Quote:….tactic of alleging that someone is angry...itself a form of trolling, because it is not about the topic, it's about personalities…. pathetically puerile.
There's just a
whole lot of truth to that, S.; as I had mentioned I'm increasingly seeing such action as hopeless, as almost any hasty or emotional reaction of any sort, determined as I am to reform long-engrained habit
Of course
anything one does or says in a forum of this kind will be assailed. For instance I had been attacked by several others for providing as a response to someone's q what I supposed were helpful links from Google. So as a sort of experiment, in response to one OP I referred the participant to Google
without providing a link to a specific article
…..whereupon I was instantly batterfanged for
not providing a link
Thus in effect why react to anyone at all for any reason whatever. The surreptitious gloat one might derive from such dubious activity only invites attack from all quarters, possibly in the long run detracting from one's longevity and certainly from the immediate more productive kinds of activity
Quote:No one here can see you and they can't hear you.
Precisely why the "angry" poster or Troll is attracted to an Internet forum like this one in the first place, for the anonymity it affords
Quote:In the end, what it most underlines is the lack of a sense of proportion. There is nothing important about what people do here,…... for a complete stranger to assume….some kind of emotional power…….
Amen! I often speculate why anyone might attach such importance to the opinion of some complete stranger at an obscure website. In my own case I guess it's a kind of obsession, fruitless waste of effort, expenditure of valuable hours when yardwork beckons
Believe it or not S. I submit this posting in the most complete innocence; passing thoughts on the scene, as it were, no offense intended. I do in fact find many of your OP's and initial responses far superior to anything of which, out of laziness I suppose, I'm usually capable or willing
…altho there are those who would denominate an irreproachably scrupulous response a troll offering the worst kind of bait