International Man of Apology
John Kerry tells Tim Russert just how much he values multilateralism.
by Hugh Hewitt
04/22/2004 12:00:00 AM
OVER AT's campaign blog, they're referring to Kerry's appearance on Meet the Press as a "home run." If that was a home run, I'd hate to see Kerry strike out. On question after question, Kerry managed to turn under-armed softballs into high and tight strikes, and the damage from his reflexive parsing and dodging are just beginning to be recognized.
Kerry tried to deceive Russert on the availability of his military records, and then his campaign tried to stonewall the Boston Globe reporter who heard the candidate quite clearly promise that all the military records would be available to all comers at "headquarters." That position lasted a day before Kerry sounded retreat, though the files are still not available.
And there is plenty of controversy waiting to erupt over Kerry's assertions that (1) Social Security could be saved by growing the economy, and (2) if this isn't true, then means-testing would make sense for folks like Russert and Kerry. Kerry's got a secret plan for Social Security, and it involves cutting benefits. That much we know. Perhaps the press corps will get around to asking him how the third rail feels.
More than the records deception and more than Social Security foot-in-mouth, however, the most damaging of Kerry's statements was this statement: "Within weeks of being inaugurated, I will return to the U.N. and I will literally, formally rejoin the community of nations and turn over a proud new chapter in America's relationship with the world, which will do a number of things."
One thing such a move would be sure to do is embarrass and outrage the American public. "Literally, formally rejoin the community of nations?" What can that mean except that Kerry believes that: (1) The United States and its many allies have been acted unlawfully in liberating Iraq from Saddam; (2) the French, Russians, and Chinese should have a veto over American foreign policy; (3) an apology is in order for exposing the massive corruption of the oil-for-food program; and (4) we should be sorry for having disarmed Libya of its nuclear ambitions and mustard gas.
In fact all President Bush did was demand that the United Nations honor its own commitments, and then enforce U.N. Resolution 1441. John Kerry would seem to believe that post-9/11 America is not safe for the rest of the world and needs taming--or reintegration into the "community of nations." James Lileks wrote that Kerry clearly intends a Jolson-on-bended-knee appearance before the General Assembly, an apology to dwarf all of Clinton's apologies of the past. That indignity and more, I think. Kyoto, the Law of the Sea treaty, the International Criminal Court--you name the U.N. auspice, and Kerry will be there for it, in a "literal, formal" way.
KERRY HAS three things going for him. First, the press, like Tim Russert, isn't listening very closely to the absurdities like "literally, formally rejoining the community of nations." Second, his speaking style is so overwhelmingly self-important and so stultifying oppressive that most folks hit the off-switch when his lips begin to move, thus tuning out comments that would outrage them if they registered on the ears. And third, the "Bush Lied!" crazies wouldn't care if Kerry simply declared the dissolution of American sovereignty and a merger with Canada.
Still, with his numbers dropping and his uncanny ability to fumble every opening he's given, Kerry's got to watch his back. He "leads" the party that invented the Torricelli Option, and folks like Daschle have to be worried about a November wipe-out. A "presumptive nominee" isn't the nominee. Who was that lady on Larry King this week?
Hugh Hewitt is the host of The Hugh Hewitt Show, a nationally syndicated radio talkshow, and a contributing writer to The Daily Standard. His new book, In, But Not Of, is published by Thomas Nelson.
Centroles wrote:that's not all that the bill does tarantulus. look it up.
It doesn't cut down forests as your quote said. It cleans them up. Look it up yourself.