the worse things get----

Reply Thu 22 Apr, 2004 05:53 am
the worse things get in Iraq and the middle-east in general the more support Bush seems to get. Is this simply because americans rally behind a beset and attacked president who is failing, or do we really think about what is happening and what it means?
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Type: Discussion • Score: 0 • Views: 2,949 • Replies: 62
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Reply Thu 22 Apr, 2004 05:56 am
I'm befuddled at the treatment this president has recieved from day one. No matter how stupid or otherwise misguided his actions, he gets support. I think it's part of the "my country right or wrong" syndrome.
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Reply Thu 22 Apr, 2004 06:02 am
Or maybe its because the president is a man that most Americans find refreshingly decent and honest and they do trust him to take the country in the right direction regardless of some stumbles along the way. Or maybe it is because John Kerry comes across to many as less than honest and forthcoming and is not to be trusted.
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Reply Thu 22 Apr, 2004 06:04 am
Inexplicable:?: After failing in his first try perhaps they want to give him second chance. "If at first you don't succeed try and try again."
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Reply Thu 22 Apr, 2004 06:25 am
Hmmmm - going to war under false pretences may not be seen by all as a stumble...
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Reply Thu 22 Apr, 2004 06:26 am
I would hate to see a fall...
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Reply Thu 22 Apr, 2004 06:40 am
This may be too simple an explaination, but I will put it out here anyway. I think a great many Americans, regardless of their views on the war or the job Bush is doing, support him because they see him (rightly or wrongly) as a moral person. It may be a backlash after dealing for 8 years with the immorality of Pres. Clinton. Republicans took a strong stand against Clinton's courtroom perjury and his affair with Monica while democrats had an attitude that it was no big deal.

So while many may not believe Bush is doing a great job, they may not be willing to vote a democratic ticket because of the perception that laws and morals don't mean a whole lot to democrats.

Just a thought to give you democrats out there another chance to yell at me. LOL
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Reply Thu 22 Apr, 2004 06:44 am
costalrat- I don't really think you want a comparison of republican vs democrat sexual ethics displayed. its pretty much a toss-up.
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Reply Thu 22 Apr, 2004 06:44 am
Foxfyre wrote:
Or maybe its because the president is a man that most Americans find refreshingly decent and honest

I'd love to know what planet you inhabit! Because it ain't earth.
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Reply Thu 22 Apr, 2004 06:45 am
How stupid of me. It's planet America!
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Reply Thu 22 Apr, 2004 06:50 am
CoastalRat wrote:
This may be too simple an explaination, but I will put it out here anyway. I think a great many Americans, regardless of their views on the war or the job Bush is doing, support him because they see him (rightly or wrongly) as a moral person. It may be a backlash after dealing for 8 years with the immorality of Pres. Clinton. Republicans took a strong stand against Clinton's courtroom perjury and his affair with Monica while democrats had an attitude that it was no big deal.

So while many may not believe Bush is doing a great job, they may not be willing to vote a democratic ticket because of the perception that laws and morals don't mean a whole lot to democrats.

Just a thought to give you democrats out there another chance to yell at me. LOL

Hmmm - what about international law?
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Reply Thu 22 Apr, 2004 06:51 am
International law is whatever the US deems it to be this week.
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Reply Thu 22 Apr, 2004 06:55 am
I am sure glad that your opinion doesn't matter, Wilso.
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Reply Thu 22 Apr, 2004 06:56 am
I'm sure glad that I don't dwell in your screwed up country.
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L R R Hood
Reply Thu 22 Apr, 2004 06:59 am
Foxfyre wrote:
Or maybe its because the president is a man that most Americans find refreshingly decent and honest and they do trust him to take the country in the right direction regardless of some stumbles along the way. Or maybe it is because John Kerry comes across to many as less than honest and forthcoming and is not to be trusted.

I think this is how a lot of people feel, from what I've heard. I personally don't support him any more, but not necessarily because of the war. I think a lot of people are tired of seeing smut everywhere they turn, and they see Bush as an inspiration of morality, for the most part.
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Reply Thu 22 Apr, 2004 07:19 am
Where is the morality of a lying to the American people and invading another nation under false pretenses. I guess a small lie is worse than an enormous one. How many people were killed because of Clinton's dalliance with Monica? How many people died and were maimed as a result of Dubya's lies and deceit?
Morality I don't believe the phony in the White House even understands the meaning and I am beginning to doubt that his supporters do either.
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Reply Thu 22 Apr, 2004 07:23 am
Quite a few died as a result of Clinton's dalliance. Remember the cruise missiles he launched to distract us?
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Reply Thu 22 Apr, 2004 07:24 am
L.R.R.Hood wrote:
I think this is how a lot of people feel, from what I've heard. I personally don't support him any more, but not necessarily because of the war. I think a lot of people are tired of seeing smut everywhere they turn, and they see Bush as an inspiration of morality, for the most part.

Exactly my point, L.R.R. I certainly am not saying that democrats have a monopoly on sexual infidelity Dyslexia. I agree that problem is no stranger to republicans or democrats. I am saying that in this case Bush's popularity among those who have problems with his job performance may be due to his perceived morality as compared to that of the previous administration.

I think another good example would be the election of Carter. Here was a moral, God-fearing man running as a democrat. The country was fed up with the lies of the Nixon admin, to which Ford was linked. Maybe a simplistic reason for the election of Carter, but hey, it was one of the reasons I voted for him (and he remains the only democratic presidential candidate I have ever voted for to this point).
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Reply Thu 22 Apr, 2004 07:26 am
If the polls are believable.

Don't forget one thing: the "media" is a multi-billion dollar industry heavily invested in the horse race element of any Presidential race.

If all the polls showed Kerry kicking Bush's butt, or vice versa, then no one would pay any attention to the media.
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Reply Thu 22 Apr, 2004 07:34 am
infowarrior wrote:
If the polls are believable.

Don't forget one thing: the "media" is a multi-billion dollar industry heavily invested in the horse race element of any Presidential race.

If all the polls showed Kerry kicking Bush's butt, or vice versa, then no one would pay any attention to the media.

I don't put a lot of stock in any polls personally. Let's face it, you can skew poll results just by the way the question is asked. So who really knows who currently leads the presidential race or what people really think about Bush. Guess we will all know come November.
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