My shortest post yet (I'm trying)
Way back when my President was named Nixon, I first visited Canada.
(After discharge from the military, I'd joined VVAW to keep serving my country.)
My mission was to bring draft dodgers and deserters home to "face the music".
Others worked to stop our soldiers dying in a war the US Gov't was not allowing our military to win.
Several hours drive north of the border, I'd read a brochure they gave me at the border crossing:

"Americans may not bring guns into Canada." I asked for directions to the nearest RCMP station, and;
Going straight there, I literally 'turned myself in' for having a 9mm Browning in the console of my car.
"...I plead stupidity officer..." "shoulda read it at the border..."(me)
Two nice Mounties walked me out and took my gun from the car & then, one handed me
his service pistol (after unloading it first)
It was also a 9mm-BHP, and they congratulated me on my taste in guns.
Then the Mounties thanked me for being law abiding, gave my gun back (loaded) exacting my promise to "Leave it home next time 'A'."
Cops appreciate law abiding citizens, in Canada also, it seems.
Besides meeting an honest citizen is a "once-in-a-lifetime" to cops who are used to everybody lying to them.
(the incident also gave them a good unbelievable-but-true story to tell)