We met at new year party! She was the hotest girl... still is!
We had fun... talked a bit... then in kitchen... OO man... I have never made out with anyone like that.
can't explaine... my first time that i was so turned on (we just kissed)
I was like "yea... this is awesome, I like her a lot"! - my guess that this was all thanks to alchochol (later i will exlain)!
So I started to chat with her, texting... and so on! Once we where trying to say "bye" for 4 hours... that was also great!
she was laughing about that!
- I was a bit drunking beer (ok i had few too much XD)!
i was forcing her to meet her! she was a bit resisting. I didnt worry much about that!
So after 7 days of nice, cool, fun texting we met! She will walk a dog and i will join her! so no date! just a walk!
1. I was late like 10 min (she lives right next to the place we had to meet)! so that was lame! and then i felt like i fucked up.
2. I went up to her and knowing how was new year in kitchen, i thought a kiss could be OK! - when i leaned to her and all I got was cheek! XD - that was also makeing me feel stupid
3. we where walking... i feel that she can talk about everything, but at the same time kinda resisting... I felt like robot (I doun't know why, but i got extremely shy)
4. to breake the ice for my self, i told her "SRY i don't know why, but i feel shy!"
5. after everything was done i told her "I want to kiss you". she was laughing a bit and asked "what?". in my mind i thought that could make it all right.... what i mean is that i felt i was boring and i know how was new year... so this should be nothing new to her... but when I leaned in... i got cheak and awkward hug!
I think she is too hot for me - i think that is source of my shynes!
and alcohol made me more loose... till we met everything was ok. then I somehow freaked out!
knowing that, i want to say that I highly doubt that no other guy is makeing any moves on her.
after that chatting sucks!
I dount want to chat with her anymore (I just doun't want to make fool out of my self)... just not to make anything worse.
She will have bday this saturday. I am not interested to get invite.
also dount want to write for 2 days after the party... some topic to talk about!
she has something that she made, at my place... sould i use that as reason to meet? - to give it back, tho it is NOTHING practical or useful, its only simbolical and nothing that you can use as anything (hard to explane, something related to my coulture traditions)!
till we met she made some tweets about me. first was: new year was positive. second: ha ha! we are saying bye for 4h!
thrid (i think was about me): how could it be so lame
I took that one great makeout night too hyped up? how can i tone it a bit down and what sould i do?