Why should I give you a summary? Here's what he said.
Tyson asks the guests what the likelihood is that we live in a simulation.
Then he closes with this statement.
Quote:I think the likelihood may be very high and my evidence for it is just- it’s a thought experiment, and it’s simple. We’ll end with this reflection – and I’m elsewhere like on YouTube saying this, so you can check it out later, if you choose. I just think when I look at what we measure to be our own intelligence, and we tend to think highly of it, getting back to Jim’s point, there’s a certain hubris just even in how we think about our relationship to the world and that’s understandable perhaps, even in the search for intelligent life in the universe. It comes with the assumption that we’ll find life that also thinks we are intelligent. Well, if we look at other life forms on earth with whom we have DNA in common, there is none that we would rank ever in the history of the fossil record, or life thriving today, that we would rank with us and our level of intelligence.
So, given our definitions, we’re the only intelligent species there ever was because we have poetry and philosophy and music and art. And then I thought to myself, well, if the chimpanzee has 98-whatever percent identical DNA to us – pick any animal. It doesn’t matter. Dogs, it doesn’t matter. Mammals have very close DNA to us. They cannot do trigonometry. Some people can’t do trigonometry. Certainly not these animals. So, if they cannot do trigonometry, and they have such close genetic identity to us, let’s take that same gap and put it beyond us and find some life form that is that much beyond us that we are beyond the dog or the chimp. What would we look like to them? We would be drooling, blithering idiots in their presence. The smartest chimp can do maybe some sign language and stack boxes and reach a banana, put up an umbrella, like our toddlers can do. Our toddlers do that. So, maybe the smartest human – bring Stephen Hawking forward in front of this other species, because he happens to be the smartest human, because he’s slightly smarter than the rest because he can do astrophysics calculations in his head, like little Timmy over here. Oh, you’re back from preschool? Oh, you’ve just composed a symphony. That’s so – let’s put it on the refrigerator door. We just derived all the principles of – oh, that’s cute. And so that is not a stretch to think about.
And if that’s the case, it is easy for me to imagine that everything in our lives is just the creation of some other entity for their entertainment. It is easy for me to think that. So, whatever the likelihood is: zero percent, 1 percent, 17, 42 no answer, I’m saying the day we learn that it is true I will be the only one in the room saying I’m not surprised.
Tyson in no way says that he believe all life comes from a creator. His thought experiment is actually quite the opposite from that. You have failed to include all the qualifiers he includes that make it merely speculation - thought experiment, reflection, assumption, imagine.
Based on Tyson's statement in full, your attempt to paint it as him thinking there may be a creator for life is bull **** and will always be bull ****.