Panzade, I don't want to jack the thread, but I first seen and heard that was on uncensored Costa Rican television (Mexico Station) we had on for background noise. I about fell out of bed laughing.
Yes Child, the more one learns about the mighty Packers, the less choice they have but to like them. :wink:
Yes Child, the more one learns about the mighty Packers, the less choice they have but to like them. :wink:
As cool as he is, he doesn't come close to comparing to Jerry Rice and Steve Young. Hell, I like Garrison Hearst more. Classic Garrison Hearst moment. I think it was 1998, Niners were playing the Jets and the game went into overtime. The Niners were pinned on their own 3 or 4 yardline. Mooch calls for a simple run to get them some breathing room, and Hearst breaks one of the longest runs from scrimmage ever(Don't bother pointing out Ahman Green has one the longest too

)!!! When asked about it in a post-game interview, Hearst said something like "All I wanted to do is end the game because I had a to take a huge crap!"

Kinda makes me sad that we released him.
OCCOM BILL wrote:LOL, he said that?
If memory serves me, yes.
patiodog wrote:What about the Jan Hooks / Nora Dunn lounge singer duo?
Ahh yes -- The Sweeney Sisters. They were great.
My favorites were Matt Foley motivational speaker by Chris Farley.
Grumpy old man by Dana Carvey.
Norm McDonald on Weekend Update.
Darryl Hammond's imitations of Clinton, Sean Connery, and Chris Matthews.
Massive Head Wound Harry!
Lyle the effeminate heterosexual.
what was the one with will ferrel and the guy from will and grace? they are in a clothing store and will ferrel wips out a tiny cell phone???
that is wicked funny but my favorite member is, Adam Sandler. I love him he is so funny, and I love him... soooo sexy!
Martin Short as the Nervous Lawyer
Jon Lovitz as the Liar
Don Novello as Father Guido Sarducci
Earlier days with John Belushi - he did this Joe Cocker imitation that left him throwing himself on the floor with shaking. They also dressed up as bees.
The 'Samurai Hotel' was good, one had John and Richard Pryor as two samurai bell-boys sword-fighting over a suitcase ("Your Mamma-san!!") and making a sub with a katana (sword) - though you knew what was going to happen when it was time to cut it.
My fav was Dan Akroyd as a interviewer with Richard Pryor doing a 'little word association' test as part of the interview. It starts out OK, but Ackroyd's words start to get offensive and Pryor reacts:
(They've gone through roof/floor, and cat/dog and it's around white/black)
A: Jigaboo?
P: (stiffening) - Cracker!
A: Jungle bunny?
P: (attitude) - Honky!!
A: N..
A: Well that's Ok then. We'll get back to you soon!
Hi all:
I have a lot of great memories watching SNL and many favorite skits and cast members.
I agree with many of the favorite posters.
I always loved the fake news with Jane Curtin and Bill Murray, especially with visits from Gilda Radner as Rosana and Father Guido. There is also one with some video of then Pres. Ronald Regan talking about the deficient with flashing CG or Chyron (caption text) flashing under him, that said: "He's lying!" Forever ingrained in my brain.
I loved Mr. Robinson, talking about his landlord, "Can you say scumbucket?"
I loved that Samerai Deli skit with John Belushi, listening to this guy vent about his lovelife, then attacking the sandwich he was preparing.
I loved Billy Crystal, as Federico or whatever his name was, with "You look Marvehoulous."
I loved Dana Carvey as the Church Lady.
I loved Mike Myers as Linda Richmond, especially that first one with Madonna and Roseanne, we were on the floor at school laughing. We didn't realize it was Madonna at first, and then Barbra Streisand walked on. The other Coffee Talk skit I loved was with guest star Charleston Heston as her WASP boyfriend.
I thought Wayne's World was cute, but my favorite ones were the ones with Aerosmith as guests, so obviously reading off the prompter about the former USSR and US relations, and Mary Tyler Moore as his former grade school teacher.
I loved the Gap Girls skit with David Spade, and Chris Farley, they sort of got watered down but the first few were great, especially if you ever worked in a retail clothing store.
I loved Dennis Miller and Norm MacDonald with the fake news, and for his brief stint Colin Quinn too. David Spade's Hollywood minute was really mean but often funny. Especially one where he was making jabs at Richard Gere, and Cindy Crawford walked on and said, "What you have a problem with me? With me and my husband?"
I also loved David Spade as the obnoxious receptionist. If you've ever worked as a receptionist, it's so over the top. There was one were he wouldn't let Jesus into see Dick Clark or the monster guy from the Hellraiser movies. There was also the obnoxious flight attendant skits, but the best one, was the one with guest star Helen Hunt.
Phil Hartman was so talented. My favorites were him as Frank Sinatra, recording his duets and kicking everyone out of the recording sessions, Madonna, Bono from U2 et al. There was also him as Bill Clinton speaking to a Star Trek Convention, about how he wasn't a fan, but he and Hillary had been very up front about that, and now were watching them all on videotapes and they kept cutting back to the audience of Star Trek fans wearing their old school Star Trek costumes. That's one of my very favorites.
I loved the Cheerleaders too, and Chris Katan and Will Ferrell as the Sleezy "what is love?" club guys. This one also got watered down, but the first one with guest star Jim Carrey was great. A friend of mine then was working for Broadway Video, their distribution company and she begged on of the their guys for a master tape. He kept saying no, saying all the extras he had were burnt, but finally he said, "You're not going to shut up until I give in right?" So he did, and we watched it when I came to visit her, and after a night out a sleazy club, and laughed all over again.
More recently I love the Jimmy Fallon and company as the Boston kids shouting, "Nomar!" I don't get they are supposed to be from Lexington, but being from Boston, I got all the little local jokes the rest of the country missed. I just always thought they were funny for the screaming in general. I also like Tina Fey and Jimmy Fallon doing the fake news. Recently Matt Damon was a guest star along with another cast member, Sean (not sure of his last name) but he is originally from Boston too. This was after the Yankees lost to Arizona in the world series--they were special guests on weekend update--to walk New Yorkers through the losing of the series, being expert Red Sox fans. That was one of my recent favorites. Lately though I only watch about half of it, before turning it off. It's ebbed and flowed over the years, but has had a lot of talent running through it.
I loved Chris Kattan. I'll never forget "Mango." (sigh)

Just about everything Chris did was funny.
Any impression Darrell Hammond does, he is the best Bill Clinton impersonator. ROTFLMAO!
Hey, I do a great impression of Buffy...from Buffy The Liar Slayer. :wink:
(Sorry, I couldn't resist. Was that in bad taste)?
Eddie Murphy as James Brown in the hot tub. In a big wig and little gold lame bikini trunks. Horn section backing him up. Outrageous.
Garret Morris doing a wicked Tina Turner impression.
Adam Sandler (who I really cannot stand) as Opera Man.
The head of the house band. Guitarist. Was married to Gilda or somebody. His first name were initials like JT or CZ. There was something kinda hot about him.
that would be G.E. Smith...
I've always liked the sketch where the Coneheads were on Family Feud.