Mon 19 Apr, 2004 11:32 am
Ako sa mas?
Where I can find on the web about slovak grammatic? Thx.
Ahoj, Thok. Velmi dobre, ale...
I don't think there is one. If you're in luck you may be able to dig out a book or a tape on Amazon or somewhere, but there is not really a high demand for Slovak language (since there is about 5 millions of us altogether) so that it would be worthwile for someone to come up with a comprehensive web page. Try the Slovak Embassy in Washington, they might be able to hook you up with advice on courses or tutors (the latter more likely, although more expensive). Best of luck!
oho! I could learn Slovak, and expand my vocabulary to include more words than the one I sort of know.
You might find some (more) help as well here on
Slavophilia - Languages (and on the homepage of that link).
How it is with slovak blogs?
I don't found with and
On the state of web logging
in Slovakia - in Slovak and Czech
Slovak blogs
Warning: slovak blogging is months behind the czech one, which is years behind the rest of the world. quality is accordingly low...
* priviest k zivotu*
So how many people here in our forums speak slovak? dagmaraka as native, me little. Anyone else?
Zdravim vas
zdravim vas ako sa mate?
Hi, how are doing? here is another native speaker
optimálny, a ty?
privítanie u able2know.
aj ja zdravim z bratislavy!
vitaj v a2k, mcelister!
ahojte!! ako sa máte? som anglický, iba môj otecko byveme z bratislave.
i have found some good websites to learn some basic slovak, but anything would help!
luke / lukáa
if you are in bratislava, there are good courses of Slovak for foreigner. Some are at the Comenius University, but I'm sure Akademia vzdalavania on Gorkeho Street has some, too. That is surely the best way to get that Slovak under your skin.