@Region Philbis,
OMG... Dutchy alone has 390
Not sure Region.. I PM certainly with a few, some very few lovely and personal.. I can go back to Nov 13 on everyone, loads of messages and few.
So maybe? 1000 means who ever reached 1000 got deleted? But others I can still read. As in today's date, yesterdays, last week.
The mind is a wonderful thing when we are curious and really need to know the answer.. That or I am slightly ODD. Or OCD
Truly appreciate your help. You know when something bugs you?
Also .. I've written some PM's and next thing you know when I look up what I was pointing out, it's gone. This is general Google searches. On WH even as Admin, I can't read PM's of people here, hoping this is the same here.
This has such a family atmosphere and a lot of wisdom at 50 it makes me smile to be amongst this... Where I come from they are 18-25 , maybe 30 mainly... And I love that, but I need and love it here too...