Thu 15 Apr, 2004 01:57 pm
Is taking a break technically a break up, or does it still intail being faithful?
It's one of those loaded terms, can mean a few different things. The only way to know is to ask the person you broke up with... er, are taking a break from.
Whatever you want it to mean. If you are saying "let's take a break" to let her down easily it's basically the same as a breakup. But if you say "let's take a break" and mean let's take a break, well, I don't have to explain any deeper.
hey been there before
i may not be the best person for relationship advice here but when you are on a break it is generally implied that seeing other people is okay because you are on a so called "space" break so i guess the answer would be yes it is okay to see other people
hope i helped
You can date, but nothing else. If you use the term to let someone down easy, you are an idiot and a jerk... and dumb... and a jerk. If someone is told you are just taking a break from them, they can expect you to still be faithful, otherwise you should have used different words.
Yeah, it's the same. But with a break-up, usually one of the two doesn't want to be with the other. But with taking a break, well, that's a break up where both parties would be interesting in being together again.
SCoates wrote:You can date, but nothing else. If you use the term to let someone down easy, you are an idiot and a jerk... and dumb... and a jerk. If someone is told you are just taking a break from them, they can expect you to still be faithful, otherwise you should have used different words.

I can tell you've been let down easy before.
Oh, no. I've never been let down in any way that could possibly be defined, by any stretch of anyone's imagination, as easy.
Taking a break means free for all, despite how it was defined during the conversation. Don't be a sucker.
SCoates wrote:Oh, no. I've never been let down in any way that could possibly be defined, by any stretch of anyone's imagination, as easy.
Aww, now my smilies are frownies.
But it's the same sort of bitterness you see coming forth.
Who hasn't had a bad break up!!!!
And who hasn't found comfort in the wound healing rock of Poison?
Well, yes I suppose you are right...
Juliet lacked patience. It was her own fault.
Never heard that interpretation before.
Hey, just call me the Shakespeare Deconstructionist.
Taking a break means you can do whatever you want. It's like the person you are taking a break from is not even there anymore. You can have sex with animals, make a porno, rub yourself down with pineapple juice and jam a zuchini in your ass . . . whatever.
And then when break time is over, you go back to the person you took a break from and everything is wonderful again. Really, it's true. It's in the bible.
lol..wouldn't that be great!!!!