Quote:Neologist said: @RF- How hard does a blow hard have to blow for his trumpet to be heard by God?- Matthew 6:2
Dunno what bible you're using mate but here's the accepted verse-
“So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others" - Matt 6:2
If I was a hypocrite trying to make myself look good, I'd have mentioned in A2K the cash I gave away over Christmas and the New Year out of my own pocket to beggars, the homeless, an animal charity etc, totalling around £290 (440 US dollars), plus another £1300 (2100 US dollars) in cash presents to my relatives..
Bragging is only a no-no if it's done for personal glory, otherwise it's fine to let the world see how kool you are-
Jesus said-
"Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven" Matt 5:16
Oh, and I've said plenty of times in A2K that I'm an ex-convict, so if i was out to make myself look good I'd have kept it secret wouldn't I?..
Anyway Neo mate you're not shy of a little boasting yourself as this bit from your profile illustrates..

"I graduated from college with a degree in psychology...I also won my share of weightlifting contests"