Why do people deny evolution?

Sat 18 Mar, 2017 12:18 pm
Why are you so upset that scientists can't find God's fingerprint? That's not their job.

No, what I'm 'upset' about is that they have found not only his fingerprints but his DNA and smoking gun too, but can't see it.

I think it's funny that we both think it's the other that is too close to the question.
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 12:25 pm
That sounds like complete bollocks, you're not a scientist, and you put way too much faith in the odd individual who seems to engage in wishful thinking.
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 01:29 pm
Stop pointing fingers at others "science", Izzy. Yours is nonexistent.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 01:37 pm
they have found not only his fingerprints but his DNA and smoking gun too, but can't see it.
I must have missed the conference notes about that one. You DO understand that most scientists (who are ones NOT on their payroll) reject most anything of "intelligence directed upon nature" that is published by the Discovery Institute, and its ALL because of evidence (or lack thereof)
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 01:57 pm
You DO understand that most scientists (who are ones NOT on their payroll)

Pretty funny, farmerman the scientist. Are you on someone's payroll? Or do you do the weird science routine just out of the goodness of your heart?
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 02:24 pm
I have to tell you that youre totally fucked in the head JTT, and you are bat **** crazy. why would anyone believe that you have anything of any value to offer?
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 02:39 pm
Ever the scientist, aren't you, farmerman?
0 Replies
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 03:09 pm
You DO understand that most scientists (who are ones NOT on their payroll) reject most anything of "intelligence directed upon nature"

Funniest thing yet.
That's because they ARE on the payroll of institutions that would cut off their funding at the slightest whiff of anything supernatural.

And you know that's the truth.

Wasn't too long ago that a guy at JPL was fired for his interest in ID and didn't have sense enough to keep quiet about it.
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 07:48 pm
That's because they ARE on the payroll of institutions that would cut off their funding at the slightest whiff of anything supernatural.

And you know that's the truth.
You seem to deny the information about careers of the severl more vocal cientists who are IDers. Folks like Micael Behe, author of "Darwin's Black Box" and among the chief witnesses of the Discovery Institute at the 2005 Dover trial . He was a distinguished professor of organic chem and moleculr chem at LEHIGH U and was not "threatened" with dismissal nor ws he defunded. In fact he wa supported with reearch grants to do his work on "Irreducible complexity" (a phrase that is more of an advert gimmick than it is actual science) . He was countered by the chemistry and engineering faculty at Lehigh who did NOT support Behes work as a colleague. Behe was tenured and since tenure (except in teachers colleges) requires a certin roundup of SIGNIFICANT publication in your fieldl, Behe did NOT relly get rolling in his career as ID spokesperson until after tenure waa grnted.

Other scientists who were supposedly fired or "sat on" have to be brought forward with names and dates. There was a guy at Sandia who was really not involved in research about evolution . He as really scientist in one re ho took a laymans interest in ID and then applied some loose connction between code writing n his beliefs in ID. Im sure there qre mny cientits who believe in universal intelligence who leave their religion t the lb doorstep before they begin work.
"Theistic evolution" is often a big box wherein these guys place thwir beliefs". Since there is any way to prove or disprove T Evolution, theres no way science can design proofs or experiments or seek evidence any more than they can provide plausible deniability about aliens interfering in our development. Right now its science FICTION.

I have a personal interest in panspermia and yet, hve no way to design an experiment. WE, as a species, have an ability to design the collection of evidence about the POSSIBILITY of panspermia whenever e can actually develop sampling for life in MArs or the outer planets or further. Such sampling will only come in time and will either be supportive of some first step connections of our planets life list and that of other worlds, OR NOT.

SCIENCE NEVER SHOULD jump to conclusions without good dta nd evidence. Right now, there IS NO EVIDENCE for ID (Show us the evidence). BUT, on the same token , there is NO EVIDENCE AGAINST something like panspermia.

Wht if ALL life is somehow related by virtue of Intergalactic showers of ncient nuclei containing hunk of pre biotic chemistry and lots of thi **** rode in on meteors> Id call that panspermia support. WE AINT THERE YET, we may never be able to prove it ,OR DISPROVE IT.

Sat 18 Mar, 2017 07:55 pm
If e reviw the literature about "threat to careers" there is evidence thqt anybody who wants to be good republican candidate hs to operate counter to what LEADFOOT posted

Sat 18 Mar, 2017 08:06 pm
SCIENCE NEVER SHOULD jump to conclusions without good dta nd evidence.

So, why are you vehemently defending NIST's report into the WTC "event".
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 08:13 pm
Thanks, farmerman. I enjoyed reading that.
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 08:39 pm
So, why are you vehemently defending NIST's report into the WTC "event"
For actly tht reon. Th "truthers" are like any other rabid anti science group, you use a "Reverse SCientific Method" wherein you deny anything that refutes your predigested beliefs and then arrive at conclusions that agree with the poor crap science done by many of your "gurus" whove been debunked over and over and over and over and over gain.

You have a thread on this crap elsewhere, Why dont you just go under that rock and leave this thread alone. You were asked nicely before. Are you just being rude and boorish like Steve Jones ?? (hes a 9/11 "truther"butthole too)
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 08:49 pm
Th "truthers" are like any other rabid anti science group, you use a "Reverse SCientific Method"

Are you making an accusation that Professor Leroy Hulsey, Department Chair of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, is someone who is using a "Reverse SCientific Method"?

Why don't you put up your bio and we can see how they match?

Why are there sensible people here at Able2Know who support this man?


Leroy Hulsey
Department Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Professor, Ph.D., P. E., S.E., Civil Engineering
(907) 474-7816
Duckering 243B
[email protected]

1976 Ph.D. Structural Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla
1968-1971 Post Graduate, University of Illinois
1966 M. S. Civil Engineering, University of Missouri at Rolla
1965 B. S. Civil Engineering, Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy

UAF, Chi-Epsilon Award for Excellence in Teaching, Rocky Mountain District, 1999-2000
UMR, Outstanding Teaching Awards, 1972-73, 1973-74, and 1974-75
NCSU, Outstanding Teaching Award, 1979

Working with Students
Dr. Hulsey focuses on working with students to achieve a high quality education. His research is in the fields of bridge engineering and effects of temperature extremes on structural systems like composite wall panels for buildings. His work blends a strong experimental component with the fundamentals of theory. Dr. Hulsey has expertise in mathematical modeling using state-of-art methods in finite element, finite difference and theoretical solid mechanics. Funding is available for graduate students to work on the analysis or testing of bridges.

Graduate Students
Major advisor 13 full-time MS students (9 thesis & 4 projects)
Graduate committees 41 students (29 MS and 12 Ph.D.)
Outside examiner 5 students (3 MS and 2 Ph.D.)
Faculty Advisor - National Competition for Students

ASCE Steel Bridge Team Faculty Advisor (Won National Championship 1993, 4th place in 1995, tied for 1st place in 1996). Obtained a provisional patent based on the 1998 bridge design. Faculty Advisor for the Civil Engineering Concrete Toboggan team; Canadian competition, best rookie team 1999 in the Great North American Toboggan race.

Professional Experience
Dr. Hulsey has University and corporate experience. Before coming to the University, Dr. Hulsey owned and run three high-tech engineering-research corporations. He has extensive teaching and research experience. He taught at the University of Missouri Rolla, North Carolina State University and the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). While at UAF he has been an active researcher, served as Department Head and participated in numerous university committees.

Professional Affiliations
President of the Fairbanks Chapter of ASCE; TRB-A201, A2F04
Professional Engineer: North Carolina, Alaska, Illinois (inactive), Missouri (Inactive)
Structural Engineer: Illinois
Chi Epsilon
The Society of Sigma XI
Who's Who in the Midwest
Personalities of the West and Midwest
Men of Achievement
American Men and Women of Science
Chi Gamma Iota Honorary Fraternity
The Association of Tau Beta Pi
Who's Who in the Southeast
Community Leaders of America
Dictionary of International Biography
Governor appointed member of a task force to evaluate the Million Dollar Bridge (1995)

Journal Articles
Wearing Surfaces for Orthotropic Steel Bridge Decks, 1999, Hulsey, J. L., Yang, L., and Raad, L., Transportation Research Record, Paper 991049, National Research Council.
Household Solid Waste and Disposal Site Selection, 1997, Koushki, P., Hulsey, J. L., and Bashaw, B. K., Journal of Urban Planning and Development, Vol. 123, No. 1, March, pp. 1-9.
Analysis of State Department Safety Expenditures and Highway Safety, 1995, Koushki, P. A., Yesean, S., & Hulsey, J. l., Transportation Research Record, Paper 1485, National Research Council, pp. 148-154.
Influence of Base Saturation on the Response of Rigid Pavements, 1995, Raad, L., Minassion, G. H., and Hulsey, J. l., Transportation Engineering Journal, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol 121, No. 6, Nov/Dec, pp. 495-506.
On the Response Consistency of Questionnaire Surveys of State DOT Management, 1993, Hulsey, J. l., Koushki, P. a., Vaughn, C., Paper 930111, Transportation Record 1395, National Research Council, TRB, pp. 163-167.
A Rational Weather Model for Highway Structures, Hulsey, J. l., and Powell, D. T., 1993, Paper 931097, Transportation Research Record 1393, National Research Council, TRB, pp. 54-64.
Static Live Load Tests on a Cable Stayed Bridge, 1993, Hulsey, J. l., Delaney, D. K., Paper 930507, Transportation Research Record 1393, National Research Council, TRB, pp. 162-174.
Cold Region Logistics Planning and Management, Hulsey, J. l., Koushki, P. a., 1993, Bennett, F. L., and Kelly, J., Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 7, No. 1, Paper No. 3405, Mar. pp. 1-11.
Meridional Rib Stiffened Shells, Roy, D. k., Hulsey,J. l., and Zia, P., Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, No. EM1, proceedings paper 16037, Feb.. 1981, pp. 77-95.
Temperature Distributions in Composite Bridges," Emanuel, J. H. and Hulsey, J. l., 1980, Closure to the paper by Emanuel and Hulsey, Journal of the Structural Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 106, No. ST5, Proceedings paper 15380, May, pp 1219-1220.
Estimation of Air Temperature Extremes," Emanuel, J. h. and Hulsey, J. l., 1979, ASHRAE Transactions, 1978, Vol. 84, Pt. 2, Paper 2509.
Environmental Stresses in Flexibly Supported Bridges,", 1978, Hulsey, J. l. and Emanuel, J. h., Transportation Research Record 664, Transportation Research Board, Vol. 1, pp. 262-270.
Temperature Distributions in Composite Bridges", 1978, Emanuel, J. h. and Hulsey, J. l., Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 104, No. ST1, Proceedings paper 13474, Jan., pp. 65-78.
Thermal Stresses and Deformations in Nonprismatic Indeterminate Composite Bridges," 1976, Emanuel, J. h., and Hulsey, J. l., Transportation Research Record 607, Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences.
Prediction of the Thermal Coefficient of Expansion of Concrete, 1977, Emanuel, J. h. and Hulsey, J. l., Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proceedings, Vol. 74, No. 4, Apr., pp. 149-155.
Refereed Conference Papers
Bulb Tee Bridges: Alaska Weather and Thermal Stresses, 2002, Hulsey, J. l., and Ma,J. , accepted for publication, ASCE Proceedings, 11th International Conference on Cold Region Engineering, May 20-22.
Deck Wearing Surfaces for the Yukon River Bridge, 2002, Hulsey, J. l., Raad, L., and Conner, B. , accepted for publication, ASCE Proceedings, 11th International Conference on Cold Region Engineering, May.
Buried Utilities for Alaska: Dewater or Winter Work?, 2002, Hulsey, J. l., Raad, N., Saboundjan, S., and Brand, R., accepted for publication, ASCE Proceedings, 11th International Conference on Cold Region Engineering, May.
Longitudinal Slab Stresses on One--Way Slabs on Flexible Supports, 1993, Hulsey, J. l., and Chen, Z., International Conference on Concrete & Structures - Hong Kong, Mar. 16-17, Hong Kong, pp. 71-77.
Logistic System Planning for Arctic Mining, 1992, Frouz, A. A., Koushki, P. a., and Hulsey, J. l., Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Mining in the Arctic /Fairbanks/Alaska/, July 19-22, pp. 145-151.
Mechanistic Evaluation of Saturated Granular Bases in Concrete Pavements, 1992, Raad, L., Minassion, G. h., and Hulsey, J. l., American Concrete Institute, Spring Convention, ACI Committee on Concrete Pavements, Washington, DC, Mar. 17.
A Logistic Planning Model Framework for Remote Polar Operations, 1991, P. a., Hulsey, J. l., Bennett, F. l., and Kelley, J., IDEEA ONE, Final Conference Proceedings Report, The First International Design for Extreme Environments Assembly, University of Houston, Texas, Nov. 12-15, pp. 815-819.
Composite Bridges on Flexible Supports in Cold Regions, 1990, Hulsey, J. l. and Powell, D. t., Proceedings, Second Workshop on Bridge Engineering Research in Progress , University of Nevada Reno, Reno, Nevada, Oct. 29-30, pp. 229-232.
Instrumentation of a Cable Stayed Bridge at Skagway, Alaska, 1990, Hulsey, J. l., Delaney, D. k., Bunch, R. F., and Briggs, R. W., Proceedings, Eighth Structures Congress, ASCE, Baltimore, Md., April 30 - May 3.
Analysis of Hyperbolical Shells Using Galerkin FEM, 1981, Roy, D. k. and Hulsey, J. l., T heoretical and Computational Consideration in the Analysis of Large Thin Shell Structures, Committee on Elasticity, EMD, ASCE Annual Convention, St. Louis, Mo., Oct.
Analysis of Ribbed Hyperbolic Cooling Tower, 1980, Roy, D. k., Hulsey, J. l., and Zia, P., Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Annual Conference, Structural Section, May, pp. 26:1-26:10.
Segmentally Constructed Cooling Tower, 1979, Zia, P., Tung, C. C., Hulsey, J. l., and Mostafa, T., ACI Committee 115, American Concrete Institute, Washington, D.C., Oct.
Estimation of Air Temperature Extremes, 1978, Emanuel, J. h. and Hulsey, J. l., ASHRAE Transactions, 1978, Vol. 84, Part II, Paper No. 2509, presented at the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, July.
Environmentally Induced Bridge Stresses, 1977, Hulsey, J. l. and Emanuel, J. h., Summary paper, Second Annual ASCE Engineering Mechanics Division Specialty Conference, North Carolina State University, May.
Finite Element Modeling of Climatically Induced Heat Flow, 1977, Hulsey, J. l. and Emanuel, J. h., IMACS Int. Symposium on Simulation Software and Numerical Methods for Differential Equations, VPI & SU, Blacksburg, Va., Mar. 9-11.
Thermal Stresses and Deformations in Nonprismatic Indeterminate Composite Bridges, 1976, Emanuel, J. h., and Hulsey, J. l., paper presented to TRB Committee AC201-General Structures, Transportation Research Board 55th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., Jan.
Conference Papers
Software for Structural Analysis, 1986, Hulsey, J. l., Structures '86, Session No. 64, Learning About Structural Analysis Using the Computer, ASCE, Sept.
?Prediction of Beam Deflection in a Vibrated Slurry Wall Installation, 1983, Hulsey, J. l., ASCE Fall Meeting, Charlotte, N. C., Sept.
Software and Computers for Structural Engineers, 1982, J. l. Hulsey, AISC Structural Steel Building Design Seminar, Charlotte, N. c. and Richmond Va., Oct.
Experimental Investigations of Steel Frame Utility Buildings, 1982, J. l. Hulsey, ASCE Fall Meeting, Greensboro, N. c., Sept.
Use of Computers in Civil Engineering Practice," 1981, J. l. Hulsey, ASCE Fall Meeting, Raleigh, N. c., Sept.
Instrumentation of a Cable Stayed Bridge at Skagway, Alaska, 1990, l., Delaney, D. k., Bunch, R. f., and Briggs, w., Structures Congress Abstracts, Eighth Congress, ASCE, Baltimore, Md., April 30 - May 3, pp. 90-91.
Fairbanks Alaska Temperature Extremes for Life Cycle Design, 1989, Powell, t., 40th Arctic Science Conference, Global Change, University Fairbanks, 14-16, 30.
Professional Engineering Review Course, Civil Structural Analysis Hulsey E. Farzam, North Carolina State University, Carolina, 1983, 1986.
Permafrost Database Spring 1996 Data, Final Report, No. INE/TRC/RP-97.07, Department Transportation & Public Facilities, Institute Northern Engineering, December 1997. 1995,/RP-97.08, Yukon River Deck Strains Surfacing Alternatives , Yang, Curtis, Raad,/RP-94.10, September 1995.
Bethel Highway Thermosyphon Tests, Report 94.14, Dept. Feb.. 1994.
Standard Response Spectra Based on Earthquakes, Succarieh, M. F. Sow, B., Paramatsu,/RP-94.11, Dec., 1994,/RP-95.05, 1993,/RP-94.09, Research Center, [991-1992],/RP-93.03, July 1993. Lengths: Jointless Prestressed Girder Bridges, 1992,/QRP-92.04, One-Way Concrete Slabs: Uniform Concentrated Loads Chen, Z., May.
Revisiting Management Information Systems Allocation Funds Activities/ Projects/ Maintenance, TNW 92-05, Northwest (TRANSNOW), Washington, Mar. Cable-Stayed Geometric Nonlinear Analysis, k. Dec.
The No Expansion Joint Regions, 90-08, Static Linear Captain William Cooper Moore Bridge, FHWA AK-90-08A, Facilities. Tests An Experimental Study AK-RD-90-08, Transportation.
Bibliography Sensors Instrumentation, Emanuel, h., Best, Senne, Thompson, E., 73-1, Series, Missouri-Rolla, 1973.
Current Design Practice Superstructures Connected to Flexible Substructures, 1973, 73-3, Missouri-Rolla.
Investigation Criteria Stresses Induced by Semi-Integral End Bents: Phase 1 Feasibility Study, Missouri Cooperative Program 72-9
Lectures Inspection Training Short Juneau, Alaska. Taught from 10-15
EIT computers (3 hour sessions), evenings 1987 present. dynamics were presented in 1987, 1988.
ITRE-Highway Concepts two-part 133 lecture hours, technicians. Responsible 49 hours Part covering basic subjects 14 Geotechnical 2, 1985
ITRE-PE course with 85 hours. 28 Structures, Summer 1985. Education (ITRE), ITRE-EIT 77 covers 17 different subjects... such as Mathematics, Chemistry, Mechanics, etc.
Co-Instructor Fracture Critical Members. prepared Byrd Tallamy, MacDonald Lewis U.S. Transportation, FHWA. pilot courses Virginia Minnesota (2 day course), 1986, total 1988 course).
Rehabilitation Existing Bridges Workshop. Preparation same above. Kentucky, Missouri, Dakota, Instructor 1987. Maintenance Supervisors. New Jersey, Ohio, 1986 Byrd, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Florida, Virginia, Iowa, Alabama, Minnesota, South (1-week 1985 (Course Director), 1979, 1980, 1983.
Building Inspectors c. Insurance, 1982, 1984. Engineers 1979
Finite Element Methods Modeling Ground water, Rolla, Mo., 1976-1977. 1976.
Presentations (after 1993)
1999, Alternative Decking American Society Engineers, Bartlett Inn, June.
1997, Orthotropic Steel Committee A2F04, Board DC, Jan. 1996, UAF Competition, 18. Available Regional Acceleration Records Their Corresponding Spectra, Seismic Zonation Anchorage, 6-7. Moderator, Forum, AK, May, Cold Weather Impacts A2LO4 Frost Action Committee, D.C., 10

Sat 18 Mar, 2017 08:55 pm
Go back to your"9/11" thread tht you started, this one is about evolution and what defines real science
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 08:56 pm
If anyone were to come to "The Physics of 911" thread and look at your "scientific" offerings no one but the most biased would ever talk to you again.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 09:09 pm
Go back to your"9/11" thread tht you started

Indicative of farmerman's research skills/science. I didn't start the thread.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 09:16 pm
Why have you avoided the issue raised of whether you are accusing Dr Hulsey of being a fanatic, a "truther", a wacko, a ... ? It is not scientific in the least to avoid issues that you yourself raise.

How do your academic credentials compare to his?

It is terribly unscientific for you to malign people when you are the one, ostensibly the scientist, and you avoid discussion of all things scientific.
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 09:19 pm
Go to your thread that is about your idiotic truther subject, I just posted over there with some questions you guys avoided several times. Stay outta this one, you smell it up with your ignorant pomposity and mendacity
0 Replies
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 09:22 pm
I promise that I will not respond further to either JTT or the other clown on this thread . Ive put em on ignore so I wont see anything they write. I will go to their thread so as not to dishonor this threqd any further.

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