FBM wrote:You're the one who made the nonsense statement about producing vaccines and medicines within an hour
It is not a statement - this is an IF clause: IF FM ever have had the whole information about what he is claiming to know, he would have been able to produce not only vaccines in reduced terms, but also to deactivate the viruses 'on the flight' without any need of any vaccines ... and perhaps some of the retro viruses, used in the past in irresponsible genetic engineering trials that 'went out of control' might have not appeared in the first place.
If FM knew anything, about any biological processes driving life and evolution, he would have been able to design brand new 'original' teeth (as auto-clones) and re-implant them back in the place of the extracted ones ... not to say that he would have been able to recover the tooth on its place to its former glory. Why don't FM tells us that the evolutionists are light years away form anything of the kind.
It is not about vaccines and teeth - it is to show the hugeness of the gap in the knowledge that the fans of the evolution have when then claim that they know everything about live and evolution. In order to prove that they don't know exactly everything it is enough to prove that they have no idea of how to make some bio-products that are feasible ... and even might have been observed as phenomenology.
The problem is not that FM cannot make a vaccine in ten hours - the real problem is that he does not have even the slightest idea of what he will need as information and processes in order to do things like that. Anyway.