Why do people deny evolution?

Sun 11 Jan, 2015 11:02 am
You are making Ad Hominems, mate! NOT arguments!

I am no creationst at all, but that doesn't automatically mean that they have no good arguments against the extremely stupid religion called evolution! They sure have!
And they have thought thinks through better than most dumb evolutionists I know.
So, if you want to refute the arguments! Go ahead!
You haven't adressed any at all!
0 Replies
DNA Thumbs drive
Sun 11 Jan, 2015 11:04 am
I never said that you said that, I did ask you how old the human race is, and since you now agree that you have no idea, you can leave, as this is an admission of ignorance. Now honesty is important, but if you have nothing rational to add, why do you post?
Sun 11 Jan, 2015 11:08 am
@DNA Thumbs drive,
I never said that you said that, I did ask you how old the human race is, and since you now agree that you have no idea, you can leave, as this is an admission of ignorance. Now honesty is important, but if you have nothing rational to add, why do you post?

What is this then? Do I HAVE to give a number?
Again, I DON"T know how old the earth is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or the Human race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Nobody does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, why is this 'not rational'?????????????????????????????
And why should I leaave?
I have to leave according to you if I don't have a number????
How more idiotic can this get?!!

Man o man what are you doing?
DNA Thumbs drive
Sun 11 Jan, 2015 11:28 am
Like I said, your opinion is based on nothing...........................

0 Replies
Sun 11 Jan, 2015 11:37 am
mISTAKES OCCUR IN ABOUT 1/1000 TIMES (that's why multiple samples are taken and insertd into the lb stream along with duplicates, blanks, and "doped" samples of known concentrations. Even the Evangelical (non YEC) Christian Creationists have seen the correctness of isotope dating.

PS, when we cross check C14, we use 3 other isotopic methods to verify by overlapping data and we also use several non-isotopicmeans (like tree rings for young amples)
The error in the elephant carcass was a function of molds on the sample an some re ordering of Carbon by deposition of aragonite in the sample matrix (it was a sediment from an alluvium left over from a mid Wisconsin time period)

Trubble with Quahog is he looks for "Quotes" that deny any science and then, like Thumbsy admits, he doesn't READ anything, he just cuts and pastes without understanding a damned thing.

Ive got almost 40 years experience in Isotopic dating (I don't do any lb work anymore I subcontract it all and oversee the "doping" and samples of known ages.
We a;wys use 5 point calibration curves (lab standards for GLP recommends 3, so we, like a John Deere main bearing, dd many more steps in low end calibration in the SHRIMP.
0 Replies
Sun 11 Jan, 2015 11:55 am

FM has to save his religion!

DNA Thumbs drive
Sun 11 Jan, 2015 04:10 pm
Can you define what you believe that evolution is
0 Replies
Sun 11 Jan, 2015 04:42 pm
Quahog says:

FM has to save his religion!

Um, hmm, sure. What religion is it that requires five different methods of verifications of its tenets, again, Quahog? As Farmer's professional life in the sciences did? Name one.
Sun 11 Jan, 2015 05:29 pm
I read what I wrote and besides my typos I missed explaining SHRIMP-its a Sensitive High-mass Resolution Ion Microprobe. Its a nifty gizmo we use mostly for prepped isotope samples.
My usual bill for doing isotopic analyses is three QA samples for every unknown sample nd an additional
sample that just rides in the box from the field (its a blank) nd severl others.

One of my field techs one time burnt some bacon nd for a joke, added the carbonized bacon to a field QA "carbonate sample" from "stalactites" under a bridge and they ran it . We got something like 2000BCE +/-24 yr.
I msed the tech calculate out the mixture basd on the total mass of participating crap in there. It was a cluster f***

0 Replies
Tue 13 Jan, 2015 07:34 am
@Frank Apisa,
So what is "the ultimate?"

Unless you have the capacity to stir you insight how am I supposed to show you? At best I can point it out to you using words, but it will not help you much if you are prone to hanging onto them. You must have the ability to see what they are pointing at so that you can disregard them and focus on that.

In essence it is reality, in substance it is the illusion. That is the ultimate; there is only the real. It cannot be perceived or conceived since it is not contained in the memory.

Life is not the ultimate. We live because we are addicted to sensory experience. The consciousness spontaneously comes over us; we get the feeling and become embodied and the cycle of birth and death revolve. To get out of this endless cycle must be inverted and understood .

You people bicker about all sorts of conceptualisation without first looking at the concept that makes it possible to conceive in the first place.

To understand you must analyse this primary concept; this principle which is prior to your birth. Not acknowledging this is like talking about all that lives in the ocean without knowing about the ocean itself. Which come first, the ocean or the things in the ocean?

To be in consciousness is not the ultimate state, there is something beyond it which cannot be explained but can be experienced. this must be understood. You project a picture and you allot questions and answers to the things within the picture. Whatever questions you ask refer to the picture only, you do not ask about the projector.

Are you claiming you know?

I know I exist and that is all I know. It is the same with you and everyone else here on this forum. But most here imagines that they know something else due to second hand knowledge that they have collected, been given or otherwise .

All knowledge is ignorance. If I ask anyone of you here about your birth, what can you tell me?

Anything you tell me will be given or taken from the others. Somebody told you that you came out of a womb and that you have a father and mother. It is because of the child the mother and father exist in the first place but nobody will think along these lines because it is not in realms of normalcy.

Such a thought would be considered outlandish to the mediocre. The child giving birth to its parent is unthinkable in the normal mode of thought.

What has come out of the womb? An organic growth. A lump of matter; this is what you have identified yourself with. If there is no vital force or breath then there can be no sentience; without sentience, there is no movement.

You people make the mistake in thinking that this body gives birth to the consciousness . In actual fact it is the other way around, it is the consciousness that assumes innumerable forms. This human body is but one of those forms.

Now what has happened? The consciousness has become stirred, and you have identified with the chemical stirring. As a result you think you are born into a world.

Right from the conception, the recorder has been recording and it keep on recording until the beingness leaves the body.

The juice of the fruit forms the seed, in that seed there is a record of the whole formation of the tree, which is already recorded in the tree itself.

Similarly consciousness is a seed and out of this seed billions of other seeds have come out of this consciousness.

What are you as a body? You are a chemical synthesis of both parents, it is only because of the mind that one knows this. The one that can understand this is seedless.

Do you know what you were doing before the age of one? Can you remember. It is very unlike that you can, so you have to accept what your mother has told you. But your mother was in the same position, so everything she has told you is also based on the misunderstanding that she was born. How far can you go back?

Remember, this consciousness has been recording from the moment you were conceived. Nine month in the womb it is recording; in your infancy, it is recording. Your youth it is recording; up until the death of the body IT IS RECORDING!

Now what has happened? All this information that the consciousness has been recording, you begin to cognise. Bits of this information you use to formulate your conviction about yourself based on what you have been told. First it starts with your mother and your immediate family, as this information grows you grow along with it.

You are now at school. More information comes in from the environment and the wider society.
The teachers start pumping and imposing information upon you. You now start identifying with the totality of this information; a bundle desires and fears, habit and reactions are born out of this information as ignorance. They are intentionally, subliminally or otherwise injected into you. Dictated by the circumstances and situations that govern your existence.

From an early age you become obedient to the rule and merge into what is deemed as normal within the society. What is the normal? It is the law and regulation of the society. Everybody abides by it but nobody rebels; it is a civilised way of imposing sanctions so that the society runs smoothly. You accept its terms and conditions until they become modes of thoughts and regular patterns spurred on by automaton; they are nothing more than mental groves, impressions which you have impressed upon yourself.

Now you are completely a-washed by the general rule and accepted norms of the society in which you live. Who is going to deny this? The wise one will come to know that there is only ignorance. Whatever concept you decide to embellish yourselves with, ultimately it is ignorance.

You even argue about evolution. Which can only be a mode of thought .

You go as far as carving out a personal identity; confined and limited, it is based on the information that you like the most. That which you do not like or does not tally with the concepts that you have already amalgamated to form the conviction about yourself, you dismiss.

For instance even the truth you will not take delivery of if it does not fit in with your mode of thought. You may like the concept of evolution; it may sit well with your cognisance therefore you find it easy to understand. BUT IT IS ONLY A PATTERN RELATED BY CONVENTION.

Everything is already here and now. Someone has gathered a few pieces of material together; created a timeline and made a connection, others have joined in agreement and given the process a name.

It is the mind that sees the pattern of evolution, because it is the mind that has created the pattern and has become enmeshed within its own quagmire. It is also the mind that refuses the see the pattern of evolution; but you are the one that see both.

it is not you that is in the process, as a matter of fact you do not move at all. it is only your mind that appears to move. Your light of awareness interact with the colours and pictures on the film of you mind that you are projecting; it is this process that creates the illusion of movement of events in time and space. YOU ARE THE BACKGROUND UPON WHICH ALL MOVEMENT TAKES PLACE. You are the centre and you have built your world around this centre. All movement appears on the periphery. Just like the hub of a wheel. The wheel moves around the hub, the further you go out towards the periphery, the more movement.

If you take two object of different masses and dropped them from a hight there would be a difference in the rate of fall between the two because of the forces of nature which acts upon them. If you were to try the same experiment in a vacuum chamber there would be no difference in the rate of fall between the two objects, why? Because there is no force acting upon them. Further more, if there were no back ground awareness then they would not even appear to move at all

What you see is only an appearance, in reality it is one solid homogenous block. Without parts or dimension.. For the sake of the mind, it is multifarious, separate and diversified .

If there were no language there could be no names, therefore no separation and no need to relate. It is all one, it is only the mind when faced the wrong way gets wrong ideas. In fact all ideas are wrong, name, shape and form are created by the mind for the mind.

Remember the consciousness is still recording and you are not even aware of it yet. DO NOT GET ME WRONG HERE, I'm not say you are not aware period. Of course you are aware, but your awareness is limited to the reflection in the consciousness.

You must realise there is a difference in kind between awareness reflected in the consciousness and awareness beyond the consciousness. Awareness reflected in consciousness, an amoeba; ant, elephant or a blue whale and everything in between these categories possesses.

Whilst the former is based on the memory, the latter is a sense of something entirely unfamiliar, it can only be apperceived.

Do you know the true nature of the REALITY of existence...so that you are able to tell us what "is not?"

You have put the question wrong. In reality nothing exists; existence is merely a reflection of reality. The reality is nothing perceivable or conceivable, it is not contained in the memory; so the mind itself cannot know it. It can only conceptualise about the picture that it projects onto the reality and which is contained in the memory.

If you lost your capacity to remember you would not know time.
It is because of memory there is time and the illusion of continuity exists. In reality there is no continuation in existence. The only constant factor is change. Time does not exist in reality neither does space; they are illusion created by the mind.

In reality you do not even exist, you are only dreaming that you exist. Because you see yourself as a person, in the mirror of you mind you see an infinite refraction of yourself; numerous persons exist; all having created a world of their own making private and personal.

You have not come into the world the world is in you. This is a scientific fact. What you see of the world is actually inside your head. The world is like a hologram and each part creates a hologram of itself through refraction.

Because you have been told that you were born into the world you believe that you are in a world full of people like yourself. But you have not bothered to investigate yourself as you are. This is the key to discovering the truth.

You have imagined yourself to be something that you are not, something tangible in consciousness based on the recording. (Memory)

When you said, "You think you are an individual person..." you seem to be suggesting that such a thought has to be false. Were you?

Of course. All that you think you know is false, simply because it has not come out of you, it has been put into you. This is an ongoing process until you wake up and realise the dream.

What you are cannot be describe by any stretch of the imagination. You are the living reality an infinite inexhaustible potential that is all that can be said. But you have squeezed yourself into a body; you have taken this identity with the body to be yourself. As long as you settle for the immediate you will only know the cycle of birth and death.

The consciousness is one and you are one with the consciousness. But because you have identified yourself as an individual, the world which is really a reflection of yourself appears separate. And because of that there is an endless cycle of birth suffering and death. Until there is an understanding of yourself as you are there will be no release from this cycle. To be born into consciousness is to suffer and die.

But this is only in the dream. In reality nothing is happening to you; you are merely oscillating between the two states of waking and sleeping; death is only a transformation from one form to another. When the body wear out and becomes old the consciousness evacuates.

When somebody dies what has happened? When the body becomes exhausted the beingness leave it, the body simply decomposes; the vital breath that sustained it, returns to the universal air and the consciousness return to the universal consciousness .

You are the host; your body and mind is the guest. What every you are doing in this life as a person is happening by itself, you are merely engaging in entertaining this body/mind nexus at your leisure .
Tue 13 Jan, 2015 07:39 am
It would be great if you could construct a sentence following the rules of grammar. This sentence makes no sense at all.

Rules only apply to the person, my reference is to the reality and not the illusion.

Know yourself as you are and you will understand beyond the grammar, beyond the language. If you need words to understand yourself, then you are very infantile indeed.
Frank Apisa
Tue 13 Jan, 2015 07:45 am
To be charitable, I am going to assume you are just kidding around.

Tue 13 Jan, 2015 08:17 am

Know yourself as you are and you will understand beyond the grammar, beyond the language. If you need words to understand yourself, then you are very infantile indeed.

So you know what you know and you'll be damned if you care to communicate it to anyone else. OK. I guess I can ignore you now. You don't know what you know well enough to discuss it.
Tue 13 Jan, 2015 08:46 am
If you truly knew yourself, you'd realise you were a ******* idiot and would stop posting such brainless drivel.
Tue 13 Jan, 2015 09:46 am
it does tend to airy-fairy gibberish, doesn't it?
Tue 13 Jan, 2015 09:49 am
And it's such unoriginal airy fairy gibberish to boot, it makes me wonder why it bothers.
0 Replies
Wed 14 Jan, 2015 10:35 am
@Frank Apisa,
To be charitable, I am going to assume you are just kidding around.

I'm no more kidding than you are honest with yourself.
Frank Apisa
Wed 14 Jan, 2015 10:42 am
ellease1 wrote:

To be charitable, I am going to assume you are just kidding around.

I'm no more kidding than you are honest with yourself.

Ah, then I was correct. You are just kidding. I thought so. You almost had me!
0 Replies
Wed 14 Jan, 2015 10:55 am
So you know what you know and you'll be damned if you care to communicate it to anyone else.

Oh no, it can be communicated it just depends on the receptivity of the receiver. If you want to know, then you will come to know. It is as simple as that. In reality there is just consciousness but in your mind you see a tree or a rock; these are only name for the sake of communication.

OK. I guess I can ignore you now.

You can do as you please. For the ignorant, that as far as it goes.

You don't know what you know well enough to discuss it.

It's not that I don't know it well enough - more than you are not well enough to know. First purge your mind of all that you think you know; all that you have been given, then you will see with clarity
Wed 14 Jan, 2015 10:58 am
First purge your mind of all that you think you know; all that you have been given, then you will see with clarity
If you are an example of a"purged mind" then Ill pass, TYVM.

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