Ah yes, RR/Cobbler, who has me on ignore . . .
I don't have any "Jewish bias," your crypto-Antisemitism is showing. Keep your hatred of Jews to yourself. I am not Jewish, and I have no brief to support any point of view that you may allege Jews may have. If you had a few more brain cells, you might have done a search for my screen name and divined my ethnic origins. There are no copies of the so-called New Testament any older than the early fourth century. Three hundred years is a long time to doctor texts, and I am unimpressed with anyone's appeal to the scripture of any religion. Matthew
may have been a Jew (a body of people you have just vilified as untrustworthy--you can't have it both ways). He probably wrote in the era of 80-90 CE, which would put him three to four generations after the putative "Jesus" is alleged to have died. No one has any idea who "Mark" was, and the majority opinion of scholars is that the author wrote two and a half to three generations after the putative "Jesus" is alleged to have died. No one knows to a certainty who Luke may have been, and he was even farther removed from the events he purports to record. As for John, he might have been any one of three figures believed to have been historical, and he might have been someone entirely different. The majority opinion of scholars is that the so-called gospels of John, the letters of John and the book of Revelations were very likely written by different people.
Once again, no manuscript of the so-called gospels is any older than the early fourth century, three hundred years after the putative "Jesus" is alleged to have died. Your bias is in assuming that the texts are reliable, because you want to believe, not because you have any irrefutable evidence. I am not obliged to disprove anyone's claim, people who make a claim have" the burden of proof. You have completely ignored all that I wrote about the alleged corroborating sources for the historicity of the putative "Jesus. I have not claimed to know whether such an individual lived or not, and I don't care, because I know of no good reason to believe in gods--or fairies, pixies and elves for that matter.
You stop just short of calling me a liar--in effect, that is what you have done. Point out the lies. Put your money where your big mouth is.
Oh . . . that's right, you have me on ignore, don't you? So you'll never read this post.