Sat 21 Dec, 2013 07:35 pm
Many months ago there was there was a girl I was getting to know. I stalled and I think I missed my chance. A couple month ago I saw her again but she was very cold. I think I caught her off guard, but I acted a bit affronted by her response.
I just thought of her again as I was doing something that we have in common. I was thinking of sending her an email to be friendly, ask how she is and such; let her know what made me think of her. Should I try to explain any awkwardness or just be in the present?
I would to just be in the present, if I were in your place.
YUP - email her or call and say you'd like to start up your relationship again and ask her for coffee (or whatever)
IF she give you a second chance, be HUMBLE about the past.
Okay, I'll send something casual after the holidays. I think it'll help to give her the space, without the pressure of face to face.
Is asking how she is, school and artwork, a fine initiation for a conversation without being too familiar or is it too run-of-the-mill?
WHY do you wait?
Simply ASK her for coffee. Let the conversation flow from there.
Tough call. I'm not really sure what she thinks of me. I'd ask her to coffee if she responds. A lot has changed for me. Just have to (re)capture her attention, somehow.
This time last year she traveled home, etc. Assuming the same I'd rather try to get back in touch when she's less likely to be caught up with other things.
You know, spring's coming . . .