I dont have any invstment in youre delusion other than to scoff at your lies. You may look into the committee reviews by NAS and the AGU back in 2007 when the "hockey stick" blather opened up and was touted as "truth" by other illiterates as Gllenn Beck, Rush Limbough, and David Koch. (Charles Koch understood and reconciled with IPCC results and just kep his mouth shut like a good little older brother)
Your inabilities to acknowledge facts and evidence are well known herein because youve done it many many times before where you, not knowing of what you speak, merely keep repeating your mantra about how folks cant find any mistakes in your assertions. Its not that they cant find any, its just that we are the guys who really believe youre just a wee bit nuts in the head.
Till recently Ive tried to handle you gently, Ive abandoned the effort to believe tht theres anything worth listening to (sorta like our liar-in-chief). Its just fun reading th direction you next tack .
Keep it coming