Does finite sin deserve infinite punishment?

Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 08:50 pm
Glad to know you men and possible women love me.
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Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 09:11 pm
When looking at the mosaic law, you need to be studious as to why any law was applied, you can break it down in to three seperate categories: Civil law, Ceremonial law and Moral Law.
Civil law was Gods vehical for justice
Israelites would have known very little about biological diseases and safe cooking methods for foods such as pork and shellfish, yet ceremonial law though unknowingly, quarantined them and safeguarded them from dangerous bacteria.
Gods moral laws on the other hand are timeless, as they are an indicator of spiritual cleanliness and acceptableness to god, therefore showing his personality.

Civil – Expired with the demise of the Jewish civil government Justice practices (Lev. 24:17-23)
Law of property redemption (Lev. 25)
Be just with the poor, (Lev. 19:15)
Do not hate in your heart (Lev. 19:17)
Retain just scales in commerce (Lev. 19:35f)
Robbery, extortion, false witness, and restitution (Lev. 6:1-7)
Ceremonial – Expired with the fulfillment of priestly work of Christ (Matt. 3:15)
Various sacrificial offerings for sin (Lev. 1,2,3,4,5,6).
Priestly duties (Lev. 7:1-37)
Laws on animals for food (Lev. 11:1-47)
Cleaning house of leper (Lev. 14:33-57)
Law of Atonement (Lev. 16:1-28;17:1-16)
Regulations for Priests (Lev. 21,22)
Festivals (Lev. 23:1-25)
Moral – No Expiration because it is based on God’s character. “You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy,” (Lev. 19:2)
Do not steal or lie (Lev. 19:12)
Do not oppress your neighbor (Lev. 19:13)
No idolatry (Lev. 26:1-13)
Don’t sacrifice children to Molech (Lev. 20:1-5)
Don’t commit adultery, incest, bestiality, homosexuality, etc. (Lev. 20:9-21)
You shall love your neighbor as yourself (Lev. 19:18)

As for knowing the mind of God, I was never able to accept the excuse given in sunday school, that we can not know it. Rather, I found later in my life through studying Gods interactions with his people, his recorded feelings and the ways of Jesus, you can learn a huge amount in regards to how his mind works.

Do not settle for suggested ignorance when you ask a question. There are always answers, let no one tell you otherwise. You will not always have answers readily to hand, but if you earnestly seek them, they come in time.
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 09:11 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
And how many religions do you know of that do not pass the plate?
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Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 09:16 pm
Would you also state that Sheol, which is commonly rendered hell does not exist?

I would state that, yes.

Thats great news! therefore none of us will ever die!
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 09:28 pm
Smileyrius wrote:

Would you also state that Sheol, which is commonly rendered hell does not exist?

I would state that, yes.

Thats great news! therefore none of us will ever die!

No we just wont go to Sheol when we die. Again you are basing your belief of what Sheol is on a Man made fantasy read from a book that MAN created.
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 09:37 pm
Neologist said: And how many religions do you know of that do not pass the plate?

If it's for basic simple amenities like renting and maintaining a meeting hall I got no beef with that, but organised religions and cults rake in big bucks for fancy cars, Lear jets, golden temples and stuff.
But if mugs are willing to donate huge sums to make their church bosses rich it's none of my business...Smile
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 09:45 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
And all from the voluntary donations of a few million followers? That's quite a feat when you put it on paper like that Romeo especially when you take into consideration how much literature they give away

*edit Romeo had originally posted the New York rich organisations listing of jws who apparently amassed 950mil. It has since been redacted
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Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 09:54 pm
Google Sheol, I was toying with you my friend.

My advice, without prejudice. To debunk a theory or philosophy, you would do well to draw on logical fallacies, contradictory teachings and perhaps draw on scientific findings. Many of the atheists in here could help you in your craft and give you some valuable insight in your apparent desire to bash Christians with nonsense claims.

Unfortunately the poppycock argument holds no weight. On a2k.

Study, apply, and avoid absolutes, they will only get you into trouble
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 10:14 pm
I have smiley and you know what Sheol sounds like? Purgatory until God judges Man. Or a sleep like state that is awakened when Bible God decides to remake creation. Talk about illogical, contradiction and lack of scientific findings.
Reply Fri 24 Jan, 2014 12:07 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
We have no paid clergy, no fancy cars (unless earned by our own labor), and no Lear jets. Our literature is free. No collection plates, no raffles, no bazaars.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Jan, 2014 12:22 am
mikeymojo wrote:
I have smiley and you know what Sheol sounds like? Purgatory until God judges Man. Or a sleep like state that is awakened when Bible God decides to remake creation. Talk about illogical, contradiction and lack of scientific findings.
Please explain your reference to 'scientific findings'.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Jan, 2014 02:16 am
I was toying with you my friend.

Our literature is free.

Please explain your reference to 'scientific findings'.

Reply Fri 24 Jan, 2014 03:41 am
Be quicker to study and slower to post my friend.

Sheol is not a literal place, but the common grave of mankind otherwise known as death. If you argue against what you think things mean you will not win any plaudits here, most of the regulars are pretty clued up.

I'm guessing you were raised Roman Catholic, and think what you were taught was nonsense and logically unreconcileable
Calamity Dal
Reply Fri 24 Jan, 2014 06:02 am
I'm with Mikey Mojo on this one, unless you can prove that people die, it is unscientific.

Moron ;P
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Fri 24 Jan, 2014 08:59 am
Smileyrius said: Romeo originally posted the New York rich organisations listing of jws who apparently amassed 950mil. It has since been redacted

Yes on second thoughts I didn't want to unfairly single out the Jehovah's Witnesses for having 950 million bucks (Wiki's figure) in the bank in 2001, so I deleted it.
Fact is, most organised religions and cults are sitting on big bucks.
Reply Fri 24 Jan, 2014 09:56 am
Smileyrius When looking at the mosaic law, you need to be studious as to why any law was applied, you can break it down in to three seperate categories: Civil law, Ceremonial law and Moral Law.
Well what is the purpose of breaking it down into three parts?
I find no NT teaching from Jesus or Paul that says the law of god can be divided three ways.
This seems to be arbitrary. It seems as though someone wants to say “This does not apply, this does apply. Here is why….”

There are many ways to break down the laws. One way that I find to be utilitarian is to say “These laws apply to you when you deal with yourself, or with others of the tribes of Israel. These other apply when My People deal with the idolaters and others not of My People.”

That has a biblical (OT) basis. Using OT scripture I can show that the law says – paraphrased – ‘When dealing with outsiders….’. This is very clear, not really open to interpretation.

All law was about God’s people doing as God instructed, that is not open to interpretation.
We know that with the NT the meaning of “god’s people” changed to include gentiles, and that Jesus fulfilled many laws, made them irrelevant.
We know that no law condemns a man to hell, all are free to experience a blissful eternal life by the grace of god as revealed by Jesus.

Israelites would have known very little about biological diseases and safe cooking methods for foods such as pork and shellfish, yet ceremonial law though unknowingly, quarantined them and safeguarded them from dangerous bacteria.

Biological diseases were not limited to pork and shellfish, I would think you would agree.
What special health issues are there concerning eagles, or calamari, which are also an abomination?
What of “flying creeping things, which have four feet”, what special health risk?
In the case of pork, a modern day spin would be to mention trichinosis, which is not a bacterial issue, but a parasitic issue. Pork has no unique bacterial issues compared to camel or goat.

And another point, none of these issues you mention disappeared at the birth or death of Jesus.
All of these issues are still with us.

The implication of your position is the scientific knowledge supersedes the laws of god.
God has these laws, but hey, they are no longer relevant because we know about refrigeration and the importance of well cooked pork.
If the knowledge of man negates the laws of god, there are many issues to reexamine.
Logic dictates that that the knowledge of man does not negate the laws of god.
Any injunction by god to not eat pork, shrimp, lobster, eagles, calamari, flying creeping things, which have four feet, cannot be ignored simply because of the knowledge of man, logically there would have to be a deeper issue.
You have not identified such an issue.

That issue might affect other injunctions as well.

Gods moral laws on the other hand are timeless, as they are an indicator of spiritual cleanliness and acceptableness to god, therefore showing his personality.
Because you and others say so?
Why is it that abominations of eating are not morality based, but who a person sleeps with is?
Where does the bible say these should be treated differently.

You do have an answer for that, and refer us to Matthew 3:15, [And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him.]
You refer us to the account the baptism of Jesus by John, to say that ‘expires’ the ‘ceremonial’ injunctions against abominations of unclean foods.

I reread Mathew Henry’s commentaries of this passage, and he says “ Thus Christ filled up the righteousness of the ceremonial law, which consisted of diverse washings ”. Nothing about eating, just ceremonial washings.
John Gill’s commentaries says “ and as it became Christ to fulfill all righteousness, moral and ceremonial.” So not only ceremonial, but moral as well. If pork is ceremonial, and Matthew 3:15 tells us such abominations are no longer valid, and choice of sleeping partners is a moral issue, then it likewise in not a valid abomination. Like pork, it is a nonissue, according to Gill.

I do not see that the meaning you want for Matthew 3:15 is at all obvious, yet you offer no explanation.

Here is what we know.
“Be fruitful and multiply.”, was extremely important, according to the bible, and as understood by the Israelites. It was so important, it was more important than who one slept with.
Fornication, sexual relations outside of the benefit of marriage, was permitted and even encouraged, to be fruitful and multiple. If a man’s wife did not bear children, it was expected that he would sleep with his servants, slaves, or the relatives of his wife so that he might make children.

The daughters of Lot were so concerned that they might not be able to find a male partner, they slept with their father. Incest was bad, but not having babies was worse, so they slept with the one who might impregnate them. They were successful and bore two sons for Lot.

When it appeared that Sarah was too old to bear children, she told Abraham to sleep with their slave Hagar, so that there would be children. Abraham was a good husband and did as his wife suggested, slept with Hagar, and Ishmael was born, the ancestor of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam.
Sarah later bore Isaac, of Jewish fame. To this day Muslims and Jews do not care much for each other.

In the same vane, men sleeping with men did not lead to procreation, so was discouraged.

What is the teaching of Jesus on homosexuality?
We know what his teachings were on the accumulation of wealth – a good way to stay out of heaven.
Homosexuality – nothing said.
And what of Paul? What he the teach concerning sexual relations? He taught that good Christians would do well to be like he was, celibate, no sexual relations with men or women.

He considered any romantic involvement to be a distraction. By his teaching, ‘Be fruitful and multiple’., was no longer important, certainly less important than dedication to Christ.
By his teaching, and that of the NT, procreation was no longer a guiding principle.

The obvious reason against homosexuality (inability to procreate), was no longer valid.
The OT Bible says eating pork, shrimp, eagles, octopus are an abomination, just as homosexuality is.
The NT says Christians are not under the laws of the OT. If we follow the teachings of Jesus we see that accumulation of wealth is more harmful to the soul than homosexuality.
If we follow the teachings of Paul we see that marriage is a stumbling block in our walk with Christ.

Do not settle for suggested ignorance when you ask a question. There are always answers, let no one tell you otherwise. You will not always have answers readily to hand, but if you earnestly seek them, they come in time.

I agree, with the principle, but not the answers you have found. That is based on my study, not of what man has said about the Bible, but based on what the Bible says.
John 13:34

Reply Fri 24 Jan, 2014 10:58 am
There are ways to identify the source of quotes. It would be appreciated if you would use them, as I have no idea of what point you are trying to make.
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Reply Fri 24 Jan, 2014 11:07 am
@Calamity Dal,
Calamity Dal wrote:
I'm with Mikey Mojo on this one, unless you can prove that people die, it is unscientific. . . .
I'm a little confused. Have you never seen anyone die? Or, do you believe as Satan alleged, "You certainly will not die." (Genesis 3:4.) You do, realize, do you not, this statement to be the source of the belief in an immortal soul?

I'll have to go with an understanding of Psalm 146:4 regarding death: "On that very day his thoughts perish."
Reply Fri 24 Jan, 2014 11:19 am
BeHereNow wrote:
. . . . I agree, with the principle, but not the answers you have found. That is based on my study, not of what man has said about the Bible, but based on what the Bible says.
John 13:34
Well, getting back to the principle: Jesus fulfilled the law; and, in his fulfillment, identified himself as the Messiah. You quote John 13:34. Don't forget vs. 35 which identifies his followers.

From your tiresomely long post, I gather you disagree with smiley's assessment of moral law. You seem to be defending homosexual behavior.

You should re read Romans 1:27

Sorry I didn't address more of your exegesis. I use few words.
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Romeo Fabulini
Reply Fri 24 Jan, 2014 11:37 am
BeHereNow said: He [Paul] taught that good Christians would do well to be like he was, celibate, no sexual relations with men or women.

Yes but he didn't ban marriage outright and left it to peoples free will-
Paul said- "I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs—how he can please the Lord.
But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife, and his interests are divided.
An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit.
But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband.
..He who marries the virgin does right, but he who does not marry her does better" (1 Cor ch 7)

Personally I never married because I never wanted to be a family man and have smelly noisy kids; and apart from that I never met a woman who I wanted to marry anyway, else I might have lost my head and taken the plunge..Smile
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