@The Anointed,
We have learned that the Bible is an inspired work, not a consistent literal work, and that the many writers of the Bible necessarily disagreed on points. Which is why Judges tells us over and over again how "There was no king in those days, and everyone did what was right in his own eyes." Basically pro-royalist propaganda. However, other passages set us straight how terrible kings are, and how the people begged God for a king, and after explaining that the king taxes people of their grains and such, steals their best women, and sends their sons off to war, God allowed them to have a king anyway.
We also learned that God is somewhat capricious and has a sort of hive personality of his people. Lastly, we learned that it is often not good enough to simply attempt to behave God's commands since we can never measure up, and God is able to change his mind.
I was hoping you'd draw these conclusions on your own, but it seems not.