FBM wrote: Why "besides observations"?
Because when you claim that the Big Bang is a fact (and not a misinterpretation of light-travel-particles phenomena) you have to prove it, above all that:
1. it exists
2. the Big Bang has the ability to create 3D space out of any-D Hyperspace (if such Hyperspace exists)
3. All the assumptions to the Big Bang theory are verified and validated and confirmed with accuracy to the 18th digit after the decimal point.
4. Anything in the Big Bang theory, without any exception, should match everything in our understanding of the world ... without any exception. Nothing can exist that has all over it one and the same age, but its different parts have been born at various points of time - depending on how far from the center of the body they are.
5. In your understanding of the things: how much and what types of proof would be enough to resolve the dispute with the falseness of the Big Bang 'theory'.
FBM wrote: Have you ever observed your god?
How did you come to know that we should have the access to observe God ... and not to infer Him/It, for example? Where do you 'know' all that from?
FBM wrote: A spirit or soul? Even your own?
What are you talking about the mind-body problem - when you have no plausible interpretation of it. You don't know what our mind is ... and how it works, and what is the difference between living biocode (living human) and a dead biocode (dead body). Haven't you paid attention that it is not the medical science that is driving our body, but rather the discoveries on our body that are driving the medical science. Our body is light years ahead of any science, of anything that science is, and ever will be.
FBM wrote:Observation and necessary inference. Think it over.
What about confirmatory runs? Your favorite evolution theory claims that life on Earth has been created by a thunder strike 0f an accidental lightning over a broth of amino-acids. Why don't you confirm that by experiments ... on the Moon or on some asteroid, or on Mars - here on Earth you cannot confirm anything, for you cannot isolate the biosphere of the Earth from the experiment.
What about verification (the assurance that the Big Bang can be created out of the Hyperspace, or out of the zero-D space or out of whatever; that an explosion can create a brand new space ... with brand new dimensions), and validation (whether the mind-blowing claims of the Big Bang 'theory' are in compliance with any of the laws of physics, or math logic, etc.)?