Well, if the human brain was evolved enough to understand our place in the place we inhabit we would not need deity worship. Since we can't explain the complexities of our situation humans will always need this comfort.
For instance when I was a young boy one of my thrills was to go out side on cool winter nights, gaze up to the northeast, and stare at the Andromeda galaxy. It is a worthy adventure to try to understand just how far away this spiral shape was-in a reality sense. We can put a number on it-however this fails to do anything in envisioning something our mind can understand. A flashlight beam goes an amazing distance in one one hundredth of a second-now visualize the time it would go in 4 million years.
We are even more clueless about the largeness of the place we live. Someday our galaxy-the Milky Way and Andromeda will collide. However collide is a poor choice of term since anyone on a planet in either galaxy would not even know it-perhaps a few more lights in the sky is all they would notice-that is how big these galaxies are-a largeness our minds are clueless about.
The Greeks knew this as they were the first to show that deity worship is essential to human survival.
Evolution is simply a theory because we have almost nothing to go on. More so it is easy to get lost in imagination of those who explore this science. For instance, we must believe that a small chip of a fossilized tooth-smaller than a toenail-our science can tell us the age of the creature, the sex, when this person was born-when they died, where they lived, what they eat, how they died and so on. This is all speculation and not fact. When I saw the Taung child in person I could not believe how small it was and how it didn't look human at all-from 12 feet away it looked nothing like the pictures in evolution textbooks-this creature could not be in the same line as africanus-but this is never discussed because evolution is meant to be based on opinions-not facts.