Why do people deny evolution?

Wed 12 Nov, 2014 11:54 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Yeah, I agree. I'm only in it to freshen up my knowledge of the topic and my ability to construct concise arguments and criticisms. I don't expect any of them to abandon their rhetoric in favor of logic. They have agendas that are more important to them than rational support for them. Wink
Thu 13 Nov, 2014 01:16 am
I don't expect any of them to abandon their rhetoric in favor of logic

You are wrong here, mate! show me the evidence where I am asking for and I will change my mind immediatelly!

What you stated above is EXACTLY what evolutionist religious nuts do!
They can't even look at the other side of the coin!

It is really laughable how they are trying to cling so desperately to this
shinking ship that evolution is!

Thu 13 Nov, 2014 04:32 am
They can't even look at the other side of the coin!

Then please describe this "other side" of the coin, so we can be on the same page for a change, thanks.
Thu 13 Nov, 2014 05:18 am
Then please describe this "other side" of the coin, so we can be on the same page for a change, thanks.

Gee, would have thought you would understand that!
Anyway, the NON existence of evolution of course.

They are not rational anymore and clinging to a death theory. Anyway, one day it will really sink.
They are not even able to have even a little bit of doubt or criticism
towards the evolution-shite. That, is a very big sign!!
There is no other way for a theory so dumb , idiotic and crazy and without any evidene as the evolution-religion.

mye o mye.
Thu 13 Nov, 2014 05:28 am
Anyway, the NON existence of evolution of course.

Meaning what, exactly? Angels procreating with beasts? Aliens impregnating chimps? No games, buddy. Just state your case, and raison d'etre.
Thu 13 Nov, 2014 05:33 am
Meaning what, exactly? Angels procreating with beasts? Aliens impregnating chimps? No games, buddy. Just state your case, and raison d'etre

Where am I talking about Angels? Aliens?? impregnating chimps?
Hmm this one seems really difficult for you, eh?
The ONLY thing I am saying is that there is no proof for evolution,
and hence there is no evolution as teached at schools and indoctrination centres..oeps....univerities. sorry for that!
Why trying to blurr the discussions with your childish remarks?
Please behave like a grownup, unless of couse you aren't.Wink
Thu 13 Nov, 2014 05:35 am
Why trying to blurr the discussions with your childish remarks?

Why the ad hominens? I asked a simple question of you.

If not evolution, then what is your explanation for the expansion of life on this rock we call Earth?
Thu 13 Nov, 2014 05:50 am
I don't think they've ever offered a coherent hypothesis of their own. Seems to me that their foremost approach is to sling logical fallacies at such speed that they create the illusion of a gap big enough for their god to fit into.
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Frank Apisa
Thu 13 Nov, 2014 06:33 am
Wilso wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:

Wilso wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:

A GOD may have set everything in motion…with the intention of letting things work out as they will.[/b]

A view that wasn't considered until science showed most religious belief to be pure claptrap.


I doubt you could substantiate that claim...

...but even if you could, that would not make it wrong.

It is one of the possibilities.

But as George said: "Narrow- minded zealots on both sides have created a dispute in the absence of any logical necessity for it."

Are you telling me that religion hasn't tried to re-invent itself in the face of scientific discovery?

No. Where did I ever say that...or is that something you just made up?

The precedents are too numberous to list.

I'm going to assume you meant "examples" rather than precedents and "numerous" rather than numberous...but, so what?

I never said that religion hasn't tried to re-invent itself in the fact of scientific discovery.

That is something you just made up.

For ****'s sake pull your head out of your arse. Jesus, that's the most ridiculous piece of crap you've ever written on this site.

Oh, I am sure I've written much more ridiculous pieces of crap on this site. But that particular "piece of crap" was something you made up.

Calm down, Wilso...and you will start to make sense.
0 Replies
Thu 13 Nov, 2014 09:51 am
If not evolution, then what is your explanation for the expansion of life on this rock we call Earth?

yeah you are right sorry for the AH.
Funny always this one comes up! But having another explanation doesn't make
evolution valid of course! Only evidence does!! and there is none.
Thu 13 Nov, 2014 10:41 am
The problem is you simply demand evidence and then when presented evidence you ignore it. At that point you need to come up with another explanation that fits the evidence that has been presented or we are left with the most likely conclusion being evolution. Evolution has fit observation and prediction.
Thu 13 Nov, 2014 10:55 am
Yep. Bait-and-shift, bait-and-shift. over and over again. Dancing around the fact that they have **** for evidence regarding their invisible, omnipotent, undetectable entity. It would be annoying if it hadn't become so routine over the years. *yawn*
Thu 13 Nov, 2014 11:05 am
The problem is you simply demand evidence and then when presented evidence you ignore it. At that point you need to come up with another explanation that fits the evidence that has been presented or we are left with the most likely conclusion being evolution. Evolution has fit observation and prediction.

I have asked a few times for some sort of evidence.
Until this time it hasn't been delivered.
and most likely doesn't mean ****!
evidence is the only thing that count here!
Come on then, bring the evidence I am asking for all the time on.
you very simply can't.
Thu 13 Nov, 2014 11:06 am
Yep. Bait-and-shift, bait-and-shift. over and over again. Dancing around the fact that they have **** for evidence regarding their invisible, omnipotent, undetectable entity. It would be annoying if it hadn't become so routine over the years. *yawn*

Who is talking about that? I cenrtainly am not.
0 Replies
Thu 13 Nov, 2014 11:09 am
Please discuss how and why this isn't evidence.
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Thu 13 Nov, 2014 01:38 pm
farmerman wrote:

Its easy to argue the lack of any direction, "design" or "intelligence" when everything we see can pretty much be defined by chemical , biochemical, and physical reactions through time.
That observation begs the question entirely. One could as well argue that an electric power plant involved no design in that we can explain and define the transformation of chemical potential energy into heat through combustion in a boiler and its subsequent transformation into mechanical energy in a turbine and electrical in a generator - all therough the known laws of physics and thermodynamics. Where did the boilers, turbines and generators , and indeed the laws of physics on which they operate come from?
farmerman wrote:

We pretty much can see these events and their consequences and as such, most inquiries seem to discount anything that reads "intelligence".
Actually,the arguments I find have more cred than "universal intelligent design" is "Intervention" after these planetary events or catastrophy.
Perhaps a straw man here. Continuous intervention is an entirely unnecessary stipulation, not found anywhere in even Medieval Theology. Thomas Aquinas spoke only of the first, "uncaused cause".

farmerman wrote:

Still, such intervention does not leave a clear enough mark to discount ordinary Darwinian Evolution with maybe a smittering of Punctuated Equilibrium.
I'm not discounting ordinary Darwinian evolution at all, only the truly absurd notion that it somehow explains the origin of the universe. Even Darwin didn't claim that.

farmerman wrote:

Howd you like to have some street guy call one of yourwater treatment plants "UGLY"?
Well I just got through revewing one we're designing for a large contaminated GW site in Puente Valley, LA, and it is fairly ugly.

cicerone imposter
Thu 13 Nov, 2014 01:44 pm
You wrote,
That observation begs the question entirely. One could as well argue that an electric power plant involved no design in that we can explain and define the transformation of chemical potential energy into heat through combustion in a boiler and its subsequent transformation into mechanical energy in a turbine and electrical in a generator - all therough the known laws of physics and thermodynamics. Where did the boilers, turbines and generators , and indeed the laws of physics on which they operate come from?

From the same human ingenuity and available materials that makes it possible to create engines and power sources.
Thu 13 Nov, 2014 01:48 pm
@cicerone imposter,
You really don't get it. Think some more. Ready, aim, fire. ... not ready, fire, aim.
cicerone imposter
Thu 13 Nov, 2014 01:55 pm
I'm sure "I get it," but I doubt you do. Without humans, none of what you listed would have been made. It's within human abilities to use physics to create those things. Physics is also a human concept.
Thu 13 Nov, 2014 02:38 pm
@cicerone imposter,
It's within human abilities to use physics to create those things. Physics is also a human concept.

what things?

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