Why do people deny evolution?

Fri 7 Sep, 2018 08:23 am
This world is notorious for crucifying those Proclaim the truth, if you know what I mean. What’s new.

Jesus words:
‘ forgive them father for they do not know what they do’
‘Blessed are those who are persecuted in my name’

I guess both you and I can call each other bigots, and be done with this conversation, Go our own ways, and time will tail ultimately who is right and wrong
Fri 7 Sep, 2018 08:27 am
what did thi Jesus guy know about biology??? Prove it!!
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Fri 7 Sep, 2018 08:41 am
They are designed. Period. No one can deny that
most all of the "Evidence" Ive seen posted by the ID crowd has hd some bit of fraud tucked inside so their "undeniable truths" which are undeniably tall tales.

Science is really self correcting. Guys lose their careers when they post false data an its checked over by others. Its really easy working for ICR or Discovery Institute. basing a career on denial of real science has to include posting specific denials of portions of science wherein your supposed expertise lies. So someone has to take the time and ferret out what part of your post is a lie. That costs money and the IDers know that they can cause you major delays especially if you do your research in a state sponsored university. Even Federal facilities, like Brookhaven or Sandia HAVE TO waste funds sponsoring so much ID bullshit that soon gets found out to be science fiction . This is required due to Congressmen from a state like New Mexico having clout in the funding process.

In Pa weve managed to thwart that kind of mindless research. Weve established a grounds for "inclusion" where the work is reviewed by secular committees who are chosen by training, experience, and non sectarian leanings.

After Dover smacked down the ID community, its been quite difficult for Bible Thumping "scientists" to gain ground unless sponsored by outside man. Thats why Dr Michael Behe left Lehigh and became more associated with Discovery Institute as a "Fellow" (more like and "Acolyte"
Fri 7 Sep, 2018 12:07 pm
in PA we've managed to thwart that kind of mindless research. We've established a grounds for inclusion where the work is reviewed by secular committees who are chosen by training experience and nonsectarian leanings. After Dover Smacked down the Id community it's been quite difficult for a Bible Thumping scientist to gain ground unless sponsored by an outside man that's why Dr. Michael Behe left Lehigh and Became more associated with the discovery Institute as a fellow

If that doesn't sound like a religious test to get a job I don't know what is. This sounds like a far more extensive thought police than the Catholic Church ever operated in Copernicus' time. This will guarantee that the flat earth atheist view is perpetuated. Heck we still don't know where the center of the universe is. Maybe the earth is closer to the Center than the sun.. we still don't know where the center of the universe. Maybe the earth is closer to the center than the sun. At least Christians arent trying to stop research and dialogue about it . And you know there are bible thumping Christians with advanced scientific degrees. Better use political power (with in the scientific community) to keep them out of the discussion. Sounds to me like a violation of the establishment clause . Where are people that believe in Thomas Jefferson separation of church and state when you need them
Fri 7 Sep, 2018 01:34 pm
would you rather your "men of medicine" be chosen by some voodoo means rather than testing their training and experience.
I dont reside in your world, for which Im grateful.

Trying to include us as "religious nutters" is a nice try but groundless. Science passes the LEMON TEST in court. And, we dont agree that paranormal investigations are science.
Fri 7 Sep, 2018 01:37 pm
Heck we still don't know where the center of the universe is. Maybe the earth is closer to the Center than the sun.. we still don't know where the center of the universe. Maybe the earth is closer to the center than the sun. At least Christians arent trying to stop research and dialogue about it
Imagine this idiocy being the basis of someones entire career. Thats woo woo writ very large. I dont know of anyone reserching where the cemnter of the universe is. I wish them well trying to find a job.
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Fri 7 Sep, 2018 02:28 pm
Quote: ‘Guys lose their careers when they post false data an its checked over by others.’
You should come work with me, you know, flipping burgers. 😉

It is a strange, yet common phenomenon that I have observedFalse data being presented by hundreds, if not thousands of employees over decades and no one ever lost their job for doing so!
Some of the management simply did not know it was false data, while the others were more than fully aware, yet afraid to speak up.
Many striking parallels to the evolutionism community/industry.

The best part personally, is that I tried to gently maneuver the minefield and proclaim this truth, and the management sought to crucify me. My coworkers we’re more than happy to throw me under the bus as well.
I lost quite a bit of faith in humanity.
I was called a quack, and even heard it from the management about how illogical my thought process was. Hahaha. Sound Familiar?

Management for the most part always had a reason or excuse To deny what I was trying to tell them.... they were so resistant to the truth I was trying to proclaim.
The best part however is when I was forced to approach upper management or be crucified (fired), The corporation got the message and is now spending $20 million to fix the problem. It was nearly priceless to see the look on my CEOs face The next time I met him!

The lesson I learned, you can’t stop the truth. It will surface eventually, and there is no point in trying to dodge.
Personally, I cannot wait to see the look on so many millions of people’s faces when they meet their Creator, the truth, The way, and the life!

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Fri 7 Sep, 2018 02:47 pm
Wmap is actually giving some evidence that the earth is in the center of the universe by the microwave background radiation. But I cannot see or understand why you think bigotry is good when selecting your committee . There are highly qualified people with Orthodox religious belief .
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Fri 7 Sep, 2018 03:21 pm
The lemon test is bigotry in action. Besides believing in God is not a religion. Roman Catholicism, Lutheranism, Southern Baptist those are religions.

Believing that all information has a source and the universe is made up of information is hardly religious.

I think you are misapplying the lemon test. The lemon test I think you are misapplying the lemon test. The lemon test has three main has three main parts.

1. Can you believe there is a purposeful Designer and still be secular? I think yes.
2.Does using science to identify the designer advance or religion? I think not I think it just provides a discussion on the evidence. Inhibiting one point of you does promote an atheist stick viewpoint above a designer you. Which in tangles government unduly in a point of view that is based on faith.

3. You're eliminating people with a certain religious or worldview from a committee is entangling government and religion.

The only reason intelligent design seems to lead to Christianity, is because Jesus is the only candidate that fits all the characteristics of a person that could create our universe and us. Plus he's the only one that claimed to do it.

It seems that fact was the courts main reason for saying it failed the lemon test in dover. Why should scientific and historical data about God outlaw discussion about ID in schools.

Cicerone likes to talk about how he doesn't like Christianity because there's so many other gods and he can't tell which one is true. I am sorry that he is to bigoted or not intelligent enough to examine the data. I don't understand that when everybody else in his family can understand the data.
Fri 7 Sep, 2018 05:02 pm
The amount of unbridled idiocy in this thread is approaching a heretofore unknown level.
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Fri 7 Sep, 2018 05:47 pm
the issue at hand must nither advance nor inhibit religion. Can ID be secular? The only folks that believe that are the IDer society and thats cause they have a vested interest in displacing science with a "new birth of sectarian law"

YOU are the one whose merely trying to remold what the Lemon test actualy says in rules of evidence. STop trying to reword the points of test so as to sound non-toxic
Fri 7 Sep, 2018 06:01 pm
Damn!, did this thread go to hell.

You Christians quit bashing farmer. I want to burn every liter of oil he can find. Besides, the Bible says one member is as important as the rest. Will the nose say to the asshole, I am above you? God forbid....
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Fri 7 Sep, 2018 07:07 pm
I am trying to remold the lemon test because it is bigotted and does not represennt the spirit of the amendment as presented by the founders. The founders were free thinkers with scientific minds. They were belivers in design and fully expected science to reveal Him. (Which it does). They would not have outlawed the basic foundations of our government which is based on God given freedoms including teaching and discussing science. If the lemon test is the law of the land and scientific and historical data reveals Jesus or someone else with capabiluties much greater than ours designed the universe how will we be able to teach and discuuss the science supporting that view.
Fri 7 Sep, 2018 08:17 pm
They would not have outlawed the basic foundations of our government which is based on God given freedoms including teaching and discussing science.

Utter horseshit. The founding terrorists did not believe in freedom for all men or even women. They were only interested in enriching themselves. And why did god not tell the founding genocidists that they were, and had been committing genocide against Native Americans, why did he wait so many millenniums to "free mEnkind"
Fri 7 Sep, 2018 08:53 pm
Science and the constitution they wrote allowed and requires all men to be treated equally under the law in this country. Whether individual men actually do or do not treat all equally does not change the words in the constitution.

They wrote the best and the longest lasting constitution of the world. Pretty good for a bunch of racist trying to only enrich themselves. How did they do it?
Fri 7 Sep, 2018 09:11 pm
Science and the constitution they wrote allowed and requires all men to be treated equally under the law in this country. Whether individual men actually do or do not treat all equally does not change the words in the constitution.

It doesn't help to keep mouthing the propaganda. It is BS. Native American genocide going on to this day. Slavery, and deep racism against Blacks going on to this day.

Indians, in the con-steetwoshun, were 3/5 of a man. Women were nothing.

They wrote the best and the longest lasting constitution of the world. Pretty good for a bunch of racist trying to only enrich themselves. How did they do it?

They had their bullshit plan and they knew they had to brainwash Americans into believing it and brainwash them they did.
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Fri 7 Sep, 2018 11:43 pm
then why does the goverment then OWN EVERYTHING?
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Sat 8 Sep, 2018 04:09 am
the Lemon test is not anywhere in the Constitution, its the result of court decisions that had removed Frye in favor of Daubert in the presentation of evidence by "Experts"
It was done to prevent against "hucksterism" and Fundamental religions from ruling what should be a religion FREE process. If you dont understand the basics please dont go running to Google because remember that Wikipedia is just a bunch of people whove volunteered to be just like A2K members, doesnt mean its correct all the time. Wikis are hardly ever peer reviewed

Leadfoot, dont worry, Im arguing with both hands tied behind my back
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Sat 8 Sep, 2018 04:19 am
PPS that is the biggest pile of dung Ive eaver read. Its all bullshit. When the courts ruled on lemon , Daubert, and Frye, it was a court that looked at the constitutionality of how experts are used.
Like the second amendment, the clauses in the first amendments are LAW. They are quite understandable and self explanatory.
The problems that caused all this hoo haw was that , in the 1800's and early 1900's, the US had been pretty much anti science and had many laws forbidding "modernist thinking" in schools.
Your crying about " constitutional unfairness" of the lemon Test is kinda laughable. Its the religious folks that originally precipitated all the backlashes by the Supreme Courts, by voting in various forms of "Butler LAws" and "forbidding evolution being taught in schools".
Sat 8 Sep, 2018 06:21 am
So it was wrong for religious people to be biggots but it's OK for secular less or atheist to be bigots. Is that what you're telling me?

What business does the court have deciding that a person with a doctorate in science is not allowed to give a scientific position because they are a religious person?

Christianity is not a religion. Roman Catholicism Lutheranism and the 1500 other types of Christian religions are religions. christianity is not a religion it is a world view like atheism.

If a judge can't understand that then he will end up being a bigot when applying the lemon test and allow only an atheistic world view.
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