Why do people deny evolution?

Sun 9 Nov, 2014 04:22 am
why do you take this soo seriously?
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Sun 9 Nov, 2014 04:30 am
Wilso wrote:

That's so cool.

One cool part of it for me is how diverse groups of scientists from the full spectrum of political ideologies and worldviews collaborate to flush out the fossil record, DNA sequencing, cloning, vaccine research, etc.
Sun 9 Nov, 2014 04:34 am
People deny evolution because if they were to accept it, their entire world view would collapse. For the fervent religious conservative, their scripture is the literal truth, and the authority for that is the claim that it is divinely inspired and therefore inerrant. They cannot accept evolution and continue to maintain that position.

Additionally, there are a great many, perhaps hundreds, of creationist/ID bullsh*t artists who make a good living telling the faithful to relax, there's no evidence for evolution. There was that one joker i came across a few years back, an academic geologist in Australia. (I believe he was instrumental in the founding of the Discovery "Institute.") He makes a good living on the creationist/ID rubber chicken circuit. I looked up sommaries of his publications, and in those, he accepts standard geological dating and dating methods. I suspect his academic masters find him an embarrassment, but so long as he dots all of his eyes and crosses all of his tees academically, they're prepared to ignore what he does on the weekends.

So on the one hand, you have a crowd who are totally wedded to the religiously conservative principle of scriptural inerrancy, and on the other, you have the clowns who encourage them because the speaking fees are lucrative.
Sun 9 Nov, 2014 04:38 am
Related to this, maybe: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/11/141106132313.htm
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Sun 9 Nov, 2014 04:48 am
Sure, i can see that, although i wonder what their methodology was. This is just one of the hot spots in the so-called "culture wars."

EDIT: Someone who "believes" in evolution, but who cannot describe the basic mechanism of natural selection is no better, in my mind, than someone who rejects evolution 'cause it ain't in the bobble.
Sun 9 Nov, 2014 04:54 am
Setanta wrote:


EDIT: Someone who "believes" in evolution, but who cannot describe the basic mechanism of natural selection is no better, in my mind, than someone who rejects evolution 'cause it ain't in the bobble.

Right on. I mentioned several pages ago that evolution (or any other empirically confirmed scientific theory) isn't - or shouldn't be - even a question of belief. It's a question of understanding, which means education and mental/academic discipline. Belief is what people without evidence do. Once you've got evidence, belief is like a bicycle to a fish.
Sun 9 Nov, 2014 05:01 am
Right on. I mentioned several pages ago that evolution (or any other empirically confirmed scientific theory) isn't - or shouldn't be - even a question of belief. It's a question of understanding, which means education and mental/academic discipline.

Now let's break this nonsense down:
I mentioned several pages ago that evolution (or any other empirically confirmed scientific theory)

Duh????. confirmed?????????????????????/
ok ok ok where is the ******* evidence then?

isn't - or shouldn't be - even a question of belief.

But it is, it a belief in a fairy tale about spontaneous existence of life
(impossible) and then over eons organism are formed.
Yes! It IS a, and a very stupid at that, fairy tale.
Thie Emperor has no clothes!

It's a question of understanding, which means education and mental/academic discipline

Of course it is not a question of only understanding (BELIEF!!)
it is a question of having evidence, again and again, there is NONE.
(And you can understand a fairy tale but that doesn't make it true of course!)
not for macro evolution. NOWHERE TO BE SEEN!!!

I realy don't get it that people cling to an extrmely stupid idea, defend it to theri teeth and don't have any evidence!!!

If evolution was invented today, instead of years ago, the whole theory would be laughed at! why? again, because of lack of evidence!!

it really is a religion
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Sun 9 Nov, 2014 06:14 am
well, I "believe" that most all of the data that supports nat selection is correct and accurate. We really don't have the time nor the funding to repeat the research gone into the conclusions. You can fully understand yet not "buy" a principle.
I am unconvinced about punctuated equilibrium and Ive seen the field sites that were used to underpin the hypothesis.
A theory cannot have data that refutes it , so PE , if, in a means of falsifiability, shows similar fossil species in a same age sequence, but within which we can see ONE additional transitional form (that presumably Eldredge and Gould may have discounted), I don't buy the Gospel . Now, I see, that further investigation into the ame aged units elsewhere have also shown the presence of some intermediate sequences that how transitional fossil forms, is also beginning to chip at PE.
I don't "believe" their data is comprehensive to make the conclusion.

The Discovery Institute budget and the various Creation "Institutes" earmark a huuuge amount of money to their phony science. Most all of it in the manufacture of "Infotainment" crap that parades as pop- science. Then they hire all these shills who have not the slightest interest in truth, as spokespersons.

The diff between the Ken Hms and The Jay Goulds is that the Goulds will fight with other scientists until, after many iterations of data and evidence, the truth finally emerges . The Ken Hams are unashamedly basing EVERYTHING they huckster, on one book of fables

Sun 9 Nov, 2014 07:44 am
farmerman wrote:
who have not the slightest interest in truth, as spokespersons.
      What truth you are talking about, FM. If you knew anything about any truth and about any life control processes (body metabolism), hereditary processes (inheritance), and life defense processes (immunology), you would you have been able to synthesize a vaccine and/or medication for any newly emerged virus in less than an hour ... in the form of a 'print out' of aminoacids on the polymer printer. Why don't you confess that you are light years behind that ... and that you don't understand anything about life ... and also the processes that are driving the diversity of the fossil 'evidences' ?
Sun 9 Nov, 2014 07:51 am
If you knew anything about any truth and about any life control processes (body metabolism), hereditary processes (inheritance), and life defense processes (immunology), you would you have been able to synthesize a vaccine and/or medication for any newly emerged virus in less than an hour...

Guess what? It's possible to be well informed about a field without actually being engaged in that field as a profession. It's called having a well-rounded education. And whatever the level of expertise, I don't know what makes you think that it's possible to synthesize a vaccine or medication in less than an hour. Seems to me that you are overwhelmingly ignorant of microbiology and immunology, to say the least.
Sun 9 Nov, 2014 09:16 am
Herald has something against ducation as an "investment" into our kids futurs as well as he future of our civilization.
Herald likes it with the lights out.
Sun 9 Nov, 2014 09:24 am
Guess what? It's possible to be well informed about a field without actually being engaged in that field as a profession. It's called having a well-rounded education

This is true, to a point! However, always if I diagree with the nonsense that evolution really is, my 'education' comes into discussion!


What you think is education (mainstream-shite I guess), is actually indoctrination! So, it looks you are very proud at your indoctrination!

Maybe in stead of your huge indoctrination, maybe start thinking in stead of
remembering, because that is all you do! And that, is because of indoctrination!

Hmmm. Something to ponder there!
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Sun 9 Nov, 2014 09:26 am
I sort of suspected as much. Those people do exist. *sigh*
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Sun 9 Nov, 2014 09:36 am
Herald has something against ducation as an "investment" into our kids futurs as well as he future of our civilization.
Herald likes it with the lights out.

Problem is, there is NO education! Only indoctrination in the mainstream institutes!

they are lying to us on a daily basis!

e,g look up Common Core and 2+2=5!
That is the state the state is in!

It really is very very bad!

you think people are not indoctrinated?

Look at this:

you think I am making this crap up?

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Sun 9 Nov, 2014 09:41 am
and another one!

They don't want to educate!!

Only indoctrinate!!1

Like with the evolution shite!!!

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Sun 9 Nov, 2014 09:46 am
Herald likes it with the lights out.

And what might this mean?
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Sun 9 Nov, 2014 09:52 am
One cool part of it for me is how diverse groups of scientists from the full spectrum of political ideologies and worldviews collaborate to flush out the fossil record, DNA sequencing, cloning, vaccine research, etc.


Hmmmmmm, you are not aware that they are highly dangerous and created to destroy the immune system of young children???

Sun 9 Nov, 2014 02:08 pm
I feel sorry for you and people like you. I really do.

Face it, "FBM"... You're not really bright enough to feel sorry for people like me.
cicerone imposter
Sun 9 Nov, 2014 02:12 pm
You wrote,
People deny evolution because if they were to accept it, their entire world view would collapse.

I agree with this scenario about people of religion. The biggest fear they have is to find out that what they believed all of their lives were based on lies.

That kind of fear would make most people accept rationalizations that won't allow them to admit they were wrong for so long.
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Sun 9 Nov, 2014 07:16 pm
gungasnake wrote:

I feel sorry for you and people like you. I really do.

Face it, "FBM"... You're not really bright enough to feel sorry for people like me.

Laughing I think you need to study your statement a little more closely.
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