Quote:Anonymously claimed: Suicide may be an unforgivable sin...
Nah mate, Jesus said ALL sins are forgiven (except badmouthing the holy spirit) (Matt 12:31)..

Anyway nowhere does the Bible say suicide is a sin, but I don't think God would like us to do it without
very very good reason!
I was prompted to do some research a few years ago into exactly what the Bible says about suicide after a group of West Indian "Christians" handed out "Suicide Is a Sin" leaflets to passersby in Leicester (England) city centre.
I took one of their leaflets home and was appalled to see it said "if you kill yourself you will go to hell".
I thought "Nah they can't be right", and after researching the Bible i saw they were very wrong!
I phoned them up and asked them to give me any specific verses to back up their claim, but they couldn't!
The guy said "Er... let me ask a few of my colleagues and phone you back later.."
When he called back he admitted there are no specific verses, and all he could come up with was "The Bible says thou shalt not kill, and that also means thou shalt not kill yourself".
Obviously that was just their interpretation, their guess..
I searched the Bible high and low for myself, and like i said, it never condemns suicide one way or another, not even Jesus mentioned it.
Certainly some people got a bit fed up at times but then don't we all
"Elijah came to a broom tree, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. "I have had enough, Lord ," he said. "Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors." Then he lay down under the tree and fell asleep.
All at once an angel touched him and said, "Get up and eat." (1 Kings 19:3-7)
A moral of that is:- "Cheer up, put the kettle on, do yourself a sandwich, plonk yourself in front of the TV with your feet up and soldier on if you can.."
"The night is nearly over, day is almost here" (Rom 13:12)
There are seven suicides in the Bible-
1 - Abimelech, in Judges 9:54. A woman dropped a millstone upon him. Recognizing that he was mortally wounded, he commanded his armour-bearer to slay him. Even though he did not die at his own hands, he did die at his own word.
2 - Samson in Judges 16:28 killed himself. He prayed and God gave him strength to pull down the support columns of the temple. This caused the death of many of the leading Philistines but it also caused his own death.
3 - Saul is another. Seeing that death would be slow in coming and that the Philistines might capture him while he still had some life and torture him, he commands his armour-bearer to finish him off with a sword. The armour-bearer refused. Whereupon Saul falls upon his own sword.
4 - Saul's armourbearer then kills himself too.
5 - Ahithrophel in 2 Samuel 17:23 hanged himself.
6 - Zimri in 1 Kings 16 barricaded himself in the palace and burned it down with himself inside.
7 - And of course, Judas hung himself..