At first i would like to apologize for my bad english, which may occur in the following text below.
Hi! I am a 15 year old girl from the cold country Norway, i live a quite normal live and is a ratinoal atheist, which means i don't believe in any such as supernatural beings, but the last 4 years i noticed something strange, which has planted a seed of doubt im my mind,
I don't know if what i am going to tell you has happened before i noticed i 4 years ago, but here we go, please refrain from calling me a crazy.

It all started as i mentioed 4 years ago, the date was around 10th of january, my sister birthday is that day,that's why i remember it so well. Anyway! one morning i woke up and noticed a little scratch on my fingertip, just like a little cut, but noe such thing as a bleeding scar, i ignored it. The second day it happened again, a new scratch in the inside of my hand, the third day on the fingertip of the other hand, and the fourth day a bit up to my wrist. Nothing more happened and they stopped appearing.
The next year it all happened again, but the scratches not on my fingertips moved slightly up on my hand, but it only happened 4 times like the last year, i found this strange,especially since it was around the same date as last year! But i figured it was just a loose nail in my bed i had scratched myself on.
The third year it creeped me out, since it all happened again, moving a bit up again, and at the same time of the year, i was a little scared , but when it disepeared i ignored it.
In this year it all happened again, at the same time of the year AGAIN, four nights,four scratches, and one of the scratches had a bit of dryed blood on it??? I don't really now what to believe

As the rationalist i am, i have a theory about selfharming in dreaming? ( if that's possible) so i want to hear your opinion of what it may be, either rididcilous or ratinoal...Please help me.