I'm not mad at anyone. I would like to be clear on that. I would even be so bold as to immediately agree that most if not all of the posters on the site have more knowledge of literature, punctuation and grammar than I do.
I have read a lot of books, magazines, ezines, blogs, articles than I could ever hope to retain or reference but I have not been to university nor have I ever worked for a publisher or paper of any kind.
I'm sure that there are an infinite number of existing flaws in the text that I am working on beyond the use of my quotations. For example I have trouble with tense. If my words end in "ed" on one line can I still use "ing" on another? I hope so.
When I get a little more cash flush I will probably pay a linguistics major to edit my work for me.
Whenever I post to a forum I always prepare myself for different attitudes and sometimes the false assumption of attitude that email, blogging and text messaging can easily convey.
I'm not mad at anyone though.