I never claimed Sheol was a literal place. Read: or a sleep like state that is awakened when Bible God decides to remake creation. A state of being isn't a place, death included. Yet somehow, according to Neo and the Bible, Sheol is cast into the lake of brimstone and fire (second death) by Bible God. So death itself then dies? What are you people smoking? The state of being already dead dies again? That's super scientific and logical alright. I hated it when my dead dog died on me again. Brought me to tears. Oh yeah that's right, Bible God awakens the dead, because that's logical. How about when something dies it stays dead forever THE FIRST TIME. But I guess that's illogical to Christians because their book says so. Oh yeah, I forgot the Bible can predict the future as it will be. How stupid of me to not believe in what a book says will happen to me after I die