Quote:An interesting point is that
You still think after all these years that such a point as this is "interesting" fm?
Quote:My only problem was with you equating creationism and evolution as if they are on equal footing in terms of scientific theories. They are not.
It's baby talk. What might be "interesting" is a response from you to a few more of my posts. Carefully choosing to only pat back slow long-hops is a bit beneath the station you have lead us to think you are occupying.
I never for a moment have thought you had three heads. Closer to half a head maybe.
Quote:Ive gotten to the point now that all I wish to do is to remind people how fast we are losing our place in the sciences to countries like Uzbekhitan,
But blaming that on these debates allows you to pretend that there are not other causes. The
non sequitur is multiplied by a second one which is the assertion that the US is fast losing its place in the sciences to countries like Uzbekhitan, which I don't believe.
If it is true it is much more likely that allowing people like you and Jimmy anywhere near science is the real problem. You should both be in the fashion industry. Preening and pouting being the
forte of you both.
China is heavily invested in the US in both property and bonds. Considerably more than it is invested in Uzbekhitan (sic). Both of which facts prove that your assertion that the Chinese look at the US as if it has three heads (an unfortunate and ill thought through expression) is complete random babbling.
Perhaps you might think of re-locating to China if you are prepared to talk your country down in order to try to prop up your fatuous points.
Quote:I cannot answer that except to say that "Aint it neat that we can still move forward and allow people the freedom to think and speak what they wish.?
"Aint (sic) it neat" might sound in some ears like sarcasm and that you are questioning that freedom, such as it is. You have already admitted that you would abolish it if you got the chance. Which you won't.
And your side started this debate when science was going along quite well. Who doesn't know that Huxley was a megalomaniac with a raging envy of the Church. Huxleyanity to replace Christianity was his dream. And he was as bourgeois as Barbara Cartland underneath the schtick.
And damn it all you then go on to prove that such an inclination is very much to your taste by choosing which amendments have your approval and the one that "We" (which might or might not deserve a 'sic') "must (strong word is that) be diligent about protecting takes priority over one that only a measly "several" are passionate about.
Ain't it neat that such a choice fits your anti-gun position?
You want to re-write the Constitution it would look like to a reasonably careful reader. All on your little ownio. Anybody your very silly post found approval with should take remedial reading lessons. There must be a course somewhere called Introduction to Elementary Reading.
Quote: "How does your science work that you hve seemingly two classes of intelligent people who live with opposing worldviews"
I hope you didn't do a Snowden with the secret fm. One can see why they asked though. It must be baffling to communists I must admit. I hope your replies to the visiting teachers confused them even more. Maybe they reported back to their minders that it was a mystery and the best thing for them to do was to relax controls on religion which is what is happening.
But hey!!, you have got in that you were consulted by foreigners on this important matter. Not that it raises your foot to the next rung of the ladder. It is all of a piece with all the other mush you've presented in order to gain the admiration of a certain section of A2K's members.
Pat that back you silly moocow.