you really cannot ascribe "theory" to the supernatural, which ID clearly is.
I disagree that nature has "no inherent intelligence", (if by intelligence you accept that chemicalsystems react same or similarly despite conditions extra to the system)
In other words something like our beloved prateins are assembled at the pH of LIVING cells by peptide , dipeptide, tripeptide(ad naus.) bonds which react as the two active residual ends of the amino acis=ds and proteins expel two water molcules (per end) in a planar structure under resonance. The amino acids in effect at the time of selection nd formation, really matter not.
Contruction of the amino acids are more complex in time lines . As Ive been told, life may have already existed and needed the kick of NITROGEN to go to the next step. ALL of RNA/DNA molecules (left or right handed, machen nichts) merely need Nitrogen to form the purine/pyrimidine rings)
ALL THESE results in creation of hydrogn bonds which are the stronegst bond in lifes chemistry set. It comes at a cost however, because as soon as life terminates, oxidation completely changes th Eh/pH and the H bond decays (thus initiating apoptic entropy).
The intelligence you seek may be nothing more than the way stuff reacts.
Your biggest hurdle(I believe) is overcoming the "origin" of the Living State". Im equally baffled (and Ive not got the skills to do anything but read about the work going on at several research centers) but, with scientific method in hand (based entirely on MN) , I believe we can unravel that mystery and render it understandable and possibly you will understand what biological science and evo/devo has been all about.
Our first opportunities may come from our space programs wherein e can see life at different stages of development.