An interesting point is that, when youre a teacher or a physician in the future, you will be called on to take part in debates or discussions of the "aspects of the culture wars". What appears cut and dry proven science to some of us here, will not only be denied by others, those same people will look at us like we hve three heads.
Ive gotten to the point now that all I wish to do is to remind people how fast we are losing our place in the sciences to countries like Uzbekhitan, and countries like China where they look at us ALL as if we had three heads. They cannot believe that we would give time to the debate (they se it as disruptive to the harmony of science). Ive had visiting teachers come and sk several of us (Im talking maybe 20 years ago) "How does your science work that you hve seemingly two classes of intelligent people who live with opposing worldviews"
I cannot answer that except to say that "Aint it neat that we can still move forward and allow people the freedom to think and speak what they wish.?
We follow the news and track the science deniers and hope upon hope that they don't aspire to change our Constitution to allow the teaching of Creationist "science" alongside the real stuff.
Imagine if we had no First Amendmentwith
As passionate as several are about the 2nd Amendment, We must remain diligent about protecting the FIRST.
Weve already overturned Amendments , and should the House Committee on SCience and Technology continue in its war against Science, by serving up Creationists as subcommittee chairmen, we will have something to worry about down the road.
I can see medical schools and genetics research departments in Universities denied govt funding so critical to advanced research if they don't "also teach" ID or Creationist thinking as science.
All that would be an outgrowth of a Creationist leaning government.