So when youre unsure of a concept you change the subject?? I see. I think you need to explain fully why something appears to need an author.
Same subject because the underlying order necessary for biochemistry to operate as precisely as it does (and has for millenium) requires an understanding of quantum mechanics, quantum biology, and how they relate to quantum gravity.
There are layers of entangled information in a nucleus of an atom. That information is element specific and (except for radioactive decay or nuclear reactions) remains that way for millions to billions of years.
The nucleus of some atoms are entangled in a less permanent, but equally complex way with the higgs field through the weak nuclear fields. This interaction gives us nuclear decay. Nuclear decay is also element specific and that is why Carbon 14 decays at a very specific rate for eons no matter where it is located on earth and more than likely everywhere else in the universe.
The nuclei of atoms as a whole are also entangled with the Higgs Field in an even less permanent way (ionic forms of elements change often and sometimes easily) through the electromagnetic field. We know it is complex though because every element's interactions with the higgs field can be explained by the same equations using the same physical constants everywhere in the universe at anytime in the past and future.
Finally all the atoms of a piece of matter (like the Earth) interact with the Higgs field using the same mechanism but on a scale much larger that combines all the elements in a large piece of matter through the gravitational field. That gives us gravity but Eisenstein showed the same constants still apply and they are the same everywhere all the time in the entire universe.
Understanding these underlying layers of order is what is necessary to make biochemistry, evolution of matter, and evolution of living DNA possible. (see quantum biology)
Those papers on quantum effects appear as nonsensical without an author, as a novel being written by a random word generator. There lies the problem.
Quote: who is this "They". Ive known many in yeomans roles of reviewing papers and where do you think we get some of the more iconoclastic paprs from??
I recall when I was a kid and Continental Drift, originally the pastime of madmen, became science by several papers published with their data all layed out for others to examine and repeat or refute.
These papers will require a rewriting of Big Bang cosmology. The only way to make it work the cosmology requires the Big Bang to to be a transition from a perfect universe with one temperature throughout to the one we view today as Roger Penrose and Alan Guth both hypothesized. The other problem they both realized is it then requires a quantum creation event to be the starting point of the universe rather than the Big bang event.
That phrase "quantum creation event" is illegal in scientific communities precisely because of radical interpretations Dover carrying over into the scientific community as a whole. So people like you are the "they".
We actually need the thoughts and findings of people who dont agree with science (as long as the methodology is sound
I agree.
I think Sean Carroll, Roger Penrose and Alan Guth are considered to be scientists that are grounded in reality (at least some of the time anyway).