Why do people deny evolution?

Mon 22 Apr, 2019 04:18 pm
Whales and Snakes have those bones for mating purposes.
Just as the human appendix was once used for ‘evidence’ in favour of evolution, as a vestigial structure. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️😔
Bankrupt, the theory is bankrupt.

A single functional protein cannot be formed by chance, never mind a functional lifeform like bacteria, which consists of at least 150 proteins....a marvel of engineering!

Oh, the faith you have farmerman, following the leader Darwin.
Your religious bias is so obvious. No point even addressing these responses to you, ya know?


‘Often called a living fossil, the coelacanth (pronounced SEE-luh-canth) was long believed to have fallen extinct 70 million years ago, until a specimen was recognized in a fish market in South Africa in 1938. The coelacanth has fleshy, lobed fins that look somewhat like limbs, as does the lungfish, an air-breathing freshwater fish. The coelacanth and the lungfish have long been battling for the honor of which is closer to the ancestral fish that first used fins to walk on land.’

They speculated and interpreted this fish to have walked as a fossil, and Still do! Haha. Seems desperate.
This article is full of Speculations and stories....they can use their imaginations all they want, like yourself.
I want empirical evidence. Repeatable, demonstratable , observable evidence. Not terrible interpretations based on wishful thinking.
Mon 22 Apr, 2019 05:19 pm
‘For protozoa-to-person evolution to have worked over time, purely natural factors must have conceived, constructed, integrated, and implemented new proteins into old organisms. Brave researchers—already convinced that this somehow occurred—have been investigating this core issue, but their recent discovery refutes their own perspective.’
For more, read the link.

Mon 22 Apr, 2019 08:43 pm
Whales and Snakes have those bones for mating purposes
Yeh NOW!!. Did you ver hear the Gould statement that goes like this::


Not only do you just deny science but your ignorance of it actually prevents you from making an intelligent critique of it.,

ALSO, apparently you missed the entire point of the NYT article, it wasnt to establish any "missing linkage", it was looking at differences in genomics to see how (and where in their genomes) does the Latemeria differ from the lungfishes and mudskippers. Your conclusion that someone is looking for missing links is how YOUR mind works, not the biologists.

Your mind does seem to work like a typical creationist. (Maybe "work" is too strong a term)
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Mon 22 Apr, 2019 08:46 pm
Im not gonna bother with the last one, I read it before when we had a more intelligent discussion re: proteins.
ALl I can say is ICR doesnt do any "R" on its own. A number of years ago Id seen their "LAB" and its a single garage with mostly a collction of fossils and cross sections of a Creationists view of the Grand Canyon
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Tue 23 Apr, 2019 08:20 am
The ‘gate’ to the original location would have been lost in the flood.

I guess God should not attempt such DIY projects and hire a properly licensed contractor next time. And what about the angels with the flaming swords guarding it, couldn't they have done something?

Seriously, it sounds a little ad hoc to me.

I don't mean to dismiss your ideas as a joke. Some of what you say might very well turn out to be true, but we have no way of knowing about some things. When we pretend certain knowledge about them, it reduces our credibility.

You may claim you have had revelation about these things and that too may be true. If so, I would advise keeping your own council about it. Whether the gate was lost to the flood or not is of no importance to the path and would help no one along it. Mea culpa, we've probably all spoken when inward reflection was what was intended with our revelation.
Tue 23 Apr, 2019 08:31 am


Speaking of the original location being lost.
This online book is a excellent resource for Flood geology, check it out.
Tue 23 Apr, 2019 08:40 am
Sorry, I edited my last post while you were posting, not trying to prank you.
I'll check out your link.
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Tue 23 Apr, 2019 02:35 pm
Theres so much in that link that is a cartoon of science." ALL mountains were uplifted in less than an Hour???" How come the zircon dates from granites are older than the dates of garnets found in the quartz pegmatites that cut across the granites by more than half a million years?? You do know that if something cracks something and deposits some of its
magma" into the crack, that the magma is younger than the granite (or granodiorite or basalt or diabase or porphyry {IT DONT MATTER}.

Im gonna pose this, Howcome angiosprems and grasse pollen is only in geologic hrizons well after the end of the Paleozoic// Was this "flood" that meticulous in separating pollens??

Creationism is a "fanciful story" with absolutely NO evidence.

Henry Morrison is the father of Flood geology (the Biblical version). Its gotten more and more scientifically written up in ICR "Self published volumes" (I have many of them in my historical collection I used to serve my students as examples of really sloppy thinking.)

One volume I have is called "Civic Biology" (ed 3 and4) which use the Bible as a framework of the path f life on earth. It is, beyond a doubt, one of the most racist volumes around. It was written during the JIM CROW era post Reconstruction (late 1800's).

The hell of it is that its political bent was, in those days, mostly Democrat. The GOP was the more progressive party back then and the SOuthern Democrats were strong racist douche bags.

Tue 23 Apr, 2019 05:30 pm
Genesis 3:24 says, “He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim ANd a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life.”
So, it seems the sword was separate from the angel. The sword, which ‘divides’ did just that. Some sort of barrier. Flames usually symbolic of judgement in the O.T.

Why just the ‘east?’
Part of understanding this passage is a consideration of the Hebrew perspective regarding directions. The Jewish people listed directions starting with “east,” unlike Western cultures that typically list the compass points starting with “north.” To say “at the east of the Garden of Eden” could have been a reference to the edge of Eden. Though this is not definitive, it appears to fit the context of the passage.

Both Literal, historical event, and figurative speech to convey a message.

I do consider angels a tough idea to grasp at times... how does it all work right?
kinda like winding back the clocks and trying to explain to humanity that invisible lifeforms (bacteria) can make a person sick. Doctors especially are guilty of this faulty mentality. Yet for them a tough thing to grasp.

Then I think of Christ's words ‘ if I have told u earthly things (like the age of the earth;) and u do not believe, how then will u believe heavenly things?
Tue 23 Apr, 2019 05:34 pm
Quote: ‘how come zircon dates....’

Dating techniques are absolutely unreliable that’s why. Always giving mixed dates. Sometimes one rock can yield multiple ages.

The hydroplate theory definitely the best model to explain much I gotta say.
Tue 23 Apr, 2019 07:29 pm
You know nothing about what you speak, do you know that?
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Tue 23 Apr, 2019 07:39 pm
All I can say about Hydroplate "theory" is that it came out of someones ass and you are a fool to accept it without knowing why it never happened.
So much bullshit you gotta accept to be a card carrying Creationist.

PSSST, Lets wait till someone wins a Nobe Prize in physics on the existence ofa Hydroplate World.

Wed 24 Apr, 2019 06:02 am
In a world full of backwards morality, backwards thinking like embracing evolution and millions of years is not surprising.

Awards definitely are not a good indicator what is good and correct.
One sinful man handing another sinful man an award.

Take this for example:
A MAN won the woman of the year award back in 2015!

Just google some of the worst Nobel peace Prize winners or more examples.

This man/woman award is a good example of how cultural influences can dictate awards. In other words, a theory like the Hydro plate theory is anti-cultural because of the truth behind it, and is less likely to win. Who cares about one man’s opinion, Gods opinion/standard is the only one that matters.
Wed 24 Apr, 2019 07:22 am
Then I think of Christ's words ‘ if I have told u earthly things (like the age of the earth;) and u do not believe, how then will u believe heavenly things?

I must have missed the chapter & verse where he did that but I would never argue the point. The age thing can be explained in virtually infinite ways both metaphorically and scientifically. Maybe God is traveling at relativistic velocities and as the word itself says 'A thousand years is as a day, and a day as a thousand years with the Lord'. Einstein's Relativity gives God carte blanche to do with time as he wishes.

As to how we believe and know heavenly things, I think the relevant verse says, 'The Spirit will lead you into all truth'.
Wed 24 Apr, 2019 08:30 am
First of all, u r taking 2peter3:8 Out of context.
That passage is referring to God’s patience, and is not referring to the creation days of Genesis as you are implying.

A day is AS a thousand years...or ‘is Like’....outside of time.

Also, the Hebrew verb מלאו (mil’û), which simply means fill. Not refill.

Next, Genesis chapter 1 ties a number to each day, and in Hebrew that means a 24 hour day Every time. Coupled with the fact of morning and evening, earth rotation, again 24hrs.

And then, on top of that, keep in mind genesis 1:29 and 9:3....These two verses highlight that creatures were originally vegetarian and turned flesh eating after the flood. As well as Isaiah 11:9 reinforces what God deemed as ‘good’ on day 5, and ‘very good’ on day six were peaceful animals by stating ‘ The lion will lay with the lamb, and the child will play near the cobras hole.’

Genesis chapter 5 and 11, as well as Luke chapter 3 give a clear unbroken genealogy from the first Adam, to the last. About 4,000 years.

Lastly, if a person interprets day 1 to 6 as Thousands or millions of years, then to be consistent, Day 7 should be as well, which would mean God is still resting, which is a contradiction.
Just as Genesis teaches the earth was created first, before the stars, sun etc.
A false teaching like evolution says otherwise of course.
Wed 24 Apr, 2019 08:59 am
Genesis chapter 5 and 11, as well as Luke chapter 3 give a clear unbroken genealogy from the first Adam, to the last. About 4,000 years.

See my previous post on when the first man (Adam) may have been created. Could have been 4000 years ago. May have nothing to do with Homo S.

But what possible difference does it make whether we understand the methods and timeline of the creator? Even if every detail you say is true - What good does it do a man to know them? Are you assuming that once people are convinced that there was a flood and the universe took six days to make that they will then have their eyes opened as to how to live together and know God? I just don't see the profit in dwelling on unknowable irrelevancies. If we acknowledge that God was the creator, he'll forgive us if we don't understand all the physics.
Wed 24 Apr, 2019 09:20 am
Ill take my chances with well evidenced FACTS, not parables. At least I can count on making contributions to civilizations needs. My science field is called "Applied ".

Something equal, Fundamentalist thinking cannot claim.

0 Replies
Wed 24 Apr, 2019 09:31 am
In other words, a theory like the Hydro plate theory is anti-cultural because of the truth behind it, and is less likely to win.

One thing that "Hydroplate Hypothesis" can stand for is as exemplary of an incredibly dumb idea. Most kids in 8th grade AP physics can beat the argument to death. Whenever "mud volcanoes" appear due to seismic events (like the Reel-foot Lake earthquakes) they form measurable "Sediment tracks" through the vertical measures of several formations.

Since there were at least 3 major Plate Tectonic events through the pre Cambrian, Paleozoic, and Triassic through Pliocene, your "Post Flood " velocity graph would have to hve the Plate velocities at something like 9 miles per hour."SURFS UP".
gain, I have no idea where thesew guys pull that stuff, but it aint scientific reasoning.
When faith defines "truth" , then facts become your enemy
Wed 24 Apr, 2019 12:35 pm
Seems those calculations of nine miles per hour could be close. The Hydroplate theory puts it around 5miles per hour.

This guy puts it well:
Plate tectonics – the reigning paradigm in the earth sciences – faces some very severe and apparently fatal problems. Far from being a simple, elegant, all-embracing global theory, it is confronted with a multitude of observational anomalies, and has had to be patched up with a complex variety of ad-hoc modifications and auxiliary hypotheses. The existence of deep continental roots and the absence of a continuous, global asthenosphere to “lubricate” plate motions, have rendered the classical model of plate movements untenable.

Kinda like observing a fact like biological adaptation, and then concluding whales had legs, reptiles had feathers and monkeys....well, u know.
Or how one evolutionist says the Grand Canyon is 5 million years old, and another says 70 million.

Or how the geological column exists in no One spot on the earth...the only spot it exists top to bottom is the textbooks, and ppls imaginations.

Misinterpretation after misinterpretation after misinterpretation........what u got next? Haha.

I agree. When faith in atheism/evolutionism and millions of years, facts become the enemy.
Wed 24 Apr, 2019 01:51 pm
youre kidding right??

You dont really believe that entire plates move at 5 mph. How comes nobody recorded that in history , ya think somebody'd notice their beach front was slipping along.

No planet wide asthenosphere ? So you dont believe in a worldwide atmosphere also??? Do you even know what the definition of asthenosphere even is?? or do you just slavishly accept your "geologic scholars" writings of a 7 day creation?? (I really think that you are still thinking like Willis Bailey's hypothesis of asthenoLITH . he posited a dicobtinuous melt zone because he didnt have the benefit of "saturation seismic reports" and deep sea drilling.
Funny that none of that stuff is happening today using your belief system. Seems to me that there is a universal zone below the lithosphere that attenuates seismic P&S waves.
We know that the plates are moving 2-4 cm/yr. SO you believe that in "post Flood time" there was a short episode of continental drift and magnetic reversals and magnetic stripes along each side of a mid ocean ridge.

Do your Rice Krispies talk science to you also?

My last comment is that I cannot believe that you believe in this garbage. You are kidding me??? , please say that you are.


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