Even given no creator, you have a much more optimistic future for humans. Not sure we'll make it out of this century!
Actually, what I believe is that if we don't 'get our act together' within 200 years (and that might be too generous a time span), then we're done as a species. If we do survive, then I think things will be way better than they are now. It'll take an asteriod or some such other natural disaster to fark things up after that (or things of that nature that could lead to severe resource shortenings and concomitant social unrest which breeds war and possible extinction) .
I'm also not sure we'll ever buck the Uncertainty Principle. I think we have severe limits, we may have reached them. We are a part of things, not the thing itself. I look at deciphering the atom the same as asking the kidney to understand the body it lives in, including psychology! The whole is greater than the sum of its parts and we are a part. By that definition, we can never reach an understanding of infinities.
There's other reasons to believe this as well. Our logic fails us in regard to infinities (time, atoms etc). These are things that don't make sense for a reason. The logical impossibilities they present impose on us a tacit restriction of what we can understand. Heisenberg quantified, qualified or otherwise articulated what was obvious to some 300 years before him, that those paradoxes can never be solved. But science as we know it wasn't required for this view. The aforementioned 300 years prior, Hume did it , just without the science of quantum mechanics to underscore its validity.
But, the floor is anyone's who wishes to challenge these things. Perhaps a substance that remains to be found will enable this new science? The burden of proof is on the 'optimists' though. Until then its science fiction..
Speaking of which, have you read Asimov's..The Last Question? There is your kind of optimism in that read and a nice twist ending that you might (or might not!) like. Deals entirely with this issue of entropy. Though might I remind, necessarily short on specifics and so it is just sci-fi..great read though!
Here's the link, very short story, take 30 mins to read..