Advocate wrote:
I wonder whether there are still some Catholic orders that do not reject evolution. I was surprised to see your statement concerning a science-oriented order running your school.
Well education was age appropriate and of course there was religious training. But even in the early years we were taught that the Bible was a source of religious guidance, however, it would be difficult to ascertain times and dates because time may have been measured differently. In other words, Methuselah probably didn't reach 900 years of age, but in reality probably lived a very long time. Especially during a period when life span was much shorter than it is today. However science was not the only area, there was a heavy emphasis on the arts, math and everything else public schools were teaching at the time.
The Parish priests would visit every other week or so, and answer questions from the students. It was usually a free for all, but we got to ask anything we wanted to know and every question was answered without anger or scolding. We particularly liked Father Hebert, he was the youngest priest in our Parish and would do magic tricks.
Keep in mind when you allow 9 year olds to ask questions, it gets very inventive. Questions such as "Father, lets say it's Sunday and you are heading to your Grandmothers house before you go to Mass, but you're in a car accident and die, will God be mad because we missed Mass?"
I'm not sure if everyone understands that Church Law can be modified. Catholics would refrain from meat on Fridays (didn't make any sense but we did) until the Church decided it was not really something that mattered. I have friends who still go meatless on Fridays, but my parents were so happy to get rid of the fish sticks we dove right in to big meaty Fridays without any qualms.
I am not the authority on the Catholic Church and it's teachings, other Catholics may have had different guidance. But the Church in America is less ridged than in some places. I also understand that in some ethnic neighborhoods (in large cities) they maintain customs from the old country and may still be very conservative.
I haven't attended mass in a long time, and my reasons are based on sense of where the Church was at, at various times.