Why do people deny evolution?

Mon 3 Sep, 2018 04:59 pm
What if, as Steve Gould aid over and over, DNA is merely the bookkeeping of evolution, not its cause.

It’s either a theory or an assertion repeated over and over.

I am and have been addressing the theory and its assumptions.
Mon 3 Sep, 2018 05:07 pm
the reaction DID produce them without any help from above.

Dangerously close to violating the rules of the debate there farmer. Yeah, I know, you didn’t agree to anything. But you might have been on the longest string of posts yet without going postal over it.

PS: The debate has never been about whether amino acids can occur naturally.
Mon 3 Sep, 2018 05:50 pm
why would you go postal??

Ill do it without mentions of religion but I will not assert privilege to call to attention what appears to be worldview deroven.

No side comments to anyone else .

Mon 3 Sep, 2018 05:56 pm
I am and have been addressing the theory and its assumptions
. Not really, youve merely tried being cute by dissing Dr Gould, yet youve not read (I believe) his treatise wherein he introduces same and reviews later in his "The System Of Evolution"
Avoid trying to be a stand-up act and try to speak to your topic. I dont mind humor , just
1make it good

2discuss the subject BEFORE you try to denigrate it

OH YEH, ince this is a "webinar discussion" make sure all discussions are not solely ones opinion. "Show our work and our references"

0 Replies
Mon 3 Sep, 2018 05:58 pm
actually ,

Actually, I just posted because I saw another attack on people that that do not measure up to some blowholes standards. That **** gets old.
Mon 3 Sep, 2018 06:39 pm
but I will not assert privilege to call to attention what appears to be worldview deroven

Doesn’t sound like you. Must be a typo or two there.
Mon 3 Sep, 2018 08:43 pm
its my attempt at humor. Ive created yet a new past perfect version of "Derive"

PS, on Thurs I will be leaving for a projects site for a few days so ill need to check in from wherever I can get a few bars or theres wifi where Im having coffee or lunch.
I will have trouble linking with references and I dont have a Polaroid memory.
0 Replies
Mon 3 Sep, 2018 09:03 pm
I just posted because I saw another attack on people that that do not measure up to some blowholes standards.

so being seen as clueless is what you want to have your on- screen persona portray??
Hell you didnt have to stick your head up yer ass to be noticed.
Mon 3 Sep, 2018 10:27 pm
so being seen as clueless is what you want to have your on- screen persona portray??

Well, blowhole, or should I say blowholes, has been taken. Let me think about it.
0 Replies
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 03:48 am
I assume farmingfan has his university 'education"?

Bless 'm

"We must introduce into their education all those principles which have so brilliantly broken up their order."

We shall turn them into "unthinking submissive brutes waiting for things to be presented before their eyes in order to form an idea of them..."

"We shall erase from the memory of men all facts of previous centuries which are undesirable to us..."

"Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism, Marxism, Nietzsche-ism.... it should be plain to see what a disintegrating importance these directives have had upon the minds of the goyim. " (Protocol 2)
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 04:09 am
This is from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a known antisemitic fake.
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 04:49 am
Oh as expected! The unthinking knee reflex reaction!. What else is new?

Yeah, that is what they want you to think, hence people are afraid of showing it,
or reading it.
It has NOTHING to do with anti-semitism and everything with freemasonry.

Just read them and then look around you.

the masterplan is in it's end phase now.
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 05:07 am
That document was forged by some Russian antisemite a century ago, and helped them kill many Jews in poggrom and the like.

Who do YOU want to kill?
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 05:25 am
Just between us. Im off to Williamsport for this day so Ill be abck around 4.

Im not enying the information contained as arranged chemicals in a genome.The argument I deny is that I see no evidence that these are "designed".

Might I begin with a simple comment.
The genome evolves by gene duplication or removal.I see that these events occur in several mean

Errors in rcombination
shufling of exxons
Genes becoming pseudogenes
gene removal
changes in gene expression

When we look at these mechanisms, can you see how they are often responses to accidents,environmental stresses, or changes to the organisms way of life (eg organism becomes a parasite)

My argument will be to discuss and try to convince you that,beneath these above responses are REASONS that do not make a strong argument for a planning committee being in charge.

If we get into the development of genes from the get go, Im gonna have to respond by looking at the available research in print.

see ya later
(PS, I will not strike out at many of those other folks who deny evolution, have identified an ID author, or JTT who just wants to have sex with me, for the time we are in discussion)

To set the positions up, you do NOT deny the mechanism of evolution as I paraphrased above, or natural selection. You accept that the earth is very old and you agree with findings of sciences discoveries (not necessarily the causation)

Tue 4 Sep, 2018 06:48 am
I don't want to kill anyone. Maybe do some research first before you start crying and screaming like an ugly toddler.

Read the document. Then look around you. That is all you have to do to prove how real it is.

Of course the powers that be won't like that, because once we all do, it's game over.

ant-semitism is the excuse they come up with everytime people are getting too close to the truth.

Make your OWN conclusions instead like behaving like a parrot!

It's time we get off our damned knees.
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 10:52 am
Stop parroting the Nazis. You're not going to get anywhere with that crap. Just because you find solace in those lies does not mean that they are true.
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 10:57 am
Just because you find solace in those lies does not mean that they are true.

That does not seem to make him any different than anyone here, does it?
0 Replies
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 11:00 am
You avidly support those who are much worse than the Nazis, Olivier. At least the Nazis waited until night time to destroy their Reichstag. They didn't see fit to murder a bunch of their own citizens.
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 11:32 am
the Nazis [...] didn't see fit to murder a bunch of their own citizens.

Ever heard of the final solution, JTT?
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 11:48 am
In the Reichstag, Olivier. You have the attention span of a gnat. Apologies to gnats everywhere.

Ever heard of the final solution,

Yup, the Nazis fashioned it after the USA genocide against Native Americans.

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