you realize that all thatstuff you posted in links is merely a view by creationists and IMHO its junk. They have no real evidence to support their conclusion that "Evolution couldn't take place"
the Gravitational constant is NOT a life limiter. It is a result of CAvendish solving Newtons equation . He did it with a balance and found it to be
0.0000000000667 newton m^2/Kg^2.
Within the last year workers have added a few more numbers after the 7. I could undertand that the MSS of one body may exert a force on a living being so as to modify its shpe or ability to move
F=G m1 X M2/r^2. The force would vary waaay less were the G changing by a few numbers than if M2 were a huge number.
Ive always heard the Creationists try to argue this one but I find it kinda stupid .
As far as any others , you really haven't done any reading or pondering now have you? You've just "Heard" that some constants have been "Twerked" to make us in the Goldilocks zone. When , IMHO the Goldilocks zone of the Earth is best maintained by its magnetosphere , its core, and all the water we own.
We are looking around for such plantes out there that, as our sensors improve, we can focus in on their surfaces(or visit them physically with rovers)
Im waiting for someone to present a compelling argument about a lethal variation of the value of G
I cant see how this constant is "tweaking" our life chances on this planet anymore than pi.