Hi there
I've been dating my boyfriend for 8 months. I suspect he's cheating onme because I see these weird marks on him, they look like bite marks, check it out
This mark was a lot redder, like blood coming through the skin! I was convinced it was a bite mark. Only problem is I was on ritalin and got ritalin psychosis so i started seeing bite marks everywhere even on myself! Now he says that it's me and that he's not doing anything. I don't know if I should break up with him because of this. The sex has started dwindling and the weird thing is he can't cum a lot of the time, he says he doesn't know why. He scratches himself a lot and says the marks of scratches I've seen are just him scratching his back but I don't know....
Please have a look at this photo and let me know what you think.
He lies to his parents about small stuff and he's lied to me about stuff before too so I know he's capable of lying. He says to never let people see all your stuff because they can use that against you. I had a huge fight with him the other night and called hiim a cheat, saying he wasa a coward for not telling me and that he shoulod be a real man and confess. That I needed to know. I've had this feeling of paranoia that he's cheating for a long time now and I can't seem to shake it. I don't know if that's the psychosis or not but my ex boyfriend was a porn addict for the 4 years that we were dating. I had the same feelings and thought I was going insane until he finally told me what was goingn on. I'm so worried that this will be a repeat of that. He has porn on his phone too and before told me he didn't watch it because he was with me. Sometimes he doesn't even want sex and that's not like him. When we were in another city and alone together he was totally different and wanted sex all the time, and I mean ALL the time. He even joked that he was a sex addict. He'd make comments about woman we were walking behind even, saying how he would do them. I was so hurt.
Yup, sounds like a great guy I know but I went through such a trauma, a gang rape and the guys that did it found me after 6 months and did it again. He's been with me through all of this and I'm only now starting to get better.
Please help with some advice.
\Thanks for the reply. I am getting help and have a trauma councellor. I'm really doing well. All I want to know is if anyone else sees this bite mark.