By the way, referring to the picture: is this a local god of Texas? Hmm, I thought that Texans were Christians and not idolaters...
I liken religious wars and debate, to a group of orphaned siblings, who have no idea who their parents were , but constantly argue and fight, over their names and description.
He just won the $315 million (yes million) Super Powerball Lotto. That took him off the street and in the God neighborhood.
I'm checking out ways to become his very good buddy. You know, fetch stuff for him, get him girls, kneel down and pray to him. Just gotta find the right inside track!
Maybe you could start a rent-a-chopper bidness.
First though, ask him to cash your check for $100-mil. If it works, I'll let you cash mine for $50-mil, good buddy.
Hmmm, I was looking over this topic and realized that perhaps Blatham meant, "Was one proof enough?"
Actually I think about 60 proof, given enough of it, would give us all a vision of God.
Piffka, I use to do it at a bottle of 12 oz, 3.6 proof at a time. Whew, that was hard work and I'm glad it's over. Now I remember talking to God!
Come on, blatham. You know it's not possible to prove a negative.

Believers can only point to nature and say, how can all this be the result of evolution? It must be god! c.i.
The belief that evolution contradicts God is only held by those people with a limited view of who their God is.
Piffka wrote:The belief that evolution contradicts God is only held by those people with a limited view of who their God is.
Those folks tend also to have a very limited view of what evolution is as well.
Piffka, It's not that evolution contradicts god, but what the origination of life as we know it. "In seven days, god created the heavens and the earth." c.i.
Evolution does in no way contradicts or disproves God. All it does is contradict the biblical myths and the concepts of organized religions. When the time comes we will all find out. Until than we are left to wonder.
The Vatican has got one of the best funded and equipped science programs in the world. They also do not question the theory of evolution. It will however take some years for them to integrate this updated theological thinking into their everyday teachings.
If drugs make you see God, and sex makes you call on him/her, (OH GOD!!!) This God entity must be pretty
Wilso, If the catholic church takes as long revealing the theory about evolution as they did about hiding their sins of child molestation and rape, it'll be a very long time in coming - if ever. Don't hold your breath. c.i.