Setanta wrote:And i also consider gun control legislation not only justifiable, but necessary. Simply because someone does not oppose gun control legislation does not automatically mean that those people want to take your guns away. So many gun enthusiasts, though, must buy into NRA propaganda, and develop a "if ye ain't fer us, yer agin us" attitude.
An' it just ain't so . . .
Actually I am in favor of gun control laws. But I believe we have too many of them, and they aren't being adequately enforced. I believe we should repeal all of the "feel good" legislation like the assault weapons ban, and concentrate on enforcing the really important laws. And the next time some legislator starts talking about a new "loophole" they have found in an existing law, be very very skeptical. Whatever new law they want to make is probably designed to remove one or more of your rights.
I'm glad there is an organization like the National Rifle Association to speak for gun owners. I don't agree with everything they say or do, but I like the way they take a stand against some of the anti-gun enthusiasts. And I think it's a shame how people try to give them a bad reputation, when all they are trying to do is protect the rights of gun owners. There's another good group called Gun Owners of American ( that lobbies heavily in Washington and supports pro-gun legislators. I think they're actually more effective than the NRA in some cases, since they have a heavily-used email alert network and they're always keeping their members up to date on current events. They disagree with some NRA actions too, but from the standpoint that they are even more conservative than the NRA is.