Well, I sure didn't vote for him, I'm a lifetime Republican, and my whole life has science as a guiding force. I have two degrees in Physics. It seems to me that you have to ignore quite a lot to maintain your position that Republicans are Luddites.
I don't know whether you understand my position. YOU don't vote for the committee chairmen. YOUVE voted to make the House a virtual stronghold of Republican ideals. Once your votes have elected the majority party, THEY install their own committee members since they control the agenda.
If you are as "science oriented" as you say then you too should be worried at how the "Core members" of the Conservative side of the GOP have been slowly taking over with committees and subcommittees that are "FRIENDLY" to what I consider 'anti-scientific" positions.
You may wish to get involved in the initial pre- selection process of those you elect, rather than try to justify what they've done.
I didn't say that all republicans are anti evolution. I said that the present war on science seems to be run by the Right wing of the GOP, and this has included the chairmanship of the science and tech subcommittee of the HOUSE.
I cringe at how folks like you , normally reasonable in their thinking, could give this a pass as just"politics". It isn't "just politics", its a rising tide of the culture wars, and maybe some of other basic tenets of science will be challenged next (like Heliocentrism).
My point seems to have slipped by you and osso. Im criticizing the concept of how we could have reached the point where such a worldview is welcomed in committee leadership of a subcommittee that is supposed to be "SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY". All you've done is try to turn it around to defend your GOP connections.WRONG ATTITUDE.
The election of these luddite dudes , says, to me, that, statistically, there are more people on that committee who welcome the concept of the Supernatural and anti science to be included within the business of that committee.
Does this not even get you concerned? I can understand your partisanship. I do some of the same when criticized by several on this board. If you are trained in Physics and someone came along to represent you in Congress , and this person is an anti Copernican, , and he was invited to chair an important committee on NASA, would you not question his or her competence?
You have a greater control of the committee makeup than do I. You are involved in your party's "primary battles" wherein many of these idiots (left and right) are selected by the party base and we are "Gifted" of them after the general election.
Think about it.