Does finite sin deserve infinite punishment?

Reply Sun 19 Jan, 2014 05:39 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
I never really thought Jesus was an alien until recently. As I think to myself then maybe I shouldn't get a tattoo.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jan, 2014 09:15 pm
Well, I'd like to hear your input.
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Reply Sun 19 Jan, 2014 09:17 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Jesus spoke many times of the pain of hell, so who are we to believe, the Son of God or Solomon?
Both, of course. "All scripture is inspired. . . ." (2 Timothy 3:16) You can figure that out, right?
Reply Sun 19 Jan, 2014 10:33 pm
Jesus is spoken of so much.

He must be an alien.
0 Replies
Jack of Hearts
Reply Sun 19 Jan, 2014 11:37 pm
Believe, eh? Beliefs are a combination of both knowledge and faith. To argue religions is to argue one opposed to the other. Knowledge can be mostly, reliable and consistent; faith is, in essence, a group of personal values that one holds. - Faith is not very arguable, it can be modified by enhancing (or falsifying) the knowledge one associates with their faith.
The common belief that God will punish sinners in an everlasting hell, is often expressed without the common exceptions, e.g. repentance;
contrition; prayer and petition; belief in redemption; being 'reborn'; ect.
Does finite sin deserve infinite punishment? Major religions would say no, but again, they might insist upon using some kind of exemption. Catholics believe, no matter how egregious your sins are, as long as you fulfill the five tenets of forgiveness: Confession; Regret; Rejection of sin; True Contrition; and Penance - will then shall your sins be forgiven. (It's True Contrition that trip most people up.)
Oh, because you can never fulfill these conditions if you commit suicide, it is said that may be the one unforgivable sin.

Reply Sun 19 Jan, 2014 11:50 pm
@Jack of Hearts,
Suicide may be an unforgivable sin but it, the thought seems to be the only to be my best friend. I love it, the thought. Gentle. Kind. Else similar. it is. If I were to fall I would commit. commit suicide.

*fall. fall for it.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Jan, 2014 12:40 am
@Jack of Hearts,
Do you think, perhaps, this might describe the unforgivable sin?
For if we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left, (Hebrews 10:26)
Could it be the same as what Jesus was talking about here?
On this account I say to YOU, Every sort of sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the spirit will not be forgiven. (Matthew 12:31)
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  Selected Answer
Reply Mon 20 Jan, 2014 02:07 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Jesus spoke many times of the pain of hell, so who are we to believe, the Son of God or Solomon?

If two interpretations of a scripture can be made, one unites that scripture with the rest of the bible, and the other contradicts it, which interpretation is likely to be misleading?

Romeo, is the bible as a collective contradictory?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Jan, 2014 08:03 am
BHN: Information is not the same to all observers.
Neologist : You would need to explain that, otherwise it is merely a statement from your own authority.

So I take it I am to assume that your observation is that information carries the same information to all observers, and this is of course an implied statement merely from your own authority, since you offer no explanation.

Fine, let us see if there is any agreement between my unsupported statement and your own unsupported implied statement.
‘The Bible is a body of information.’ – I ask for your agreement, or explanation of why the Bible is not a body of information.

‘Christians base their religious beliefs on the Bible.’ A house is built on a foundation. The foundation is not the whole house. The foundation of Christianity is the bible, not the whole religion, but the basic foundation. Agree or explain your disagreement, if you would be so kind.

‘Christians justify their religious belief with the Bible.’ If we ask them why they believe this or that about what Christianity requires or entails, they reply “It is in the Bible.” Do you disagree, or not?

There are over 10,000 Christian denominations, each with a unique understanding of what the Bible requires or entails in a Christian’s walk with god. Some of these differences are very minor, some very great, but these differences stem from differing interpretations of the same body of information, the Bible. Do you are or not?
You disagree with my observation that if a group of people look at the same body of information, they may take different meanings of the same information.
Your justification for this belief -so far – is your own authority.
BHN: Information entails subjective interpretation
Neologist : While it is true that much of the scriptures rely on allegory, that is not the same as subjectivity.

Well no disagreement from me.
However many Christians deny the use of allegory in Biblical accounts. We can refer to them as literalists. So our claim of allegories is subjective. How are we to know the intent of the words written so long ago? By reason I have made this determination, and by reason others disagree.
I am left wondering what allegories have to do with my observation.
My statement is about information in general, your reply is about a literary technique of the writers of the Bible.
BHN: It is true that Jesus was a Jew, and it is true that many teachings of the various sects of Christianity seem to ignore this fact, still, it should go without saying that Christians do not view much of the Old Testament the same as Jews. - DUH!
Neologist : Ore else, they would be Christian, right? Oh! Wait! DOH!

No, they would be Jewish.
BHN: If we want to discuss the teachings of Solomon, we would be ignorant to not do so in the light of Jewish beliefs and teachings.
Neologist : If you are speaking of current Jewish teachings, I would disagree. If we want to arrive at the truth, we should consider his writings in accord with what they meant to the Jews of his time, and their intent towards posterity.

So, you know what the Jews in the time of Solomon were thinking, you know what they understood when they read his words.
Interesting. What is the source of your authority?
BHN: If you are Jewish, reading Solomon is fine, if you are Christian, you will do better with Paul. Just the way things are.
Neologist: Actually, Paul agreed with Solomon. See 2 Timothy 3:16: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”

Well, Paul says he agrees with all Biblical Scripture, but this is begging the question – “What do the scripture mean?” We have already agreed that Christians and Jews do not agree on heaven, hell, and the fruits of sin, and both sides base these beliefs on scripture.
It is not the same as saying “I agree with what Neologist says about what Solomon says.”
The followers that Paul instructed accepted the scriptures, still, Paul guided them on what the words meant. So did Jesus, who instructed the Pharisees about the meaning of scripture. Neither doubted the authority of the Torah, but they disagreed on the meaning of the words.
BHN: The teachings of Solomon are not inconsistent with Judaism.
Neologist : Speaking of those understood in the first century, yes. Things have changed.

What is it you are saying?
The teachings of Solomon are inconsistent with the Beliefs of the first century Jews? You offer no evidence, no explanation.
Please remember 2 Timothy 3:16.

(BHN quotes a Rabbi (Aron Moss) who answers the question “Do Jews believe in Hell?”.
in reply we have:
Neologist : Actually, Gehinnon refers to the valley of Hinnom, referred to in the Greek as Gehenna. This is the place outside of Jerusalem where, at one time, Baal worshiping Israelites sacrificed their children to idols. In Jesus' time, it was a garbage dump where sulfurous fires burned constantly and where besides garbage, the bodies of dead animals and executed criminals were dumped. But, since, even dead criminals are no longer conscious, the burning represented, not eternal punishment, but complete destruction.

So now Neologist corrects the teaching of the Rabbi, on Jewish beliefs.
Well, maybe “corrects” is not the correct term.
Maybe Neologists simply makes an unrelated comment. I do not see the connect between my comment, quoting the Rabbi, and the reply.
Assuming it is related, then ‘correction’ seems to be what is attempted.
Disagreement with what the Rabbi says, and correction.
BHN: If you want to find fault with Christian teaching being inconsistent with Judaism - Hello! - Christians are waiting for the Second Coming of the savior, Jews are waiting for the First Coming, but I realize you probably did not know that.
Neologist : Well, you do confuse nominal christians with true Christians, a forgivable misunderstanding. Jesus' second 'coming' or parousia (presence) was to take place at the end of the gentile times. Jews missed the first. Everyone else seems to have missed the import of the second. But that's another story.

Oh, ladies and gentlemen, we have one of “Those” in our midst.
One who has the authority to discern and announce who is, or is not a “True Christian”.
And where does this authority come from – let me guess – the Bible. The Bible tells you so.
No offense meant, but when we have one of ‘those’ in a room, generally they are Baptist.
There are many others, the self-appointed protectors of the Truth of the Scriptures. The ones who will say who are - not just christians (small c), - but true Christians (capital C).
I’m not saying you are Baptist (not that there would be anything wrong with that), only that from my experience, Baptists are quick to point out who is not a ‘true Christian’..
BHN: And as a footnote, I do need to add that a Christian is offered eternal Bliss (hardly something to be dreaded), for simply asking for it.
Neologist: Who gave you that idea?
Where is your disagreement?
Surely a Bible scholar such as yourself knows about Grace – forgiveness of all sins by simple repentance, washed clean through the blood of Christ the savior, the final sacrificial lamb.
By Grace all have entrance into Heaven – for who believe and are repentant -, which is certainly nothing less than eternal bliss. That comes from everything I have heard from hundreds of sources.
Is it that you do not believe that the heaven of Christianity is eternal bliss?
Do you not believe that this is the teaching of Christians (reality may differ, but it is what they are promised).
Who gave me that idea, indeed.
Every Christian minister, priest, author, that I have been exposed to.
Who gave you an idea to the contrary? Let me guess – the Bible.
BHN Does sin deserve infinite Bliss? - that would have been a more relevant question to pose - if you understood the Christian perspective.
But then, you don't, you only think you do, and that is a definition of ignorance.
Neologist: Until you can explain from the scriptures how your suggested question has merit, the pointy hat belongs to you.

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

I contend that “eternal life through Jesus Christ” is a euphemism for ‘eternal bliss’.
If you prefer we can say ‘eternal bliss’ is a euphemism for ‘eternal life through Jesus Christ’.
I know of no Christian denomination that that does not teach that no person is deserving of eternal life, in heaven, with God and Jesus. None.
I know of no denomination that does not teach that all persons are sinful, and deserve death. None.
People are sinful and deserve death, but by the Grace of God, and the spilled blood of Christ, eternal life is available.
We give sinful acts, completely miss the mark, and we get eternal life, infinite Bliss, an eternity with God and his son Christ, in return.
This provokes the question “Does Sin deserve infinite bliss?”

Hope this helps.

Romeo Fabulini
Reply Mon 20 Jan, 2014 08:28 am
Romeo said: Jesus spoke many times of the pain of hell, so who are we to believe, the Son of God or Solomon?
Neologist said: Both, of course. "All scripture is inspired. . . ." (2 Timothy 3:16) You can figure that out, right?

You Bible literalists keep tripping yourselves up..Smile
For example some ancient OT scriptures say "kill witches, kill gays, kill adulteresses, an eye for an eye" etc, yet Jesus said "don't do that".
So how on earth is it possible to obey those harsh old laws AND obey Jesus at the same time as you suggest?
People quickly cottoned on that the old harsh laws were old hat-

"In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent." (Acts 17:30)
"There is one mediator between God and men,- the man Jesus Christ" (1 Tim 2:5)
"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith" (Heb 12:2)
"Through Jesus we are saved, and not through Moses" (Acts 13:39)
"Jesus is worthy of more honour than Moses" (Heb 3:3)
"We serve in the new way of the spirit, not in the old way of the written code" (Rom 7:6)
"The law was given by Moses,but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ" (John 1:17)
"The veil covers the old covenant, but is removed by Jesus" (2 Cor 3:12)
"The covenant of Jesus is superior to the old one" (Heb 8:6)
Reply Mon 20 Jan, 2014 12:20 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
I'm getting a migraine.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Jan, 2014 03:36 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Jesus spoke many times of the pain of hell, so who are we to believe, the Son of God or Solomon?
I wrote:
Both, of course. "All scripture is inspired. . . ." (2 Timothy 3:16) You can figure that out, right?
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
You Bible literalists keep tripping yourselves up..Smile
For example some ancient OT scriptures say "kill witches, kill gays, kill adulteresses, an eye for an eye" etc, yet Jesus said "don't do that".
So how on earth is it possible to obey those harsh old laws AND obey Jesus at the same time as you suggest?
People quickly cottoned on that the old harsh laws were old hat-

"In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent." (Acts 17:30)
"There is one mediator between God and men,- the man Jesus Christ" (1 Tim 2:5)
"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith" (Heb 12:2)
"Through Jesus we are saved, and not through Moses" (Acts 13:39)
"Jesus is worthy of more honour than Moses" (Heb 3:3)
"We serve in the new way of the spirit, not in the old way of the written code" (Rom 7:6)
"The law was given by Moses,but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ" (John 1:17)
"The veil covers the old covenant, but is removed by Jesus" (2 Cor 3:12)
"The covenant of Jesus is superior to the old one" (Heb 8:6)

Solomon's words about the dead being unconscious are not part of the law. They are a statement of fact. This is also stated in Psalm 146:4
His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; In that day his thoughts do perish.
Also, if any further punishment were due Adam for his sin, would not God have informed him of such? Instead, we read in Genesis 3:19
“In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.”
And, of course, Ezekiel was inspire to write in Ezekiel 18:4
The soul that is sinning—it itself will die.

None of the above was part of the law.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Jan, 2014 03:59 pm
I'm sorry to have redacted most of your posts. If necessary, we can come back to it
BeHereNow wrote:
The followers that Paul instructed accepted the scriptures, still, Paul guided them on what the words meant. So did Jesus, who instructed the Pharisees about the meaning of scripture. Neither doubted the authority of the Torah, but they disagreed on the meaning of the words.
If you are saying Paul and/or Jesus disagreed with the pharisees, it would not be a simple disagreement on the meaning of the words.
BeHereNow wrote:
So now Neologist corrects the teaching of the Rabbi, on Jewish beliefs.
Well, maybe “corrects” is not the correct term.
Maybe Neologists simply makes an unrelated comment. I do not see the connect between my comment, quoting the Rabbi, and the reply.
Assuming it is related, then ‘correction’ seems to be what is attempted.
Disagreement with what the Rabbi says, and correction.
Of course I disagree with the "Rabbi". Gehinnon is not a spiritual washing machine. When you are dead, you're dead.
BeHereNow wrote:
I know of no Christian denomination that that does not teach that no person is deserving of eternal life, in heaven, with God and Jesus. None.
I know of no denomination that does not teach that all persons are sinful, and deserve death. None.
People are sinful and deserve death, but by the Grace of God, and the spilled blood of Christ, eternal life is available.
We give sinful acts, completely miss the mark, and we get eternal life, infinite Bliss, an eternity with God and his son Christ, in return.
This provokes the question “Does Sin deserve infinite bliss?”
I highlighted the portion with which I agree. Somewhere you have missed the message about the God whose name Jehovah, or Yahweh means "He who causes to become" His purpose cannot be derailed. He promised Adam and Eve the promise of living indefinitely on earth. Would you believe he changed his mind just because they rebelled? The entire bible is an account of how he will certainly fulfill his promise in Genesis 3:15 to bruise Satan in the head. Keep in mind the lie of Satan: they would not die. Heaven is not a promise for man.
(Psalm 115:16) . . .As regards the heavens, to Jehovah the heavens belong, But the earth he has given to the sons of men.

Hop that helps
Reply Mon 20 Jan, 2014 04:10 pm
Stop neo.
Reply Mon 20 Jan, 2014 04:13 pm
I can't
Reply Mon 20 Jan, 2014 04:21 pm
You, know, what you're doing.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Mon 20 Jan, 2014 06:20 pm
Neologist claimed: When you are dead, you're dead

Who shall we believe mate, you or Jesus? Hmm that's a toughie..Wink
Anyway I thought you JW's said 144,000 of you are going to heaven to rule over us poor schmucks left on earth?
Sigh.... check out these Old and New T verses and argue them out with Jesus when you meet him-

Jesus said "Whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?
Jesus said:- "All in the graves shall come out,to resurrection or damnation" (John 5:28/29)
Jesus said of his dead friend:-"Lazarus is asleep, but I'm going to wake him up now" (John 11:11)
"Don't grieve for those asleep,for they sleep in Jesus" (1 Thess 4:13/14)
"Sleepers in the dust of the earth shall awake,to eternal life or contempt" (Daniel 12:2)
"Awake and sing,you who dwell in dust,the earth shall cast out her dead" (Isaiah 26:19)
"I will open your graves,and you shall know I am the Lord" (Ezekiel 37:12)
"And the sea gave up the dead that were in it" (Rev 20:13)
"In the twinkling of an eye the dead shall be raised imperishable and we shall be changed" (1 Cor 15:52)
Jesus said:-"Then they will go away to eternal punishment,but the righteous to eternal life" (Matt 25:46)
"So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable...it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.. flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Cor 15:42-50)
Jesus said- "At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven" (Matt 22:30
Reply Mon 20 Jan, 2014 09:58 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Another question you missed my friend, in your opinion, is the bible as a collective contradictory?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Jan, 2014 10:42 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
I will deal with only those verses that apply to those who will live on earth: Some others apply only to those who will inherit heavenly life. Some to both.
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Jesus said:- "All in the graves shall come out,to resurrection or damnation" (John 5:28/29)
"Sleepers in the dust of the earth shall awake,to eternal life or contempt" (Daniel 12:2)
"Awake and sing,you who dwell in dust,the earth shall cast out her dead" (Isaiah 26:19)
"I will open your graves,and you shall know I am the Lord" (Ezekiel 37:12)
"And the sea gave up the dead that were in it" (Rev 20:13)
Jesus said:-"Then they will go away to eternal punishment,but the righteous to eternal life" (Matt 25:46)
You missed this one:
(Acts 24:15) . . . and I have hope toward God, which hope these [men] themselves also entertain, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.
Those who have been judged wicked are not included in the above verses. They will remain as they are. Also, those unrighteous ones who do not wish to submit to God's sovereignty. Isaiah wrote of that time:
(Isaiah 65:20) . . .No more will there come to be a suckling a few days old from that place, neither an old man that does not fulfill his days; for one will die as a mere boy, although a hundred years of age; and as for the sinner, although a hundred years of age he will have evil called down upon him.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Jan, 2014 10:46 pm
If God and Hell actually exist, does anyone really think God would make it KNOWN to the person that they were in Hell? Really, a Lake of Fire and little demons stabbing you with pitchforks? Imagine spending an eternity in a Lake of Fire. I think I'd get used to it after the first year or so. I don't think God would make punishment and Hell in general so obvious, like humans portray Hell to be. I don't think a person in Hell would know that they were in Hell. I think God would be smarter than the obvious and make Hell a place of punishment through own action, that a person would only perceive as 'just living life'. Self punishment is true punishment is something I think God would profess over filleting on the Devil's grill for eternity.

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