Why do people deny evolution?

Wed 14 May, 2014 08:14 am
no i haven't...

I think you ment "I haven't read the whole thread', right?
Wed 14 May, 2014 08:15 am
Wed 14 May, 2014 08:59 am
ok, thanks, I ll know enough.
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Thu 15 May, 2014 06:13 am
You seem to like to play light with tragedies in the news.

I don't consider the event in Nigeria as a tragedy at this stage. It cannot be compared with the mine disaster in Turkey, the Malaysian plane disappearance or the South Korean ferry sinking. And there are plenty of other events which are fit to be called tragedies before the incident you are emoting about.

On Newsnight yesterday the Chief Scientific Adviser to the British Government was defending the 4.1 million experiments on living animals carried out every year in scientific research establishments. Darwin also defended the process despite knowing that some of his followers had no compunctions concerning the grotesque tortures that were inflicted. After he gave evidence (10 minutes worth) he suffered nervous prostration. See D&M page 615 et seq.

The pharma industry has announced a new policy of "openness" regarding such matters but it does not cover the nature of the procedures which animals are subjected to.

Perhaps some people deny evolution because they want to dissociate themselves from experiments on living animals. As the leader of A2K's evolutionists what is your position on the matter?

As you have avoided the exogamy question I expect you will avoid this one as well.

It might be of value to some viewers here to quote from D&M regarding scientific censorship. Darwin told a colleague not to talk about experiments on animals in the "presence of my ladies" (page 616). And Huxley had said about Klein, who had no interest in animal suffering, --"He has done more mischief than all the fanatics put together"-- but "don't mention" it "outside the circle of discreet Darwindom." (page 618).

Notice the use of "fanatics" to label people who were concerned about the suffering of animals. And the lying, the compromises, the secret cabals and the tender consideration for the ladies.

In another development, discussions relating to the proposed $100 billion takeover of AstraZeneca by Pfizer contained an accusation that anybody restricting funds for pharma research was sentencing people to death.

You should stick to geology fm. You're out of your depth on evolution and your evasions, insults, vague generalisations and emotive word use is convincing proof of it.
Thu 15 May, 2014 06:30 am
it really is a deliberate hoax.

On threads like this an explanation of that assertion is required.
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Thu 15 May, 2014 07:38 am
You should stick to geology fm.
Im gonna take advice from you?? Hardly.

You've amply demonstrated over the years your lack of capacity in reasoning and analyses. You have no concept of whats involved in problem solving
You and Quahog make the perfect couple. He will be your sycophant and you can practice your run-on irrelevancy skills.

Unlike you, I am able to empathize for each of the tragedies above as they occur.
I do plan to keep all my areas of interest open to me thank you, I don't need a yobbo-loser like you to give advice(especially since you have no idea in hell of what you speak)
I suggest you do the same and pursue your lifes dreams. (Of course for you,those primary dreams seem to surround 20oz schooners of suds and being a bigger and better practitioner of misogyny.)
Thu 15 May, 2014 07:41 am
I don't consider the event in Nigeria as a tragedy at this stage
That's cause you sympathize with Bokko Haram
Thu 15 May, 2014 07:50 am
Back to the main topic of this thread. Most people who deny evolution don't have the capacity to analyze information in multiple dimensions. Dimensional analyses is a basic tool in all sciences and is at the core of evolutions evidence.
We have huge piles of evidence on the evolution and development of the"Big 8 developmental concepts" of life on this planet.
These are:
The origins of life (when, where, and how)
the rise of replication and "bookkeeping chemicals" (biopolymers ,XNA, RNA DNA)
Complex cells
Motion and sensing
-Thermo regulation.

0 Replies
Thu 15 May, 2014 07:51 am
Im gonna take advice from you?? Hardly.

You've amply demonstrated over the years your lack of capacity in reasoning and analyses. You have no concept of whats involved in problem solving
You and Quahog make the perfect couple. He will be your sycophant and you can practice your run-on irrelevancy skills.

Unlike you, I am able to empathize for each of the tragedies above as they occur.
I do plan to keep all my areas of interest open to me thank you, I don't need a yobbo-loser like you to give advice(especially since you have no idea in hell of what you speak)
I suggest you do the same and pursue your lifes dreams. (Of course for you,those primary dreams seem to surround 20oz schooners of suds and being a bigger and better practitioner of misogyny.)

Come on, you are not really open. Be fair.
Thu 15 May, 2014 07:54 am
Im far more open than you> Ive gone through the various phases of analyses. Its just tht some of us go through these phases at much younger years than others.
Lets face it, You are unable to absorb the data and evidence through time. So , rther than trying to understand, its much easier for you to deny everything.
You've got your ass kissing buddy spendi . Go plqy with him. Youre a moron.
Thu 15 May, 2014 08:05 am
Im far more open than you> Ive gone through the various phases of analyses. Its just tht some of us go through these phases at much younger years than others.
Lets face it, You are unable to absorb the data and evidence through time. So , rther than trying to understand, its much easier for you to deny everything.
You've got your ass kissing buddy spendi . Go plqy with him. Youre a moron.

And.....yes!!! Another rather narcissitic reacton from fm!
What else is new?
Offcourse stating in no uncertain terms how open he is, while for everyopne to seen he is not, when you read his postings.
And last but not least he throws out some Ad Hominem's .
It looks all a bit sad and desperate trying to cling no his nonsensical religion.
I don't use AH's on him, but I have made some conclusions about him based on his postings.
But in a very narcissitcic way HE is offcourse ' above us all','superior"
"It is HE who had all the phases!" Wink
ah well, still looks very funny.

The only think is, he doesn't adress the issue at hand.

He probably can't

he! it rhymes!

Thu 15 May, 2014 08:18 am
I do not. From an evolutionary point of view the agency which facilitates exogamy is of no consequence. That you don't seem to understand that important point betrays your ignorance of evolution and of Darwin's great feat in throwing the thinking classes into consternation and confusion. That you obviously don't think you are confused or consternated is merely a proof that you are not a member of the thinking classes. You are a soppy, sentimental Christian fundamentalist who has found a way to talk authoritatively at groups of thick-heads.

When I was training at 18 the sergeant in charge of the NAFFI club in Chippenham used to go around two local towns giving out free tickets and transport to shopgirls and whatnot for the Saturday night dance. They arrived in two coaches which were always full and seeing them arrive, with their little expectant faces in all the coach windows, was a sight for sore eyes.

That institution facilitated exogamy. It extended the gene pool. Incest is on the other end or at least an amount of inbreeding.

You are not answering any points raised and your fans need you to guide them in these scientific matters. And you are chickening out and resorting by insult to sucking up to ladies of advanced opinions and trying to blind them with pseudo-scientific jargon.

I don't sympathise with the Nigerian government either and I'm not very impressed by the contribution to finding those girls the world's richest and freest nation is making. Which is a guide to how much the US actually cares. Photo-ops notwithstanding. And the empty posturing of poseurs.

Your fans don't need morality homilies. Everybody can do that. This is an elite scientific thread.
Thu 15 May, 2014 08:28 am
You've got your ass kissing buddy spendi .

Where have your arse kissing buddies skulked off to fm? Perhaps they have finally realised that you're dragging the good name of Science in the dirt.

It is inevitable that you do when you try to apply readings off instruments to human behaviour.

Did you know that 2,000 people have been kidnapped in the last month in Nigeria. I think the word "schoolgirls" has got you over-excited.
0 Replies
Thu 15 May, 2014 08:38 am
It's really quite funny. If two people upset fm, even in quite different ways, they magically become arse kissing buddies. For years fm has had lots of people agreeing with him and they have not been referred to as arse-kissing buddies. Certainly not by me. I would never allow myself to be that embarrassed.

btw--"Ass" is a genteel euphemism for "arse". The sort of usage a daring, analytical Christian might deploy. To get the insult more focused the correct word is "nipsy". Or for the scientifically minded, the muscles of the anus which expand and contract for our convenience.
0 Replies
Thu 15 May, 2014 09:27 am
I don't use AH's on him,
But in a very narcissitcic way HE is offcourse ' above

You've got npthing to add to this convertion Quahog. Youre merely a simple minded denier of science. Where do we go from there?

I think you've shot your entire load of ammo. You've got nothing worth discussing . Ive been very patient up to your insultathon. So why not.?

Ive addressed LL the issues, all you've done is deny deny deny mostly always with some stupid comments about "modern science". without discussing anything that you stand behind besides chisunbop rvedic math tricks. (ny idiot can play with their fingers and do quick calcs .Our jobs in science are to set up that which can be described by equations.
You and spendi are made for each other.

Thu 15 May, 2014 09:29 am

I do not. From an evolutionary point of view the agency which facilitates exogamy is of no consequence. That you don't seem to understand that important point betrays your ignorance of evolution and of Darwin's great feat in throwing the thinking classes into consternation and confusion.

To call a tragic crime "exogamy" shows me that your as simple minded as gungasnake or Quahog
Thu 15 May, 2014 09:56 am
There are no crimes in evolution. What on earth are you talking about? Bride capture has been a regular feature in human history.

Applying American jurisprudence to scientific matters is ridiculous.

You have copped out as you have on experiments on animals, all of which are cruel, and many of them have nothing to do with saving lives. That's why it's all done behind closed doors.

You're trying to look pretty and not one single aspect of science is pretty.

The sweet pretty things are in bed now of course
The city fathers they're trying to endorse
The reincarnation of Paul Revere's horse
But the town has no need to be nervous.

Bob Dylan - Tombstone Blues.

When are you going to peer-review my posts you soft-centred, sentimental, old sweetie?
0 Replies
Thu 15 May, 2014 11:07 am
You've got npthing to add to this convertion Quahog. Youre merely a simple minded denier of science. Where do we go from there?

I think you've shot your entire load of ammo. You've got nothing worth discussing . Ive been very patient up to your insultathon. So why not.?

Ive addressed LL the issues, all you've done is deny deny deny mostly always with some stupid comments about "modern science". without discussing anything that you stand behind besides chisunbop rvedic math tricks. (ny idiot can play with their fingers and do quick calcs .Our jobs in science are to set up that which can be described by equations.
You and spendi are made for each other.

the only thing I have to add is that there is no evidence for ( macro) evolution
AND that if you start calculating statistically, there remains nothing whatsoever of this whole evolution , and it will fall like a house of cards.

And, If hacve written some things , but you have to discard this, offcourse, and then saying I have nothing to add. It really is very funny.
Well, you are bluntly transparent.

But especially for you some reminders:

Ths whole **** is manufactered by the Lunar Society, the members of this secret societies did know it was all ****. It was ment to distract people from
real knowlegde.

It seems you fell for it. Wink

Then there is this in the 'protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion:

. Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism (Evolution), Marxism (Communism), Nietzsche-ism (Socialism). To us Jews, at any rate, it should be plain to see what a disintegrating importance these directives have had upon the minds of the GOYIM.

you see, Darwinism is online with marxism, socialisme and what have you.

Doesn't that makes you think?

Offcourse not, I know. Wink
Thu 15 May, 2014 11:32 am
Then there is this problem:

Many times students hear that the theory of evolution is a "proven fact of science."
The reality is that the theory of evolution is NOT a proven fact of science.
For example, the theory of evolution requires that life be created from simple chemicals.
It requires the conversion of “life from non-life.”
Such a conversion has never been demonstrated and such a conversion has never been proven to be possible. For example, the complex chemical binding of many aminoacids, necessary to create proteins, has never been demonstrated to be possible outside of cells.
Even the simplest life on earth, which does not require a host, is far too complex to form by a series of accidents. Therefore the theory of evolution requires that the first “life” was a form of life which does not exist on this earth any more. Thus, according to the theory of evolution, the “first living cell,” meaning the first living cell on this planet, is a species which no longer exists on this earth.

Thu 15 May, 2014 11:35 am
The first eBook on this website is 193 pages and is called: The Evolution of Evolution.

It is by far the best book in existence to explain the massive deceptions which are being used to cover-up the nonsense of the theory of evolution. It takes SEVEN CHAPTERS to unravel the deceptive tactics of the evolution establishment. No other book on earth is so refined in exposing the fraud of the theory of evolution.

The book also explains why human DNA cannot contain enough information to "morph" a fertilized egg (e.g. of a human) into a newborn baby.

more here:


you see, 'evolution' really is all shite and bollocks mixed together!
like garbage, you know.

especially to fuckerman Wink : I just feel you are not going to read it, you really can't, it is in your bones! Wink

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