Mon 3 Feb, 2014 12:55 pm
We both were in a relationship for last 2 years, dint thought that we were of different religion... and fall in love with each other,, our parents came to know about all this,, they scolded us,, said we being together is not possible,, she do everything her parents wants her to do,, and let me also to do so,, ,, so we brokeup... but we cant stop loving each other,, we dont talk much ,, and dont express our fellings to each other,, because our parents dont want us to do so,,,, we are jst friends,, and our parents know dat,.,., I think I love her so maddly... I cant live without her.. and the same situation is with her,,,, I trully from my heart want dat we both live together forever.......,,, please can I know why this happens,,, what is the reason behind this religion difference,,, why cant we be together.... ?? Why people strictly refuse to make relation with any differnt religion people.... and the most important thing... what can I do,, or what should I do ,, so that we could be together in our future...,. I have faith in you I hope u could help me ,, to know about it..., n can we be together with our parents permission.... without hurting them..., ????? Plz make me know
@nanni 124,
The language you use is unclear. Do you mean religious difference (not region)?
Painful life lessons such as this come at high price. There is no easy or satisfying answer here. Religious intolerance is one of the world's historic problems. And, in cultures such as those in So. Asia, it's certainly the case, as you know.
However, I'm confused about how it is after 2 yr that you both didn't know about difference in religion? Also, she would have clearly known that issue would be an issue for her folks so why didn't she make it a priority and ask you MUCH earlier in the relationship? That seems irresponsible of her.
Your culture differs so much from those of us who have been raised in the West. Such cultural differences aside, I can't see how you two can be together as a happy couple you want to be unless she goes against her parents and faces total rejection. Her parents are rigid and biased against her daughter marrying out of their religion. That will not change.
Heartbreaking as this is reality.
Thankyou, sir,,, but I want to tell you that am a indian boy and am a 17 year old teen, and she's 16 we dint thought about anything,,, and just came in a relationship and its not like that, we know about our religion but dint bother about dat,, she made me realise but I was like,,, "come on everything is going good, we'll see it later on" and yes its religious difference not region, and I also want to mention one thing that her parents were nice with us all the time, but want us not to be so close
Quote:Nanni said: can we be together with our parents permission.... without hurting them... ?
It's your stuffy parents problem not yours, so forget them and marry your sweetheart and live happily ever after..

Jesus spoke of how inter-faith disagreements can be a hassle -
"A man's enemies will be the members of his own household" (Matt 10:36)
@nanni 124,
I wonder why didn't you mention your ages to begin with?
As she is a minor (and so are you), her parents wishes should be respected.
@Romeo Fabulini,
Tnkx man,.,.

that was really nice of you,,. But here actually am asking about why all this crab happens... ?? Why a muslim girl is restricted so much?
@nanni 124,
I answered this question already:
"Painful life lessons such as this come at high price. There is no easy or satisfying answer here. Religious intolerance is one of the world's historic problems. And, in cultures such as those in So. Asia, it's certainly the case, as you know."
Most people view choice of religion as life and death for it usually teaches some kind of salvation by a god, if they believed their daughter to be choosing a path that would ultimately lead to a godly punishment such as eternal torment, could you not understand their concern? Especially so because she is 16, and parents do not trust the judgment of their teens in what they consider serious matters
how they choose to express that concern is another matter.
You cannot live your life by anyone else's perspective but your own, same for her. If your differences are no inhibiting your relationship, you merely have to overcome all opposition, which may mean a fair bit of persecution. Ride it out together
Quote:Nanni asked:- Why a muslim girl is restricted so much?
Because Islam restricts women.
But muslim women can leave Islam and become Christians.
Christian women are the equal of men..
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:28 )
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
But muslim women can leave Islam and become Christians.
Yo don't know the situation. She could be in a situation where apostasy puts her at risk of death. But an ignorant **** like you doesn't give a ****. Do the world a favour you worthless waste of space. Drop dead before you really hurt someone.
Jesus spent a terrible long night before his death,unable to sleep and racked with loneliness as his disciples fell asleep,
But next day on the cross, as he slipped into death his tired pain-filled eyes saw a host of loyal women who'd stuck with him to the end..
"Jesus cried out with a loud voice, and breathed his last. There were also women looking on from afar, among whom were Mary Magdalene and Salome, who followed him and ministered to him when he was in Galilee, and many other women who came up with him to Jerusalem" (Mark 15:37)
They gave him the last womanly comfort they could by making sure he never died alone..
Some of his disciples ran off in fear of the Romans, but women stuck with him to the end-
It's almost as if he knew they'd be there for him, so he made sure he was always there for them during his lifetime-