that's what lunchtimes are for!
From next week I won't be able to get on the only work computer with web access. At least not every day.
Now on OT. Time and a half for the first 2 hours and double time for each subsequent hour. Wish I could get paid this rate all the time!!!
fine job Wilso..yeah, they just dont pay enough these bosses
I dont even know why Im here...its a gosh darn holiday for cryin out loud
least he could do is take the day off to give the rest of us a break
I'm not at work.
quinn - take off early?
I laugh at that...can you hear me over there...Im laughing so hard
Its a nice dream....thanks for the thought
you know..someone has to work today..I however NEVER volunteer, seems it just doesnt matter.
My favorite lunch place VERY much enjoyed seeing me today and asked me if I was the only one working on the street along with least I aint alone.
I'm at work...hardly working.
I'm at work. I'm "getting script from my other site to use to build the company site boss".
I am at home - 'tis only 6.40 am - BUT, yesterday, I had an actual SICKIE! I did! I can't believe it - and I am not even ashamed!!!! AND I spent some time on the computer. So there.
It's a holiday today. So I'm at home!
dlow chucked a sickie! wish i could. shouldn't even be doing this, but nothing dulls the mind and frustrates the spirit like electronic federal forms. god save us all from the tyranny of the bureaucrats (who don't care if the information is accurate, just that it's there.
I am off work today and at home.
The computer at work uses proprietary hardware so I am unable to explore there.
Me at work ? Nah. Been there, seen it , done it, worn the t-shirt and I now reside in a world of retirement.
When I did work, it was like an excersize in social bonding. Phun, ph0rolics and phortune.
Yes, and I have about 5 minutes before I have to get back to it.

Sometimes lunch at work is the only time I can get to the computer, for personal stuff (I'm a teacher)Blast!

the bell just rang