booman, I am wondering why you couldn't click on the text you want and darken that section, then right-click it for Copy, go to the Reply form, right-click to Paste it into the form, then put your cursor at the beginning of the pasted section, and click on the box marked Quote at the top of the Reply page, doing the same at the end of the pasted section.
I have a problem with this discussion because the word "faith" is absent, although it may have been discussed away back there.
At some time in my life I didn't believe there was God, but following about 10 yrs of study (no, not religious!) I made the decision to have enough "faith" to continue studying. I do have faith that there is God. When I am completely out of line, losing my cool, about to do or say something ridiculous are have already done so, I have couple things I do that calms me so I can then put the situation in perspective, and not respond at all.
Granted, this control doesn't have to be "God." It is no doubt the powers that I myself have gained over myself. So, saying God could also be just a habit.
Why would anyone want to waste time by prooving this source available to us does not exist? If I had no faith that it exists, then it wouldn't exist FOR ME.
kara, thanks for good instructions for Frank. (Welcome, guy) I "got it" for the first time about the "quote."
"Granted, this control doesn't have to be "God." It is no doubt the powers that I myself have gained over myself. So, saying God could also be just a habit.
Why would anyone want to waste time by proving this source available to us does not exist? If I had no faith that it exists, then it wouldn't exist FOR ME."
The whole point Tex, is why bother trying to prove that such a non-entity "does" exist.
I fully agree there is no point in proving that "it" does not exist.
booman, I am wondering why you couldn't click on the text you want
I made progress, I still had trouble controlling the amount of words I copied. Idon't know if it's me or my machine.
Waita' minute! that didn't transfer right. It wasn't whited out.

Maybe I should go see the Wizard, and see if he has any brains left. Oh well, I guess God couldn't make me smart and cute too.
Booman, I don't know why not! I'm dumb and ugly. You must be the other half.

That does it C.I., you're my Press Agent!
Booman, are you using a Mac? I don't think Mac users can right-click.
Booman wrote:That does it C.I., you're my Press Agent!

What's my annual salary? c.i.
We heard you're a volunteer!
Can one prove that ghosts don't exist?
It is not possible to prove a negative, since only one exception can break the proof. No person can become aware of all possible exceptions to an argument!
On the other hand, there are many claims in support of God existing, though none have been definitive.
Kevin, I see you've managed to raise this forum out of the grave. Is this proof reserection is possible? LOL c.ii.
You love the Lord-you cannot see-
You write Him-every day-
A little note-when you awake-
And further in the Day.
An Ample Letter-How you miss-
And woud delight to see-
But then His House-is but a Step-
And Mine's-in Heaven-You see.
(Emily Dickinson 487 c.1862)
How many times must it be repeated that the burden of proof lies on the shoulders of those who claim the existence of a diety. For centuries theologically minded philosophers have tried to prove the existence of a god without success. Now the burden has been deviously shifted to those who have not been convinced. They are now challenged to prove that a diety does NOT exist. What nonsense!
JLN, They're using the logic of double negatives.

the very concept of a theological proof is a non sequitor
Love Is Here To Stay
It's very clear, our love is here to stay
Not for a year but ever and a day
The radio and the telephone and the movies that we know
May just be passing fancies and in time may go
But, oh, my dear, our love is here to stay
Together we're goin' a long, long way
In time the Rockies may crumble
Gibraltar may tumble
They're only made of clay
But our love is here to stay
(Ira Gershwin)
Satt...Your point eludes me.
The verses tell themselves.