Why do people deny evolution?

Wed 24 Apr, 2019 02:31 pm
Haha, Course the plates are not moving that fast now.
You really have to stop assuming that the rate we measure things today has always been the same in the past.
That is a core difference between these two theories.

Try to make it to the 20-25 minute mark this time on the origins of the Grand Canyon video of these three videos. You said you only made it 15 minutes in last time.
That would be the quickest route for you to observe the evidence of ‘speedy’ drifting I can think of right now, unless you take the time to read the whole 600+ page book online
Wed 24 Apr, 2019 03:14 pm
Quote:’The JW's have got a lot of beliefs that are way off base as far as I can tell, but I agree with them on the Trinity.’

My as well throw this out there now:
.....’and the word WAS GOD.’
Cannot get much more clear than that.

This video expands with more examples of his claims to be the great I AM.

Again Keep in mind ‘he emptied himself’...You had questioned before why he did not know the date of his return. (As JWs try to argue too)

Also, JW’s have added to the original scripts:
...the word was ‘A’ god.

Lastly, they have also altered the definition of ‘begetting.’
God creates the earth.
God creates human beings.
God begets God. The father Begot the son.

Humans create tables.
Humans create cars.
Humans beget humans. Isaac was Abrahams begotten son.....Not created son.

Those are a few foundational pillars of sand their worldview stands upon. Not good😬

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Wed 24 Apr, 2019 05:10 pm
Course the plates are not moving that fast now.
according to you, when do you think Continentl drift slowed to its present rate??

If it was proceeding at such a fast clip, how come the magnetic reversal tracks seen on either sides of mid oceanic sutures all appear to be the same size??

I dont really need to watch the whole bag a donuts when the firat few minutes was already littered with untruth, no evidence, and outright fraud. 600 pages of horse ****, imagine how dumb YEC are.

I love your line that the Jehova's Witnesses have it wrong. (As if any of you has even a scintilla of fact at your disposal)

SCience is always the simplest answer it can be connected with all other branches of cience, whereas your belief in a 5 mph Continental drift defies physics, geology s well as biology.
Thu 25 Apr, 2019 07:03 am
Quote:’ according to you, when do you think Continentl drift slowed to its present rate??’

A: if you would watch the Grand Canyon video, add around the 20 minute mark, if you would get your answer. Quit acting like a Jehovah’s Witness who is terrified of reading anything but their own material and dogmas.... and preaching/teaching that as truth.
In short, as the Hydro plates rapidly pushed away from the oceanic ridge halfway through the flood, they crashed into the mantle creating the mountains on the western edge of the continent, the Grand Canyon and more.
That is when the process ‘slowed.’

Quote:’If it was proceeding at such a fast clip, how come the magnetic reversal tracks seen on either sides of mid oceanic sutures all appear to be the same size??’

About halfway down this page you will find the answer to ‘Magnetic reversals’ in more detail👍( I told you to read the 600+ Page online book so I would not have to explain it to you)
But this comes back to one of my favourite verses Jeremiah wrote ...’ those who seek the truth will find the truth, when it is sought with all their heart ‘
I can only hope that by myself breaking down some of your walls, you will come around! That you will start speaking the truth. See you Sunday?! Hehe

The so-called ‘reversals’ are simply regions of LOWER magnetic intensity.
(again another misinterpretation like a Jehovah’s Witness examining scripture.... making them, and you guilty of spreading misinformation and false teachings)

......as one moves across the Mid-Oceanic Ridge, magnetic intensities fluctuate, as shown in Figure 48. (See link for graph) **Someone merely drew a line through these fluctuations and labeled everything below this average intensity as a “reversal.” **
There is a false but widespread impression that these slight deviations below the average represent magnetic fields that reversed millions of years ago.

It was only after the discovery of the magnetic anomalies in the 1950s, and their false plate-tectonic interpretation in the late 1950s and early 1960s, that the plate tectonic theory became popular.
Thu 25 Apr, 2019 07:11 am
Quote:’But what possible difference does it make whether we understand the methods and timeline of the creator? Even if every detail you say is true - What good does it do a man to know them? Are you assuming that once people are convinced that there was a flood and the universe took six days to make that they will then have their eyes opened as to how to live together and know God?’

Let me ask you a question.
What is the backbone of Atheism?
A: evolution and millions of years!

The false Teaching of evolution and millions of years and all their incorrect interpretation of the data around us (nature) is no different then a Jehovah’s Witness misinterpreting scripture and misleading themselves and others into UNbelief.
I will say though, at least someone who acknowledges the true God can embrace something Destructive like the idea of evolution or embracing immoral behaviours popular in our culture.

It is destructive, and ungodly thinking. Backwards thinking.
It keeps people from coming into church as well as leaving the church! 😡
Teaching children and people that they are nothing more than modified pond scum leads them to depression,suicide and immorality!

After all, if we are nothing but mammals let’s do it like they do on the discovery channel.

Thing is, I have seen you post these things before about human zoos and such, so I’m not quite clear why you posed this question.
Thu 25 Apr, 2019 08:25 am
Let me ask you a question.
What is the backbone of Atheism?
A: evolution and millions of years!

That is a damn good question. I don't think that is the right answer though.

From my perspective, atheism has no backbone. It is an all consuming blob that can change shape to suit its target, or like a microphage that encircles the prey and then absorbs it. Atheism is like the Big Gray Nothing in the movie Never Ending Story. We should believe atheists when they tell us this. The A in Atheist is for 'not' God. What does that leave a man?

There are an unlimited number of strategies used in the attempt to absorb every last man into it. Evolution may be the factor for some but I think they are a fringe minority. Most don't even know what Evolution really means and those that do, and then decide that is good reason to reject the 'God Hypothesis' , are then obligated (morally) to look deeply enough into biology to justify that decision.

I think those who actually do will come away convinced of ID (for lack of better term), or at very least see that the issue has not been settled scientifically. Even a number of mainstream evolutionary biologists are realizing its shortcomings.
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Thu 25 Apr, 2019 08:29 am
If it werent for science and "evolutionism" youd have nothing in applied biology and molecular bio and biochem.

Is being a Luddite in science painful? When you have to look and ignore all the wonderful (and some dangerous) things that the sciences have wrought, life would certainly b boring with having to make stone tools

Teaching children and people that they are nothing more than modified pond scum leads them to depression,suicide and immorality!
. Ill wager my new chicken against a dime that 100's of more suicides , wars, and murders are the product of wacky religious beliefs than any science.

Your ignorance is getting nauseating, I think Ill go and do some field work planting a new hybrid strain of ultra proteinaceous alfalfa that can thrive in clay soils. (Its genetic modification)

0 Replies
Thu 25 Apr, 2019 08:43 am
You ask 'what good does it do to man to know them ?"

The answer is clearly that man's potential survival as a species has nothing to do with the whims or blessings of a fickle fairy tale 'creator', but in the application of man's ingenuity in maintaining his evolutionary niche in a changing environment.

Indolent religionists who put themselves 'in God's hands' usually with the security of 'an afterlife', are merely prostituting their evolved intellectual capacities. The accusation of 'backward thinking' is pathetic coming from those who no longer think at all !
Thu 25 Apr, 2019 08:45 am
Quit acting like a Jehovah’s Witness who is terrified of reading anything but their own material and dogmas.... and preaching/teaching that as truth.
You are the JW type, you just go by another name of Fundamentalist BS. I think Ive read everything youve mentioned just for sheer amazement that people can still sound so stupid.

PS , I dont teach anything as "TRUTH", I teach it as FACTS. Facts can be repeated,and experimented and discovered. So far, none f your crap is provable, discoverable (without making up BS stories about 5 MILE PER HOUR continental plates. ).

Worshipping at the altar of profound ignorance as you do , do you not feel that you owe others any xamples of where you get the secondary stories that are made up .
Do you realize that nothing appears in the BIBLE about continental drift. Quite the contrary, theres nothing in it about "day date", "Tectonics", anything convincing about a scientific reason about **** like "Fully Formed or of their kind". Sounds like some further crap that follows Archbishop Ussher.

Im quite familiar with your Fundamentalist spokespeople. At the "3rd International Conference on Creation" that was held in Istanbul, they could only find 8 "scientists" (most of whom were mechanical engineers or Theosophy BS artists) who would speak out about the error of wvolution. Manwhile, millions of scientists, physicians, and futurists are coming out with new evidence daily about how the biological world works. I dont think that Fundamentalists beliefs will disappear because , as humans, we show a penchant towards believing in all kinds of ridiculous worldviews. Im never surprised at how you guys can look facts right in the face and deny them. I view that as one of two things
1Deep religious fanaticism

2Deep pathology

Pick one
Thu 25 Apr, 2019 08:59 am

Top trying to post **** as fact. It may be your own version of "TRUTH", but its certainly not based on scientific facts. I spent a short tour on the Glomar back before I did exploration geochemistry and taught mining geology. We were able to masure magnetic reversals, changes in inclination and declination v TIME of core.
Also, when we drilled to the Paleocene we could see the iridium layer consistent with the Alvarez theory. (We just didnt realize that the tektites were that important at th time.

If the Flood jumbled up all the fossils and deposited them in a manner that you think"fakes time stratigraphy" how come we dont see mammal fossils in the Paleozoic or do we see conodonts past the Sevonian?? Was there something hydrologically different about all fossils that made them "Sort out" by other than a time sequence.

Youve not been able to answer that satisfactorily

Your explanations seem to get more and more hairbrained, Sorta like Charlie Manson and his explanation for his beliefs in race relations.
0 Replies
Thu 25 Apr, 2019 09:02 am
Excellent answer, Sorta like why we are going into space.(We discovered TANG in the process)
Thu 25 Apr, 2019 09:15 am
Good one !
Thu 25 Apr, 2019 05:34 pm
Ive wondered whether H$G isnt really gungasnake under another name. He seems just as defiantly ignorant as G snake and always coming up with catechism to be 'truth' .
Fri 26 Apr, 2019 12:26 am
The defiance of religionists is a defence mechanism to protect self integrity. Their 'self' has invested so heavily (socially and intellectually) in a particular mythology that they need to rationalise their layout on what the majority see as a fraudulent insurance company. 'Evidence' is selected according to the needs of their mission and their 'rationality' is reinforced by the idiolect of their group (folie a plusiers).
Rorty, the pragmatist philosopher, argues that there is nothing 'wrong' about believing in a 'deity' which serves to satisfy emotional needs. The problem is for them to assume that such a concept still has anything to do with 'science' any more since it has lost its pre-scientific historical utility in accounting for the nature of the world. Obviously the word magic enshrined in 'holy books' is part of emotional need satisfaction of religionists, and that is the 'sand' from which they cannot extract their heads. Its chronic covert hypnotherapy (aka adiction).
Fri 26 Apr, 2019 03:40 am
To many of that world view is an acceptance of a reality in which their "evidence" has a very low bar of fact or reality. Scripture says it, that settles it.
What bothers me most is that their entire scientific mission is to ONLY discredit actual research without engaging in anything that forwards their own. As an example, Many of them are still out there dwelling on an "eroded Whaleback fold" on Mt Arrarat as some kind of proof of a "fossilized Ark".
They will blindly criticize radiometric dates but still utilize C14 as "evidence" of events in the Historical aspects of the OT and the Torah. Then they will knowingly utilize erroneous rad techniques to "prove" that Cretaceous fossils are only 40000 years old. Then they top all this off with a statement that says "Well, we know the planet is NOT really 40000 years old"

0 Replies
Fri 26 Apr, 2019 03:40 am
To many of that world view is an acceptance of a reality in which their "evidence" has a very low bar of fact or reality. Scripture says it, that settles it.
What bothers me most is that their entire scientific mission is to ONLY discredit actual research without engaging in anything that forwards their own. As an example, Many of them are still out there dwelling on an "eroded Whaleback fold" on Mt Arrarat as some kind of proof of a "fossilized Ark".
They will blindly criticize radiometric dates but still utilize C14 as "evidence" of events in the Historical aspects of the OT and the Torah. Then they will knowingly utilize erroneous rad techniques to "prove" that Cretaceous fossils are only 40000 years old. Then they top all this off with a statement that says "Well, we know the planet is NOT really 40000 years old"

0 Replies
Fri 26 Apr, 2019 03:40 am
To many of that world view is an acceptance of a reality in which their "evidence" has a very low bar of fact or reality. Scripture says it, that settles it.
What bothers me most is that their entire scientific mission is to ONLY discredit actual research without engaging in anything that forwards their own. As an example, Many of them are still out there dwelling on an "eroded Whaleback fold" on Mt Arrarat as some kind of proof of a "fossilized Ark".
They will blindly criticize radiometric dates but still utilize C14 as "evidence" of events in the Historical aspects of the OT and the Torah. Then they will knowingly utilize erroneous rad techniques to "prove" that Cretaceous fossils are only 40000 years old. Then they top all this off with a statement that says "Well, we know the planet is NOT really 40000 years old"

0 Replies
Fri 26 Apr, 2019 03:40 am
To many of that world view is an acceptance of a reality in which their "evidence" has a very low bar of fact or reality. Scripture says it, that settles it.
What bothers me most is that their entire scientific mission is to ONLY discredit actual research without engaging in anything that forwards their own. As an example, Many of them are still out there dwelling on an "eroded Whaleback fold" on Mt Arrarat as some kind of proof of a "fossilized Ark".
They will blindly criticize radiometric dates but still utilize C14 as "evidence" of events in the Historical aspects of the OT and the Torah. Then they will knowingly utilize erroneous rad techniques to "prove" that Cretaceous fossils are only 40000 years old. Then they top all this off with a statement that says "Well, we know the planet is NOT really 40000 years old"

0 Replies
Fri 26 Apr, 2019 03:40 am
To many of that world view is an acceptance of a reality in which their "evidence" has a very low bar of fact or reality. Scripture says it, that settles it.
What bothers me most is that their entire scientific mission is to ONLY discredit actual research without engaging in anything that forwards their own. As an example, Many of them are still out there dwelling on an "eroded Whaleback fold" on Mt Arrarat as some kind of proof of a "fossilized Ark".
They will blindly criticize radiometric dates but still utilize C14 as "evidence" of events in the Historical aspects of the OT and the Torah. Then they will knowingly utilize erroneous rad techniques to "prove" that Cretaceous fossils are only 40000 years old. Then they top all this off with a statement that says "Well, we know the planet is NOT really 40000 years old"

0 Replies
Fri 26 Apr, 2019 03:40 am
To many of that world view is an acceptance of a reality in which their "evidence" has a very low bar of fact or reality. Scripture says it, that settles it.
What bothers me most is that their entire scientific mission is to ONLY discredit actual research without engaging in anything that forwards their own. As an example, Many of them are still out there dwelling on an "eroded Whaleback fold" on Mt Arrarat as some kind of proof of a "fossilized Ark".
They will blindly criticize radiometric dates but still utilize C14 as "evidence" of events in the Historical aspects of the OT and the Torah. Then they will knowingly utilize erroneous rad techniques to "prove" that Cretaceous fossils are only 40000 years old. Then they top all this off with a statement that says "Well, we know the planet is NOT really 40000 years old"


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