Why do people deny evolution?

Sun 2 Sep, 2018 06:30 am
but, like JTT and Quahog,Bugs also lives in a cartoon world where any one of them can make believe theyre "smart" and have valid views on a number of techy subjects.

Ya gotta admit though, they are funny as hell when they attempt to sound intelligent.

Sun 2 Sep, 2018 07:28 am
It is you, farmerman, who makes a pretense of being smart but this post of yours illustrates you are not. You can never address the science and the facts, all your posts are are personal attacks.
Sun 2 Sep, 2018 10:52 am
Ill let others decide the merits of your above assertion JTT. (At least Ive stuck with a handle that doesnt need periodic changing or hiding out). (Unlike you and Quahog).
Sun 2 Sep, 2018 10:58 am
Re: farmerman
You are not able to discuss intelligently nor wisely, and I find a huge lack of integrity in you.

**** it, I’ll play. Good call, #MeToo.

Which is a shame, because he is able to understand the subject matter but either will not or can not see the obvious implications. I wish I knew which it was but it no longer seems worth the effort to find out. I must be getting old. Or grumpy. Or both. Join the club.
Sun 2 Sep, 2018 11:08 am
You are unable to cobble ANY arguments to support your cartoonish positions. Should you wish to learn something factual I can suggest several dozen texts and papers from which you could actually "learn". The easiest thing on the planet to do is deny .It also quite easy to act like you know of what you speak, when indeed you are clueless.
You are the coward of science, you have No knowledge but that doesnt stop you from emitting waste gas.

I copied this perfect self description you have made of yourself, in its entirety, so you can't edit your post, farmerman.

Are you really this totally clueless as to what a stunning hypocrite and liar this post of YOURS shows you to be?
Sun 2 Sep, 2018 11:17 am
Ill let others decide the merits of your above assertion JTT.

If it's not personal attacks, it's this sneaky, deceptive, totally unbecoming of a scientist behavior.

(At least Ive stuck with a handle that doesnt need periodic changing or hiding out). (Unlike you and Quahog).

That isn't the issue at all. The issue is your deep lack of respect for science and the scientific process.
Sun 2 Sep, 2018 01:56 pm
The unique thing about you JTT. When folks dont buy your idiotic conspiracies, you turn on em.

Youre like Trump, you require fealty based on some twisted worldview. Im sorry thats not science nor is it politics. You need help and I cant supply it, but neither can ignore my experience and training just to keep you from going mental over some ridiculous beliefs that you maintain like a zealot .

I really think you should go off and find someone who gives a **** about your opinion of others, maybe Quahog hes as dim as you apparently.

Sun 2 Sep, 2018 02:20 pm
The unique thing about you JTT. When folks dont buy your idiotic conspiracies, you turn on em.

You are self describing, yet again, farmerman. Look back and see how you jumped into a little cabal with Set and Olivier to do what, "turn on me".

What are you doing right here in this post? Stunning hypocrisy and complete dishonesty from you, farmerman.

You obviously do not understand the word 'unique'.

You are outright lying because you know the science and the facts put forward are not mine, which makes your statement above even more hypocritical.

You turn on me suggesting that these issues of science come from me when you know they come from real scientists who are not afraid of doing science, no matter where it takes them.

That is what a real scientist is, that is what a real scientist does, farmerman, they follow science and fact, they don't let personal opinion get in the way.

All of which proves that you are not a real scientist.

And you are studiously avoiding the fact that you, as a scientist, ignore both science and fact.

My beliefs are supported by both science and the facts. You are the conspiracy wacko for you believe in things that have no science behind them nor any evidence for them.

Here's farmerman back in 2006.

"Doesnt science attempt to fit evidence into theory?"

That hasn't been you, farmerman, ever.

You can't pick and choose when you want to embrace science and reject science. A person like that can't be trusted at anytime. Science requires that you be honesty 100% of the time.

You have been honest 0% of the time.

0 Replies
Sun 2 Sep, 2018 03:17 pm
Quahog(aka Ol Grumpy) is laden with all sorts of conspiracies and loves em all.
I dont think I need any validation from you, Ill stand with critique via my colleagues nd fellow (of which you are neither0.
I dont claim to be anything but a power user wrt puters, thats youre field. I am, however, an experienced and well traind chemist, geochemist and economic geologist. SO theres nothing you have to offer in critique thats valid.

Ive consistantly asked you for evidence from YOUR bag a tricks. Dont try to "circle wagons " nd huddle up with the other lemmings in order to attempt mounting a scientific argument train. I can eaily hndle you all together or separately and have time to cook a hearty meal and work in the garden or go fishin.

If you hve trouble understaning my words, READ MORE, PRAY LLESS
Sun 2 Sep, 2018 03:19 pm
I copied this perfect self description you have made of yourself
thats because youre not clever enough to think it up yourself.
Sun 2 Sep, 2018 03:26 pm
I am, however, an experienced and well traind chemist, geochemist and economic geologist. SO theres nothing you have to offer in critique thats valid.

There is that troublesome little fact that you are totally comfortable with lying about issues of science, which means that you cannot be trusted on any issues of science. Once you lie, like Nixon, you are always a liar.
0 Replies
Sun 2 Sep, 2018 03:32 pm
Quahog(aka Ol Grumpy) is laden with all sorts of conspiracies and loves em all.

You keep accusing others of things that you are of yourself.

Ive consistantly asked you for evidence from YOUR bag a tricks

You really are a stunning hypocrite, farmerman.

Dont try to "circle wagons " nd huddle up with the other lemmings

Again, with your stunning hypocrisy. You just accused me of this and here you are doing it yourself. How, with your level of dishonesty can anyone ever trust anything you say?

You always gather around you a group that knows nothing of the topic but who are experts at personal attacks.
0 Replies
Sun 2 Sep, 2018 03:35 pm
camlok: I copied this perfect self description you have made of yourself

farmerman: thats because youre not clever enough to think it up yourself.

I could never think up these devious things that roll off your tongue. About yourself, about farmerman!!

Why did you think in 2006 that it was important for "science [to] attempt to fit evidence into theory"? For you this is a light switch belief, when it isn't convenient to your conspiracy theory you switch to the 'off' position.
Sun 2 Sep, 2018 03:45 pm
I believe youre gonna start wallowing back into 9/11 lies and perfidy-- you can go play with yourself.
Sun 2 Sep, 2018 04:20 pm
I believe youre gonna start wallowing back into 9/11 lies and perfidy-- you can go play with yourself.

Not at all, farmer. You know that you are using that as another of your lame excuses to flee because you are being shown for the fraud you are.
0 Replies
Sun 2 Sep, 2018 11:59 pm
Sure, they are ridiculous, but there's also something sinister in them. Apparently Gould used the word 'perverse', and I think he's right. They are not just stupid, but angry and mean too. Feral.

Such all out rejection of science is largely, thought not only, an American problem. Quite odd when you think that the US has led world science over the past century..
Mon 3 Sep, 2018 12:18 am
Science is denied where it is convenient for the power structure, and that is true right around the world. Only the religious nut bags in the U.S. deny evolution, the corporate world not only does not deny evolution, they employ the principles in the highly lucrative area of agriculture and agronomics--selling the products of both farm and factory around the world. The most common denial of science in the U.S. is coming from the fossil fuel industry who deny that the climate is changing and deny any need to reduce carbon emissions. The energy industry is still a heavy hitter--religious whack-jobs, not so much.
Mon 3 Sep, 2018 02:47 am
Thats true, the problem seems to be mostly visibly a problem of the US in the first world (although its common in several third world countries whose political base is highly sectarian and the power structure is based on some strict interpretation of religious rules).
As far as being a leader, we were not exclusive because much of the really great findings were European and even Nazi Germany. Us had an advantage in that we took up much of the British system where sience and technology efforts, COMPETE and taking something to market is one of the highest outcomes.

It still exists but the level of govt support has taken a hit in the areas of biosciences and areas of pure research in my fields. The USGS is often denied funding because it, unlike NASA, exists in a direct political review policy through Dept of Interior, whereas NASA is a direct budget line. Everytime we get new idealogue politicians in charge of cabinet positions and they are mirrors of the ,then, president, we go through this game of showing the world that we are a society that maintain and supports a vocal Fundamental Christian voting bloc. Consequently, support via govt programs , dwindles a bit and we "tread water" for an administration or two.

Looking in history, many of the really great principles were first developed in Muslim Countries during a time when learning of all kinds was looked at as a praiseworthy undertaking . When more Fundamental Islam became the order of governments, that leadership in science and technology was given up. Maybe US should take a careful look at all the countries that gave birth to great minds like Ibn -Sinna, and whats happened to most of them.

Mon 3 Sep, 2018 02:51 am
farmerman wrote:

If you hve trouble understaning my words, READ MORE, PRAY LLESS

You're the one doing biblical ****.
farmerman wrote:

and work in the garden or go fishin.

Are you a fisher of men god boy?

0 Replies
Mon 3 Sep, 2018 03:00 am
Fossil fuel industry has become fully ownership integrated over the last century. I often work for the exploration companies whose mantras hve always been"lets find out how and where something occurs in the oil cycle, maybe itll be important to our stuffing our spigots".
Theyve gradually become silent on Global Warming and its a shame because they dont call the "return to coal" for what it is, a sham that market forces will destroy as soon as this president disappears from the day to day.


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