander.
(Alas, I did not receive a commitment of acquiescence.)
I believe that
the prosecutor was a gun-hater
who wanted to see citizens who actually exercise
their 2nd Amendment rights put in prison.
Such prosecutors are
dangerous and shud be fired.
IF I am incorrect and u really
DO object to the statute itself,
then will u please explain what woud be better,
and what it is that u prefer that Giles shud do in that situtation ?
Did u want him to turn his back and run away??